[57] DSO (Defense Science Office)

Kaoru cautiously stepped toward the headquarters of the DSO (Defense Science Office) in Tokyo, now disguised as an orange company to maintain secrecy. This headquarters was a cutting-edge facility operated to handle supernatural threats, and Kaoru, posing as a mechanic, observed it closely. 

With his modest appearance, Kaoru scrutinized the building carefully. "This looks a lot like the government's department for handling supernatural threats," he muttered to himself. Kaoru's knowledge and experience made him realize that the DSO was the perfect place to gather information and advanced technology that might be needed for future missions. 

Meanwhile, Asuka, who had been anxiously waiting outside the headquarters, noticed Kaoru's arrival. Her bright, enthusiastic smile reflected her excitement and relief. Without hesitation, she approached Kaoru and forcefully pulled him along. "Looks like you made it! Come on, let's go inside!" Her voice was filled with excitement she couldn't hide. 

Surprised by Asuka's warm greeting, Kaoru gave a slight smile. He let himself be dragged inside the headquarters, feeling a warmth he hadn't experienced before. For a moment, all the burdens and hardships he had been carrying felt just a little lighter thanks to Asuka's presence. 

Kaoru followed Asuka attentively, his eyes full of curiosity as they passed through the bustling laboratories within the DSO headquarters. The advanced technology, glowing devices, and the energetic activity of the scientists created a vibrant and innovative atmosphere. It was as if this place was the hub of all the latest discoveries related to supernatural threats. 

Asuka, with a proud smile, introduced Kaoru to the various facilities. "This is where technology rapidly advances, with the goal of keeping up with the increasingly complex supernatural forces. We're always trying to stay one step ahead." 

Suddenly, a lab staff member who seemed to be familiar with Asuka approached. "Ah, Koukawa-san!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "How have you been?" 

Asuka turned in surprise, her eyes widening as she saw who greeted her. "Kenta-san!? Weren't you supposed to be in Oxford right now?" she asked, her tone a mix of shock and excitement. 

Kenta, a young scientist with thick glasses and a neatly pressed lab coat, smiled widely. "That's right, Asuka-san. But I came back for a bit to help with an important project here. There are some discoveries that need special attention, and I wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly." 

Kaoru took this opportunity to introduce himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kenta-san. I'm Kaoru, a friend of Asuka's. I've just started getting acquainted with this facility, and I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far." 

Kenta returned Kaoru's smile warmly. "Nice to meet you too, Kaoru-san. I've heard you have a very impressive background. If there's anything I can do to help you understand the technology here, don't hesitate to ask." 

Asuka, clearly pleased to see Kenta back and involved in the project, nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Kenta-san. Kaoru just arrived and is eager to learn more about what we're working on here. Maybe you could show us some of the more interesting areas?" 

Kenta nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! There are a few labs working on innovative projects that might catch your interest. Let me show you around." 

With that, Kenta guided Asuka and Kaoru through various areas of the DSO headquarters, explaining the latest discoveries and the technology being developed. Kaoru, continually impressed by the advancements being shown, felt more convinced that this headquarters would be a valuable asset in their fight against supernatural threats. 

As they moved through the facility, Asuka and Kenta continued chatting, while Kaoru absorbed every bit of information intently. That day, they not only gained new insights into the advanced technology available but also strengthened their working relationship, which would be crucial in facing the challenges ahead. 

As they continued their tour of the DSO, Kaoru became increasingly fascinated with the technology and facilities being showcased. However, his attention was soon drawn away when they crossed paths with a masked woman. Her appearance immediately caught Kaoru's eye. 

The woman, known as Masked Taimanin, wore a sleek black combat outfit that elegantly accentuated her silhouette. A red cloak draped over her added a dramatic touch, while her short, purple bob-cut hair added character to her overall look. Though her face was concealed by a mask, her striking purple eyes and powerful, charismatic presence were undeniable. 

Masked Taimanin paused when she saw Asuka, her voice tinged with surprise but filled with warmth. "Asuka-san?" she greeted, her voice soft yet firm. 

Asuka, clearly thrilled to see the woman, responded excitedly. "Masked Taimanin! I didn't know you were back from your mission! How did it go?" 

Masked Taimanin nodded, her voice filled with satisfaction. "The mission went well. We successfully completed the task and secured some important intel. It's good to be back and see you again." 

Kaoru, observing their interaction with curiosity, felt there was something intriguing about the masked woman. He admired Masked Taimanin's unique beauty and obvious strength. However, the nickname "Masked Taimanin" seemed somewhat at odds with her stylish and mysterious appearance. 

Asuka, noticing Kaoru's lingering gaze, introduced them. "Oh, Kaoru-san, this is Masked Taimanin. She's one of the elite members of our team, and she's incredibly skilled in her missions." 

Masked Taimanin looked at Kaoru with curiosity. "Kaoru-san, it's a pleasure to meet you. Asuka-san speaks of you often." 

Kaoru smiled warmly, hoping to leave a positive impression. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Masked Taimanin. I'm very impressed with what I've seen here so far." 

Kaoru observed Masked Taimanin closely, and a compelling thought began to form in his mind. Her identity was becoming clearer. "So, she's Koukawa Oboro. Does Asuka know that her other family is still alive?" Kaoru pondered with growing curiosity. 

As Masked Taimanin realized they would soon have to part ways to continue their respective tasks, she offered a brief smile. "Well then, feel free to look around; I have some work to attend to," she said with a tone that was both thoughtful and professional.

 Asuka turned to Kaoru with an inviting expression. "Kaoru-san, let's continue. I want to show you a few more areas that might interest you," she said enthusiastically. 

Kaoru nodded, following Asuka through the hallways of the headquarters, which showcased various advanced technologies and research facilities. During the tour, Kaoru occasionally glanced toward Masked Taimanin, who appeared to be busy with her duties, ensuring everything was running smoothly in the facility. 


That evening, amidst the hustle and complexity of their investigation, Oboro sat at her desk, surrounded by piles of files and documents. The dim light of the desk lamp cast dramatic shadows on the walls of the room. 

Oboro stared at the various reports and information scattered before her, her face tense and focused. The recent news about the destruction of the Ishiyama family and the dismantling of the Yakuza network connected to them was both baffling and shocking. It all seemed to describe a meticulously planned and brutal operation. 

"All the crimes of the Ishiyama family were exposed in one night. Not only that, but the remaining Yakuza factions chose to retreat and withdraw," Oboro muttered as she reorganized the scattered documents. "And the mastermind behind all this… Hatoru Danzo. That name... Why does it sound so familiar?" 

She sighed and resumed her search, typing a few key phrases into the computer on her desk. Although the information she uncovered was fragmented, she could sense that Hatoru Danzo was no ordinary name. It had deep ties to legendary ninja techniques, something that involved the Taimanin techniques often mentioned in myths and history.