[67] Fight with Edwin Black

Hatoru quickly realized that his opponents were no ordinary foes. Two members of the Nomad team, rebels from the Taimanin faction, stood before him with determined gazes. Both were specialists in Taimanin particle manipulation, a rare ability even among elite ninjas. Unlike Kaoru, they didn't use hand seals; instead, they manipulated the elements instantly, harnessing the energy around them in a way only Taimanin could.

'Rebel Taimanin, huh?' Hatoru thought, feeling the lethal aura radiating from both of them. Even so, he knew this wasn't the time to hesitate. He swiftly drew one of the katanas from his back, the blade gleaming in the moonlight.

The first attack came from the rebel ninja who controlled wind. Sharp gusts assaulted Hatoru from every direction, like thousands of invisible blades. However, with smooth and quick movements, Hatoru parried each attack using his katana, sparks flying with each clash of wind and steel.

The second ninja, the fire controller, followed up with his assault. Massive fireballs floated in the air, ready to crash down upon Hatoru. But Hatoru remained calm. He swiftly chanted a spell, forming hand seals amidst the oncoming barrage.

"Suiton: Suijinheki!" Hatoru shouted. A massive wall of water rose from the ground, enveloping him and extinguishing the fireballs as they made contact, leaving only thick steam in their wake.

The rebel ninjas were stunned. They hadn't expected Hatoru to use ninjutsu so quickly and efficiently. Without needing long incantations, Hatoru had effortlessly kept pace with their attacks. Still, Hatoru knew he needed to end this fight quickly.

"I can't let them maintain control for too long," Hatoru murmured to himself.

In a flash, Hatoru swung his katana with all his strength, unleashing a lightning-infused slash. "Raiton: Kaminari no Yaiba!" he cried. The strike was so fast that the wind-controller couldn't react in time. The lightning blade hit him hard, sending him flying backward.

Seeing his companion fall, the fire ninja tried one final attack. Blue flames, far more intense, ignited around his body and surged toward Hatoru like a meteor. But Hatoru was ready.

With lightning speed, he leapt into the air, dodging the fiery assault. While airborne, he aimed his katana downward and attacked with full force. "Kiri Kamikaze!" Hatoru's sword unleashed a sharp energy that pierced the fire ninja's defenses, striking him with an unstoppable force.

The rebel ninja crashed to the ground, unable to stand.

Hatoru landed softly, his eyes still sharp and vigilant. The battle had ended quicker than he expected, but he knew that in this world, there was no room for underestimating any foe.

From a distance, Oboro, who had been watching the entire time, could no longer hide her surprise. "He's stronger than I thought… far stronger."

As Hatoru gazed down at his fallen adversaries, he sheathed his katana back into the scabbard on his back. "Taimanin, rebel or not, are still ninjas... but I am not someone who can be defeated easily."

With calm steps, Hatoru walked away from the battlefield, leaving the two rebel ninjas lying helpless. His goal remained clear—Chaos Arena still held many secrets, and he wouldn't stop until they were all uncovered.


As Hatoru busied himself scavenging through the ruins, searching for anything useful, he felt a growing tension at the back of his mind, realizing that Oboro had been following him more openly. Without turning, he sighed and decided to end the cat-and-mouse game.

"Oh, come on, you can come out now," he called out, his tone calm but firm.

Startled, Oboro, still masked as the Masked Taimanin, nearly stumbled at hearing the call. Awkwardly, she stepped out of the shadows, cautiously approaching Hatoru, not wanting to provoke him.

"What?" Hatoru asked, glancing at her briefly.

"Eep!" Oboro squeaked, her voice sounding both cute and stiff. Not wanting to anger him after witnessing his incredible skills, she added with a slight tremble in her voice, "Nothing... umm... You're amazing!"

Hatoru raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by the compliment. "Is that so? Thanks," he responded nonchalantly.

Before the conversation could continue further, the ground beneath them began to shake violently. A rumbling echoed through the air, and before they could react, both Hatoru and Oboro leaped back at high speed, away from the epicenter of the tremors. An enormous explosion occurred instantly, sending debris and rubble flying everywhere.

From the gaping hole that formed, a horrifying Devil Worm emerged, a massive creature writhing its grotesque body as it erupted from the depths.

But even more shocking than the worm itself were the figures that emerged from its mouth. Four humanoid figures, each radiating a strong and intimidating aura, stepped out from the darkness.

"What... is this...?" Oboro muttered, her face clearly showing tension.

The first figure was a dark version of Oboro, almost indistinguishable from her except for the malicious look in her eyes, highlighting the deep difference between them. This figure wore similar clothing, but her aura was filled with darkness and unmistakable evil intent.

The second figure was a brown-skinned woman, Ingrid, dressed in light armor that showcased her muscular physique, with a large sword strapped to her waist. Her face was full of confidence, exuding the presence of a formidable warrior.

The third figure was a tall, middle-aged man with gray hair, dressed in luxurious attire—a fine suit, long coat, and a white scarf that billowed behind him. This was Edwin Black, a man notorious for his cunning mind and mysterious powers that had always been behind much of the chaos.

The final figure was a woman with long blonde hair and glowing red eyes. She wore a tight Taimanin outfit, nearly identical to the dark Oboro's. Her name was Kaliya, a Taimanin whose mere presence emitted a sense of terrifying strength, despite her silence.

Hatoru stood still, his eyes assessing each figure as they emerged one by one. Oboro, beside him, was clearly nervous, knowing this fight would be far more challenging than anything she could have imagined.

"So, these are them... the real enemies," Hatoru thought, readying himself for whatever came next.

Edwin Black grinned, his glowing red eyes focusing sharply on Hatoru. His voice, which had been full of menace earlier, now shifted to something colder and more oppressive.

"Surprising... a ninja with such an ancient appearance and... the infamous Masked Taimanin," he said, glancing at Oboro from the corner of his eye. "Tell me, what is your purpose in disrupting my fun!?"

The terrifying aura radiating from Edwin was so powerful that Masked Taimanin, Oboro, felt her body almost paralyzed under its weight. But unlike her, Hatoru remained completely unfazed, as if the aura meant nothing to him.

Hatoru smirked in disdain. "Heh... Is it not obvious, or are your eyes just failing you?" He casually raised his hand, the smirk still lingering on his face. "This is clearly a declaration of war!" he said, extending his hand confidently, signaling that he was ready to fight at any moment.

As a vampire king, Edwin Black was usually able to maintain his composure in any situation. But this time, his anger was barely contained. His red eyes gleamed as he gave his command in a cold, controlled voice.

"Kaliya, Oboro, Ingrid. I give you permission to kill them!" His voice dripped with barely restrained fury.

His three subordinates instantly prepared to strike, but before they could even move, Hatoru had already dashed forward at incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, all three enemies were sent flying in different directions, slammed by Hatoru's brutal and unrelenting strikes. Debris scattered, and the three foes crashed down hard, while Hatoru stood beside Edwin Black, without even delivering a direct attack.

Their eyes met in silence. Hatoru's red eyes locked with Edwin's slit-pupiled gaze, creating an unspoken tension. The auras between them seemed to form a battlefield of their own, making the Masked Taimanin, watching from a distance, feel as if she was witnessing two legendary creatures—dragon and demon—facing off against each other.

Edwin finally broke the silence. "That was impolite. Tell me, what's your name?"

Hatoru stared at him sharply. "Hatoru... Hatoru Danzo."

Edwin's eyes widened at the mention of that name, his expression shifting. "Danzo? Impossible... You can't be part of that legendary ninja clan!"

Hatoru shrugged indifferently. "I don't know, nor do I care about my family's history. But right now, what's more important is you, Edwin Black." He sneered, fearlessly challenging Edwin.

Edwin nodded slowly, his eyes still glowing dangerously. "Very well."

Suddenly, without warning, a blood explosion erupted between them. The blast created distance between the two, flinging rubble into the air and scorching the ground around them.

Hatoru stepped back a few paces but remained calm, while Edwin stood with his cloak billowing, his sinister grin returning.

"Let's see, Hatoru Danzo... if you're truly worthy of being my opponent."