[62] First girlfriend's approval

In Kaoru's apartment, the morning felt calm, but the air in Shiranui's room was filled with tension. Kaoru knocked on the door before entering, but his gaze immediately landed on Shiranui, who was packing, shoving her belongings into a suitcase.

"Shiranui… What are you doing?" he asked, his tone full of confusion.

Shiranui jumped slightly, but she tried to smile. "Ah… Kaoru-kun," she replied hesitantly. "I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. But I feel… I have to leave. I don't want to be a burden to you both…" Her voice trembled as she fought to hold back the emotions threatening to spill over.

Kaoru quickly walked over to Shiranui and sat in front of her. He took her hands, forcing them to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked, and Kaoru saw the confusion and sadness reflected in Shiranui's.

"Listen..." Kaoru began, his voice gentle yet firm. "If this is about your feelings… I know you like me. I don't want to disappoint you or make you feel alienated."

Shiranui looked taken aback, her mouth slightly open but no words came out. Kaoru continued, "Last night, I talked to Asuka. We both made a decision."

"A decision about what?" Shiranui asked, confusion evident in her voice.

Kaoru smiled faintly and glanced toward the door. "You'd better hear it directly from Asuka. It's more like a girls' talk, so I think it's best for you to speak with her yourself."

At that moment, the door slowly opened, and Asuka appeared in the doorway. The brown-haired girl entered calmly, a soft smile on her face, but her eyes showed a deep understanding.

"Shiranui," Asuka said gently, "we need to talk."

Shiranui's gaze shifted between Kaoru and Asuka, fear and uncertainty etched on her face. Yet, with Asuka's presence, she knew this conversation was important—perhaps it was the moment when all her doubts would be answered.

Kaoru stood up, giving them space to talk. "I'll wait outside," he said in a calmer tone. "Talk to Asuka, Shiranui. You'll understand."

With that, Kaoru left the room, leaving Asuka and Shiranui to begin a conversation that could change their dynamics forever.


As Kaoru quietly closed the door behind him, an awkward atmosphere immediately filled the room. Shiranui felt restless, as if she were facing an interrogation from the girlfriend of the man she liked. Yet, she knew Asuka wasn't there to judge her.

"Asuka… I—" Shiranui tried to speak, but her voice sounded uncertain. She felt she should just give up and distance herself from her feelings for Kaoru.

"Asuka-san," Shiranui called again, her voice trembling.

But Asuka remained calm, looking at her with understanding in her eyes. In her mind, Asuka knew how strange this situation was. Shiranui, despite being over thirty, had a personality partly stuck in a teenage state due to her temporary memory loss. Meanwhile, Asuka herself was only eighteen; clearly, there was an age gap between them, but love knew no such boundaries.

"I understand your feelings, Shiranui-san," Asuka said softly, though her tone was firm. "And I accept you."

Shiranui stared at Asuka, puzzled. "Accept me? What do you mean?"

Asuka smiled, albeit a little shyly. "I accept you to stay by Kaoru's side. Not as a guest or charity case, but… as a lover too."

"Huh? Wait, I never said that—" Shiranui stammered, feeling that the situation was becoming more absurd.

Asuka continued, remaining calm despite the increasingly sensitive topic. "Shiranui-san, I know you like Kaoru. And I can't blame you. He really is the kind of guy who can make women fall for him easily. I sometimes feel like I can't handle my feelings alone."

"Handle? What do you mean?" Shiranui asked, growing more confused.

Asuka took a deep breath before speaking honestly. "I mean… in the bedroom."

"What!?" Shiranui nearly jumped from her seat, her face flushing instantly. "Wait a minute, this isn't—"

"You don't know, Shiranui-san," Asuka interrupted, her tone more casual yet straightforward. "Kaoru has stamina like a monster. I truly can't handle him alone. He… is endless."

"E-everywhat!?" Shiranui covered her mouth, trying to comprehend what she had just heard, feeling even more confused and shocked than before.

Asuka smiled gently, realizing that teasing like Kaoru was a pleasure of its own. However, beneath her teasing lay a seriousness she wanted to convey.

"I'm sorry if I was too blunt earlier," she said. "But I'm serious about this, Shiranui-san. I truly accept you."

Shiranui lowered her gaze for a moment, hesitant to respond. "But… are you sure? I don't want to ruin your relationship. You two just started this, and I don't want to be a hindrance..."

Asuka shook her head slowly. "Shiranui-san, this isn't about ruining a relationship. It's about feelings. I know you like Kaoru, and I also know he means a lot to you. But the important thing is, I want to know… what makes you like Kaoru?"

Shiranui paused, her gaze blank as if searching for an answer within herself. Slowly, she took a deep breath. "Kaoru… he's always been there for me. Since I lost my memory, I felt broken, like a part of me was missing. But Kaoru never gave up on helping me. He treated me kindly, patiently, and… he gave me hope when I felt most desperate. Maybe that's why I like him… He makes me feel valuable again."

Asuka listened quietly, nodding slowly. "That's why I never felt you were a burden. If Kaoru can bring happiness to both of us, why should anyone feel left out?"

Shiranui still looked puzzled, though she was slowly beginning to understand Asuka's point. "But… do you really not mind this? Sharing Kaoru?"

Asuka smiled again, this time more sincerely and gently. "I love Kaoru, Shiranui-san. And I also value your feelings. If this can make us all happy, why not?"

Shiranui fell silent, touched by Asuka's sincerity. Though the situation was far from what could be considered normal, she felt the warmth of acceptance she had never anticipated. However, there was still one thing that made her hesitant.

"But," Shiranui said softly, "we have to tell Yukikaze… You know, she is my daughter?"

Asuka nodded. "Yes, I know. Even though you lost your memory, there's a natural feeling of motherhood that arises when you talk about her, isn't there? You feel the urge to be closer to her, to watch over her, and care for her, right?"

Shiranui lowered her gaze, pondering those words. "Yes, even though I don't remember giving birth to her, there's a strange feeling… like an invisible bond that keeps pulling me toward her."

"That's the feeling of motherhood," Asuka said softly. "Even if your memories are gone, part of you still recognizes her. We will resolve this with Yukikaze, and after that..." Asuka paused for a moment, her smile turning slightly teasing. "...Kaoru can do his duty."

Shiranui looked at her in confusion. "Duty? What duty?"

Asuka chuckled softly, her voice sounding mischievous. "Of course, to make you his completely."

Shiranui's face flushed instantly, like a girl experiencing love for the first time again.