[64] A Being in an awkward situation

Yukikaze arrived alone, without Rinko. As she sat on the sofa, her gaze immediately fell on her mother, Shiranui, who was holding hands with Kaoru on one side while Asuka held the other. The sight made Yukikaze guess the reason she had been summoned.

"What is this?" Yukikaze glared directly into Kaoru's eyes, her tone filled with suspicion.

Kaoru, usually accustomed to dealing with tough situations, somehow shrank under Yukikaze's gaze, as if being interrogated by a future mother-in-law. "Ahem, it's not like that... I just wanted to apologize for this situation becoming complicated."

"WHAT!? You fell in love with my mom!?" Yukikaze exclaimed, her voice high-pitched, her eyes widening.

However, before Kaoru could respond, Shiranui interjected calmly, "Actually, I'm the one who fell in love with him. So, I hope you don't blame him. This is all my fault."

Yukikaze stared at her mother, who, despite losing much of her memory, was still someone she knew well. She sighed heavily, her hand pressing against her temple. "But, Mom! He promised to heal your memory, but in the end!? I suspected this would happen. I already had a plan to take you away, but I didn't expect it to be this soon!"

Asuka looked like she wanted to help explain the situation, but Kaoru raised his hand, stopping her. It was his responsibility to resolve this issue himself.

"Listen, Yukikaze," Kaoru began, his voice more serious. "I know I made a promise. And I've found a way. There is a way to restore some of your mother's memory—perhaps not all of it, but at least enough for her to remember you as her daughter."

Instantly, the room was filled with heavy silence. Yukikaze's eyes widened with hope. "What? You found a way?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Kaoru nodded and then directed his gaze to the table in front of him, as if preparing a more scientific explanation. "Shiranui-san suffered brain nerve damage due to a strong electric shock. It was designed to make her submissive, but in the end, it burned away part of her memory. She lost about half of her life's memories, which is why she acts like a teenager."

Kaoru paused to ensure everyone was paying attention before continuing, "It's impossible to restore lost memories like that. Imagine paper that has turned to ash—we can't return it to its original form."

Yukikaze swallowed hard, her voice soft. "So, what can we do?"

Kaoru took a long breath before answering, "Yes, natural healing won't be able to restore lost memories. However, there is another way—it's risky, but it might work. I was thinking of transferring some of your memories to Shiranui."

"Transfer... my memories?" Yukikaze was taken aback, while Asuka frowned. "Is that even possible?"

Kaoru nodded slowly. "Scientifically, no one has succeeded in doing something like this yet. But I have a theory, and I believe it could be possible. However, I can't do it alone. I need the help of an expert, someone who has deeper knowledge in this area."

Everyone looked confused, but there was a glimmer of hope in Yukikaze's eyes. "So, you really believe this could work?" she asked hopefully.

Kaoru looked at Yukikaze and then at Shiranui. "I can't guarantee it completely, but this is the best chance we have," he replied firmly yet cautiously.

Yukikaze seemed to ponder for a moment, reflecting on the possibility. "But... transferring memories, huh... Will we need a skilled technician or mechanic to create advanced medical equipment to do this?" she asked, now turning her gaze to Asuka, who was from the DSO (Defense Science Office).

Asuka thought for a moment, looking at the ceiling as if searching for an answer. "Hmm... Maybe Kenta could help, but I'm not sure. Making medical equipment isn't his specialty since he's more adept at designing weaponry," she said hesitantly.

"Kenta, huh... He might be interested if we can pique his curiosity," Kaoru replied, a thoughtful expression on his face. "He loves a challenge."

Yukikaze then spoke up. "As for a scholar skilled in medicine? Maybe Murasaki-sensei could help. She is one of the best experts in this field."

"Murasaki?" Shiranui murmured softly, as if trying to remember. "Ah, you mean Yatsu Murasaki. I remember her... If I'm not mistaken, I recall her as a shy girl who often kept to herself."

Yukikaze smiled slightly. "Yes, but now she has grown a lot. She's one of the medical experts and health teachers at Gosha Academy, so she must have a trustworthy track record."

"Hmm... I see. In that case, I'll meet this Murasaki to discuss it. Can you make an appointment for us?" Yukikaze asked.

"I'll give it a try and explain the situation; she might be interested," Yukikaze said.

After hearing Kaoru's explanation, a glimmer of hope appeared in everyone's eyes. However, Yukikaze still looked upset, especially because she had to accept the reality that her mother now had a younger lover.

"Okay, since everyone seems to agree and there doesn't seem to be anything else to discuss, how about we have lunch?" Kaoru said cheerfully, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

However, Yukikaze glared at Kaoru. "Hey, I'm still not accepting your relationship!" she protested in a high-pitched tone, though she was slightly frustrated.

Kaoru turned with a half-awkward, half-joking expression. "Well, at least we've made some progress, right? Let's have lunch first; we can discuss acceptance after we're full."

Asuka let out a small laugh, trying to ease the tension. "Yukikaze-chan, maybe after lunch you can think more clearly. After all, Kaoru is hard to turn down, right?" she said, shooting a playful glance at Kaoru.

Shiranui, who still looked awkward about the situation, could only manage a small smile. "If we're all going to do this together, then... lunch doesn't sound too bad as a start."

Yukikaze huffed but eventually relented. "Fine... but I'll be keeping an eye on you two!" she said half-threateningly, though she was starting to soften.

Kaoru laughed with relief, while Asuka and Shiranui exchanged smiles. Though the situation was far from perfect, there was a feeling that they were all moving toward a better direction, one small step at a time.


After lunch, Yukikaze said her goodbyes first, leaving Kaoru with Asuka and Shiranui to clean up the kitchen. While the girls busied themselves in the kitchen, Kaoru sat in the living room, checking his company data on his tablet.

"Hmm... looks like I've found a talented musician," Kaoru murmured after reading the musician's profile. An internet singer who frequently uploaded videos on a social media platform similar to YouTube. Although her voice was beautiful and melodic, the genre she performed was quite niche, preventing her from gaining widespread fame. Nevertheless, she remained consistent in sharing her work.

Kaoru smiled slightly. "This is the perfect time to recruit her. It's the first step in the musical revolution of this world."

However, before he could delve deeper into his plans, a scream from the kitchen grabbed his attention.

"What!? Kousuke is missing!?" Asuka's panicked voice made Kaoru immediately stand up and rush to the kitchen, while Shiranui turned with curiosity.

"Asuka, what's going on?" Kaoru asked, his expression serious.

Asuka turned around, her face filled with worry. "I just received a call from my stepmother, Asagi. She said Kousuke has been missing since last night, and at the last place he was seen, there were signs of a struggle."

Shiranui, who was nearby, was also startled. "Signs of a struggle? Could he have been kidnapped or attacked by someone?"

Kaoru furrowed his brow, quickly thinking through the situation. Kousuke was Asuka's childhood friend and the adopted son of Asagi. Kaoru had briefly met him through Asuka's stories, before she revealed her feelings for Kaoru.

"Asagi... isn't she an exclusive member of the DCST (Department of Countering Supernatural Threats)?" Kaoru asked, recalling some of the things Asuka had mentioned.

"Yes, that's right," Asuka replied, her voice slightly tense. "But Asagi isn't just an exclusive member of that department. She's also the head of Gosha and a prominent figure in the village."

Kaoru was taken aback by this revelation. 'Wow, that woman is truly a successful career woman,' he thought, remembering his encounter with Asagi during their threat assessment at the DCST. He recalled how assertive and authoritative Asagi had been in professional situations.

"Asuka…" Kaoru tried to break the heavy silence that had settled.

Asuka turned to him, her eyes filled with concern. "Kaoru… I have to—"

Kaoru looked at her gently. "I understand, Asuka. Don't worry. You can help search for Kousuke, and if you need assistance, ask me anytime. I'll fully support you."

Asuka looked touched by his response. Without saying a word, she stepped forward and gave Kaoru a deep, affectionate kiss, surprising him slightly. The kiss was sincere, filled with gratitude and depth. Shiranui, who was nearby, could only watch with a hint of envy, though she tried to hide it.

After a moment, Asuka slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled softly, her face looking more at ease. "Thank you, Kaoru. I'll handle this myself. But if I need help, I know you'll always be there for me."

Kaoru nodded confidently, while Asuka prepared to leave to search for Kousuke. Meanwhile, Shiranui quietly admired the relationship between Kaoru and Asuka, even as she felt a twinge of sadness over the situation they were facing.