[68] Fight with Edwin Black (II)

While Hatoru and Edwin Black were engaged in an epic battle radiating a terrifying aura, the Masked Taimanin noticed from the corner of her eye that their previously scattered enemies—Kaliya, the evil version of Oboro, and Ingrid—were slowly rising from the rubble. The three seemed unfazed by Hatoru's earlier brutal attack, their faces once again showing clear expressions of vengeance and murderous intent.

However, as Kaliya and her comrades attempted to step forward and interfere in the fight between Hatoru and Edwin, the Masked Taimanin leaped forward, blocking their path. The evil Oboro displayed a sly grin, while Ingrid calmly drew her sword, ready to strike.

"Don't think you can interfere," the Masked Taimanin said firmly, her posture indicating she was prepared to fight to the death to stop them. Despite the overwhelming aura emanating from the battle between Hatoru and Edwin, she knew she had to keep these three adversaries at bay to allow the main fight to proceed without interruption.

Kaliya sneered, her eyes gleaming with hatred. "Do you really wish to die here, Taimanin?" she taunted sharply, her body beginning to emanate dark energy. The evil Oboro and Ingrid also readied themselves, their powers intensifying as their combat aura grew stronger.

The Masked Taimanin assumed a defensive stance, her hand reaching for the weapon on her back. "I won't let you get any closer." Her voice was cold and resolute.

Ingrid, her gaze filled with hatred and a cold tone, approached with her sword glinting under the faint moonlight. "Step aside... or I'll sever your head," she threatened firmly, impatient and furious after being hit by Hatoru's sudden attack earlier. The massive explosion that had destroyed the Chaos Arena still resonated in the air, leaving behind chaotic ruins. No one knew for sure if the other spectators and participants had survived the destruction, and Ingrid grew increasingly irate because their plans to enjoy Asagi tonight had been ruined.

Kaliya, the notorious Snake Lady known for her sadism, stood beside her, a cruel smile evident on her beautiful yet deadly face. The evil Oboro appeared calm, but her malicious gaze signaled she was ready to annihilate anyone who stood before her. The three were a genuine threat, each possessing extraordinary power.

The Masked Taimanin knew that this battle was more than just a clash of strength. Ingrid was a former commander of the Black Dragon forces in hell, a highly dangerous swordmaster. Kaliya, a brutally unarmed fighter, wielded god-like strength. And the evil Oboro possessed ninjutsu skills and dagger arts as lethal as her original counterpart.

She took a deep breath, realizing she couldn't possibly win against all three. However, she had to hold them off long enough to prevent them from disrupting the fight between Hatoru and Edwin Black. It was the only way.

As she prepared to fight, suddenly, the sharp sound of wind was heard from afar, and a woman gracefully landed beside her. Asagi, clad in a tight purple Taimanin suit, appeared without warning. Her long blue hair fluttered in the air, and her blue-green eyes radiated calm vigilance. A gleaming katana was gripped in her hand, and her elegant yet powerful stance instantly changed the atmosphere.

"Asagi..." the Masked Taimanin sighed in relief, not expecting the legendary Taimanin's arrival. With Asagi's presence, their chances of survival increased, although the enemies they faced were still extremely formidable.

Ingrid frowned, twirling her sword impressively. "So you finally show up, Asagi," she said mockingly. "I thought we'd enjoy your defeat in the arena tonight, but it seems I'll have to settle for defeating you here."

Asagi was unfazed by the taunt. She simply stared straight ahead, undeterred. "I'm not here for your games, Ingrid," she replied calmly but firmly. "I'm here to stop all of you."

Without further warning, the battle erupted. Asagi advanced with a speed difficult for the naked eye to follow, her sword slashing with precision and power. The Masked Taimanin followed behind, striving to maintain her balance while facing three extremely dangerous foes.

Kaliya, with her extraordinary strength, tried to trap Asagi in a deadly grip, but Asagi nimbly leaped into the air, evading the attack and countering with a swift slash that nearly struck the evil Oboro. Ingrid, on the other hand, initiated a sword duel against the Masked Taimanin, the two swordmasters exchanging blows with exceptional speed and strength.

Despite the intensity of the battle, Asagi remained calm. She knew that the fight between Hatoru and Edwin behind them was the most crucial.


With a swift leap, Hatoru evaded Edwin Black's terrifying attack. The blood spear launched at lightning speed only struck empty air, creating a small explosion on the ground where Hatoru had stood moments before. He exhaled briefly, glancing momentarily toward Asagi, who was elegantly battling their enemies in the distance, supporting the Masked Taimanin.

"Meh, seems I don't need to worry about that side," Hatoru muttered, his voice filled with a calm that bordered on mockery.

Edwin noticed Hatoru's lack of attention and, without further delay, gathered his magical power again, hurling more blood spears that flew toward Hatoru with deadly precision.

"Look at me when you're fighting me!" Edwin shouted, his voice echoing with barely concealed rage. As the Vampire King, he was not accustomed to being ignored.

However, even as the spears came at incredible speed, Hatoru moved elegantly and swiftly, his body twisting in the air, dodging each attack like an untouchable breeze. In one quick motion, he drew the katana from his back and, in an instant, surged forward, counterattacking with a sharp slash.

Hatoru's sword moved so swiftly that its gleam was almost invisible. His attack sliced through the air between them, but to Edwin, the pressure from the slash felt tangible. He stepped back a few paces, realizing that Hatoru was no ordinary ninja. His movements were unpredictable, filled with deadly speed and precision.

"You're very fast..." Edwin murmured, his voice turning cold. "But I'm not done yet."

Edwin raised both his hands, and the blood around them began to converge, forming a terrifying vortex of energy. From that vortex, shadowy creatures made of blood emerged, ready to attack Hatoru from all directions.

"Ninpō..." Hatoru whispered while forming hand seals with movements so swift and practiced. The air around him subtly vibrated, indicating he was about to unleash a powerful ninjutsu.

The compressed energy orb emitted by Edwin Black moved with incredible speed, threatening to obliterate anything in its path. Yet, Hatoru remained calm, his gaze filled with confidence.

"Fūin: Reppūken!"

In an instant, a fierce wind erupted around Hatoru, forming a swirling wall of immense power. Edwin's dark energy orb collided hard with the wind vortex but was immediately unraveled, its power diminished by Hatoru's ninjutsu technique. The resulting explosion from the clash of forces shook the ground, but Hatoru stood firm in its midst.

"What?!" Edwin was shocked. His supposedly destructive technique hadn't had the expected effect. His red eyes narrowed, realizing his opponent was no ordinary ninja.

Hotaru lowered his hand after completing the ninjutsu technique, the wind around him slowly calming. He glanced at Edwin with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes radiated a cold determination.

"Is that it?" Hotaru said mockingly, his voice calm but laced with contempt. He stood casually with his katana drawn, while Edwin Black stood shocked in front of him. 

"No! Impossible! Ninjutsu!?" Edwin shouted, his voice filled with disbelief and astonishment. "That ninja technique was supposed to have disappeared a thousand years ago!" He stared at Hotaru, his slitted red eyes widening, brimming with anger and confusion. 

For Edwin, this was a massive shock. The ninja world he knew had long evolved with the particle manipulation techniques of Taimanin, essentially replacing the use of chakra in old techniques. Modern ninjas like Oboro and the fighters of Chaos Arena had long abandoned pure Ninjutsu. They relied on advanced technology and element manipulation from Taimanin particles. But Hotaru... Hotaru was using something different. Something thought to be extinct. 

"Is that so?" Hotaru responded, a hidden smirk behind his mask. "Whatever it is, forget about it. What matters now..." He lowered his katana, his eyes locked on Edwin, unflinching. "Do you still have the strength to continue this?" 

Edwin Black gritted his teeth. His rage boiled over. How could he, the Vampire King who had dominated the world of darkness for hundreds of years, be faced with someone using this ancient technique? A technique that was supposed to be mere legend. 

"You'll regret underestimating me!" Edwin roared, a terrifying black aura swirling around him like a storm. "I am the king of darkness! I will not be defeated by a ninja stuck in the past!" With one swift movement, Edwin began to transform, morphing into Archon-Majin. 

In an instant, his body changed; his white hair stood tall, and three pairs of glowing red eyes opened. Four additional arms sprouted from his back, each gripping weapons that shimmered with magical energy. Those weapons vibrated with dark power, ready to destroy. 

"Now, witness my power!" Edwin bellowed, his voice reverberating, adding layers of intimidation to his terrifying appearance. His gravity-manipulating abilities began to take effect, causing the ground beneath them to tremble and objects around them to rise as if caught in an unseen force. 

Hotaru showed no fear. He remained calm, his katana glowing with gathered chakra. "Interesting transformation," he said flatly. "But is that enough to defeat me?" 

Edwin moved one of his arms, and the magical weapon shot towards Hotaru with incredible speed. "Gravity Suppression!" he roared, manipulating the gravity around Hotaru, trying to pin him down with unbearable weight. 

But Hotaru, with the speed of a trained ninja, leaped to the side, dodging the attack and shifting his focus. "Ninpo: Kaze no Jutsu!" He summoned the wind to create a shield, blocking more incoming attacks from Edwin. 

Meanwhile, behind them, the battle between Asagi and the three enemies—Kalya, Ingrid, and the evil version of Oboro—intensified. Asagi skillfully wielded her katana, fending off deadly strikes, while the Masked Taimanin fought to keep the three fighters from interfering with Hotaru and Edwin's fight. 

"Let's just say, this fight is mine!" Hotaru shouted, attempting to break Edwin's concentration. "You've gone too deep into the darkness!" 

Edwin laughed, his voice echoing in arrogance. "Darkness is my power! And you, ancient ninja, will only become part of lost history!" Swiftly, Edwin moved all his arms, unleashing a barrage of attacks, raining down weapons ready to obliterate. 

"I won't let that happen!" Hotaru declared, forming hand seals again. "Ninpo: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Multiple shadow clones of Hotaru appeared, all ready to strike in unison.