[45] I don't have to be unemployed, right?

Kaoru returned late at night, after a long day filled with activities and thoughts of Asuka. As he opened the door to his apartment, he could already hear hurried footsteps from inside. As if Shiranui had some kind of radar or sixth sense, she immediately knew who was coming just from the sound of Kaoru's footsteps.

As soon as the door opened, Shiranui was already standing in front of him, adopting a very familiar posture, as though she were a wife welcoming her husband home from work. A warm, gentle smile adorned her face, creating a comfortable and familiar atmosphere.

"I'm home..." Kaoru said, as he took off his jacket.

"Welcome back," Shiranui replied softly, a sincere smile gracing her lips.

Kaoru returned her smile, though deep down, he felt a tinge of guilt. He felt uneasy, knowing he was somewhat taking advantage of Shiranui, who had lost her memory and was now living her daily life as a housekeeper. Meanwhile, Shiranui, once a widow with a child, seemed awkward in her role. Her presence, like that of a wife, made the apartment feel like that of newlyweds, though the situation was far more complicated than that.

Kaoru stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and glanced around the neatly arranged apartment. "Thank you for waiting," he said softly, trying to acknowledge and appreciate Shiranui's efforts, even though he felt uncomfortable with the dynamic between them.

Shiranui looked at him attentively. "Are you hungry? I've prepared dinner for you," she offered, though there was still a bit of awkwardness in her role as the household caretaker.

Kaoru nodded. "I've already eaten out, but thank you. I really appreciate it," he said, trying to keep the atmosphere positive.

Shiranui smiled gently and nodded, seemingly content with Kaoru's response. "In that case, I'll tidy everything up. You must be tired after a long day," she said, walking towards the kitchen.

Kaoru watched Shiranui with mixed emotions—feeling guilty for relying too much on her, yet also deeply grateful for everything she did. He knew Shiranui shouldn't have to handle everything on her own, especially after losing her memory.

As they sat at the dining table, with Shiranui busy preparing food, Kaoru decided to start a conversation. "Did Yukikaze visit you earlier?" he asked, catching a whiff of a perfume near the sofa that he didn't recognise.

"Yes, she came just to check on me," Shiranui answered while serving food onto plates. "Though I still don't understand why she always calls me 'mother' when we talk."

Kaoru looked at Shiranui with a pang of sadness. Yukikaze was her daughter, but he couldn't just say that outright. Revealing that fact would only complicate things further, especially with Shiranui's memory loss. Kaoru avoided the topic and instead kept searching for ways to help Shiranui remember Yukikaze, though he knew it wouldn't be easy.

During the morning and early afternoon, before being picked up by Asagi, Kaoru had been thinking of ways for Shiranui to regain her memories of Yukikaze. He felt sorry for the girl, who had lost her father at Kaoru's own hands, while her mother now seemed not to recognise her. Kaoru had also postponed repairing his old, broken phone—a device still sealed away in a drawer.

Kaoru tried to shift attention away from the tense situation by asking, "How have your days been here? Is there anything you want or need?"

Shiranui smiled gently. "No, I feel comfortable here. Kaoru, I think you've helped me a lot. But I still feel like something's missing, as if there's a void in my life."

Kaoru looked at Shiranui intently. "If there's anything you need or want to talk about, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll do my best to help you."

Shiranui nodded, and they continued dinner in a warmer atmosphere. Kaoru felt a little relieved, though he knew there were still many issues to deal with. He was determined to help Shiranui as best as he could while maintaining a positive and supportive relationship.

After dinner, Kaoru returned to the sofa and began using his tablet to check on the company now under his charge. Most of the money he had earned by exchanging gold coins from another world had been invested in this company. Although it was nearly bankrupt and had a reputation as a shady business, Kaoru was now its CEO.

He had no intention of treating his employees the way his predecessor did. Instead of overworking them, Kaoru believed in creating a supportive work environment and building trust as the key to developing the company. He wanted to prove that he was different, that he could be relied upon and wouldn't recklessly pass on responsibilities like the previous boss had.

Looking over the company statistics, which was involved in the services sector, Kaoru felt that this field no longer aligned with his vision. He decided to shift the company's focus to the entertainment industry. Nevertheless, Kaoru had no plans to fire the existing employees. He valued their skills and believed that their talents could still be highly valuable in the new entertainment sector.

Kaoru began drafting a strategic plan on his tablet. "If we can leverage the company's reputation in a more positive way, we might be able to make significant changes," he muttered as he typed. "The entertainment sector has great potential, and I'm confident that with the creativity of our team, we can make some major breakthroughs."

He thought about how to motivate his team and build their trust. Kaoru wanted to hold a meeting with all the employees to present his new vision and explain how these changes would bring new opportunities for them.

"Maybe it's time to call a meeting to explain everything," Kaoru said to himself. "I need to make sure they understand the company's new direction and feel involved in the process. That way, we can grow together."

As he thought about his plan for change, Kaoru continued to review relevant documents and statistics. He was determined to begin this transformation positively, assuring the employees that the company's future could be bright if they worked together towards these new goals.

When Kaoru finally closed his tablet and looked at the quiet living room, a sense of optimism filled him. He then switched to his new phone to send a message to the staff, scheduling a meeting for nine o'clock the next morning. He felt this was an important first step in introducing his new vision to the team.

As Kaoru was writing the message, Shiranui appeared with a cup of green tea. It was prepared in the traditional way, and its distinctive aroma quickly filled the room.

"Thank you," Kaoru said with a sincere smile as he accepted the tea from Shiranui.

Shiranui returned the smile gently, with a small laugh. "You're welcome..."

She then sat next to Kaoru, gazing at him curiously. "So, what are you up to, Kaoru-kun?"

Kaoru leaned back, savouring the tea before replying. "I'm thinking about the plan to shift the company's focus. We're moving from services to entertainment. I've got some great ideas to expand the company, especially in TV shows and music."

Shiranui raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "Entertainment, huh? That sounds interesting. What's your plan for TV shows and music?"

Kaoru thought about how to answer. "I've done some research on music in this world. The music tastes here are a bit different from what I'm used to. While there are some nice songs, I feel many lack uniqueness. I plan to bring something fresh and innovative to the market. As for TV shows, I find many of them boring and lacking quality. I want to introduce shows that are truly engaging and high-quality."

Shiranui listened closely, her face reflecting deep curiosity. "I don't quite understand, but can I still help?" she asked hopefully.

Kaoru turned from his phone to look at Shiranui. He could sense the sincerity behind her question. Shiranui seemed bored at home, and she appeared to want something more from her daily routine. Kaoru also realised that she might be seeking a way to feel more useful after losing her memory.

Seeing the hopeful gleam in her eyes, Kaoru began to reconsider. He couldn't keep ignoring Shiranui's desire to be involved. Indeed, Kaoru was hesitant to give her too much responsibility, but he knew he couldn't keep using her memory loss as an excuse. Shiranui had demonstrated clear managerial skills before she lost her memory, and she had held an important position in Gosha Village, a special place for the Taimanin.

Kaoru decided to express his thoughts. "Actually, I was thinking of involving you in this project. I know before you lost your memory, you had excellent managerial skills. I'd like you to help in planning and developing the strategy for our new entertainment division. I'm confident your experience and skills would be invaluable."

Shiranui looked surprised and pleased by the offer. "Really? I wasn't sure if I could still be of help after everything that's happened. But if you believe in me, I'll do my best."

Kaoru smiled, feeling relieved and happy. "Of course, I believe in you, Shiranui. I'm sure with your skills, we can achieve great things. Let's start by discussing the plans and ideas we have."

Shiranui nodded enthusiastically. "Alright, I'm ready to help. Let's make a big change together."

With Shiranui's support and enthusiasm, Kaoru felt more confident about the steps ahead.