[58] Ninja in Disguise

Oboro stood at the edge of a tall building, gazing out over the glittering panorama of Tokyo beneath her. The night had draped the city in a quiet darkness, illuminated only by thousands of lights shining like stars on the ground. From this height, all the chaos below seemed distant, like a thin mist clouding the view.

In her guise as the Masked Taimanin, Oboro reflected on recent events. After checking on Takuto, now homeless and seemingly having lost his mind, she realized that her search for information might have been in vain. Takuto, left to wander in his shattered mental state, clearly had little valuable information to offer.

"Pointless," Oboro muttered, knowing there wouldn't be much to gain from Takuto. "He's too far gone, having lost control of himself."

"Now I have to rethink my plans," she said softly, eyes fixed on the distant city lights. "Damn Nomad, how dare they clone me and try to destroy Asuka. Even if it's Edwin Black, I'll protect her."

As Oboro pondered her next move, the sound of footsteps approaching broke her concentration. Instinctively, she heightened her senses, feeling the presence of someone nearby.

"Come out!" she called firmly, her voice echoing through the quiet night.

From the shadows emerged a mysterious figure dressed in traditional ninja attire. His tall, muscular frame was accentuated by two swords strapped to his back. His appearance exuded confidence and strength.

He stepped forward, the black mask covering his face only revealing his sharp eyes, which locked onto Oboro with an intense gaze. "Seems I can't sneak around so easily tonight," he said calmly, though his tone carried a subtle menace. "I didn't expect the situation to turn out this way—it's quite unexpected," he grumbled, clearly displeased.

Oboro, her instincts sharp and her desire to uncover the truth stronger than ever, immediately asked, "You... Are you Hatoru Danzo?"

Kaoru, who was disguised under that name, nodded slowly. "Yes, that's me." He briefly regretted using the Danzo surname, realizing the weight and history it carried in the Taimanin world.

Oboro stared at Kaoru with disbelief. "So it's you. What's your purpose in all this?" she asked, pointing towards the major cleansing event Kaoru had conducted two days prior.

Kaoru responded casually, "Well, I just can't stand seeing evil people living comfortably, that's all."

"So you're doing this for fun?" Oboro replied, her tone laced with threat. "If that's the case, you're a danger to us."

Kaoru gave a faint smile, seemingly unbothered by the threat. "Hey, that's harsh. I've been helping you and your organization, you know? Don't you know what the Ishiyama family has been up to all this time? Don't assume I'm just a threat without understanding my background."

Oboro carefully weighed the situation. "It's true that the Ishiyama family has committed many sins. However, carrying out a cleansing without consideration can also create new problems. How can I trust that your actions won't cause more chaos?"

Kaoru nodded, acknowledging her concern. "I understand your worries. My actions may be extreme, but I'm doing it to clean up evil that has been allowed to fester for too long. If you need more clarification or assistance, I'm willing to discuss it."

Oboro regarded Hatoru Danzo (Kaoru) thoughtfully. "I can't trust that so easily," she said, preparing herself for a fight.

Kaoru sighed behind his mask. "Oh well, so this is how it ends, huh? Fine, if you want a test, I'll indulge you," he replied, drawing a short katana from his back.

Though Kaoru wasn't well-versed in ninja arts, he was far from weak. As a swordmaster and Aura user, his skills were exceptional. Meanwhile, Oboro (the Masked Taimanin) was known for her proficient ninja abilities and deadly knife skills.

The battle began swiftly. Oboro used her speed and agility to evade Kaoru's attacks, while Kaoru remained calm, measuring each of his opponent's moves with precision. Despite Oboro's reliance on ninja techniques and quick movements, Kaoru utilized his expertise and Aura to read and respond to her strikes with remarkable efficiency.

Kaoru deflected the thrown knives with quick movements, sending them embedding into the concrete with sharp, ringing clangs. He immediately reacted with heightened alertness as Oboro attempted to capitalize on the distraction to launch a surprise attack.

With near-invisible speed, Oboro executed her ninja technique, moving her body as though merging with the shadow of the knives lodged in the concrete. In an instant, she was beside Kaoru, ready to deliver a devastating strike, her body surrounded by shimmering Taiman particles. These particles formed a glowing aura around her, radiating a threatening and awe-inspiring magical energy.

Kaoru, with his calm gaze, sensed the pressure of energy surrounding him, realizing the power of Oboro's technique. However, he remained unaffected. With smooth, skillful motions, Kaoru concentrated his Aura, preparing both a defense and a counterstrike.

As Oboro closed in at high speed, Kaoru used the momentum to meet her attack with an elegant, controlled katana movement. Each of his actions displayed extraordinary skill, countering Oboro's technique with precision. His katana moved fluidly and swiftly, deflecting each of her strikes with pinpoint accuracy.

Oboro unleashed attack after attack, but Kaoru skillfully blocked or evaded them with ease. Using a combination of swordsmanship and Aura, he controlled the flow of the battle, turning Oboro's assaults into opportunities to expose her weaknesses.

Oboro felt the pressure mounting from Kaoru's dominance. Each time she tried to catch him off guard with her advanced ninja techniques, Kaoru responded with quicker, more effective moves. No matter how hard she pushed, it was clear Kaoru's combat skills were superior.

In a climactic moment, Kaoru caught Oboro's final strike, redirecting it with a swift, precise katana maneuver. He used a technique that harnessed his Aura's power to sap the attack's strength, leaving Oboro in a disadvantaged position.

"Enough," Kaoru said calmly. "I respect your skills, but this is over."

Oboro, panting and with her body pinned in an unfavorable stance, looked at Kaoru with both respect and a hint of admiration. "You're truly remarkable. I must admit your superiority."

Kaoru smiled and sheathed his katana. "I'm just doing what needs to be done. If you have questions or need further assistance, I'll be around."

Oboro lowered her weapon, gazing at Kaoru meaningfully. "Alright, let's talk," she said, conceding.