[95] Meeting the First King Aslan

Kaoru slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a white ceiling—unfamiliar yet somehow oddly familiar. This wasn't the first time he'd been in this room, and he knew exactly where he was. 

"Ah, I'm here again..." he thought, sighing softly. Without rushing, he sat up from the soft yet firm bed. The room was spacious, with pristine white walls adorned with towering pillars reaching up to the ceiling. Everything looked grand, giving the impression that this was no ordinary place. 

Kaoru sat for a moment, taking in his surroundings. He had been here many times before, always during certain moments—back when he was still actively involved as a hero in another world. This place was unmistakable—the King's Domain, an exclusive space accessible only to a select few. It was the private domain of the legendary knight king, Augustus Ludwigo Charlemagne. 

Before Kaoru could process the situation further, the voice of a young child broke the silence. "This is…" the child's voice sounded hesitant. Kaoru turned and spotted a young boy standing near one of the pillars. The boy's golden blond hair gleamed under the soft light emanating from the ceiling. His bright blue eyes radiated both calm and curiosity. The grand uniform he wore signified his high status, though his small frame didn't quite match the grandeur of the attire. 

Kaoru immediately recognized him. Despite his youthful appearance, Kaoru knew who this boy really was. 

Augustus Ludwigo Charlemagne—or as Kaoru more casually called him, Lud—the Knight King who wielded extraordinary power, despite his small, childlike body. 

"Yo, Lud-san," Kaoru greeted casually, as though this encounter was nothing more than a conversation between two old acquaintances, even though there was a long history between them. 

Lud looked at Kaoru with gentle eyes, his large, shining eyes reflecting a mix of relief and nostalgia. A small smile spread across his face, as though he was welcoming back someone long awaited. "You've returned here again, Sir Roland," Lud said, his voice calm and filled with respect. 

However, Kaoru immediately let out a deep sigh, his expression growing slightly tense. He had heard this many times before. With a patient tone, he corrected, "Lud, I'm not Roland. Haven't I told you before, I'm Kaoru—not the reincarnation of your dear friend Roland!" 

Lud appeared slightly surprised at the correction, even though this wasn't the first time Kaoru had made the same point. His clear eyes searched Kaoru, as if trying to find something hidden deep within him. "But... the similarities, both in your abilities and your demeanor," Lud murmured softly. "You always remind me of Roland, the strongest knight who once protected this world." 

Kaoru shook his head, this time more firmly. "I understand Roland was your friend, and I get why you keep seeing traces of him in me. But I'm not him. My life's path is different, and so are my goals," he said, meeting Lud's gaze with eyes that were both resolute and empathetic. 

After a brief, awkward silence, Lud suddenly burst out laughing, his laughter bright and free like that of a child who had just heard a funny joke. "Hahaha~… Of course, who else would recognize you as Roland but me? Sir Roland had a far worse personality than you. He was a pervert, mischievous, and a troublemaker—honestly, compared to him, you're much more polite," Lud said, still chuckling. Kaoru could only roll his eyes at Lud's joke, though in his heart, he agreed about Roland's troublesome nature. 

Lud continued, still smiling, "But despite all that, he was incredibly loyal to me and exceptional at leading the Charlemagne army. We won many battles thanks to Roland's strategies and courage. Even though times have changed, he remains a war hero of my era." 

Kaoru listened quietly, though slightly bothered by the constant comparisons between himself and Roland. However, before he could comment, Lud suddenly asked, his expression serious, "Anyway, Kaoru. I know your task of slaying the World Eater is complete. My kingdom of Aslan and all the other regions have been saved. You should have been sent back by the gods by now, but... why are you still connected to my domain?" 

Kaoru cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Ahem, well…," he hesitated before continuing. 

He began explaining how, after completing his mission, instead of returning to his world, he had been thrown into an entirely different realm. A world with advanced technology, a mix of science fiction and supernatural elements, much like something out of a modern novel. 

Lud fell silent for a moment, then erupted into laughter even louder than before. "AHAHAHAH! What? I never expected your life to be full of such bizarre and interesting events! Hahaha, you and that nonsense! There's always a new story from you!" 

Kaoru just looked at Lud with a flat expression, feeling slightly annoyed by the child's laughter. He resisted the strong urge to smack this small emperor on the head. "If only you knew, this isn't nonsense," he muttered to himself. 

Lud, still grinning widely after his long bout of laughter, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. "You never change, Kaoru. Your life is full of unexpected things," he said, his eyes gleaming with nostalgia. 

Kaoru let out a long sigh, feeling weary from all the unexpected events in his life. "Yeah, that's… my life," he replied flatly, as if resigned to the ever-strange adventures he found himself in. 

Lud nodded for a moment, then furrowed his brows with a mischievous expression. "Hmm… Let me guess, you're able to come here only because of that cursed sword, right? Clarent, isn't it?" 

Kaoru simply nodded, acknowledging the truth without wanting to delve further into the topic. "Yes," he said briefly. 

Lud chuckled softly, his lips twitching as though holding back a sharp comment. "My, my! You're still using the sword that once killed me," Lud said in a teasing tone, though his words carried the warmth of an old memory. 

Kaoru felt a slight sting from Lud's remark, though he knew it wasn't meant seriously. "You know as well as I do, Clarent is more than just a cursed sword. Besides, it's saved my life more than once." 

Lud's smile softened, his eyes shining with memories. "Of course, but I'll never forget how that sword cut through my body and stopped my heart. Quite ironic, isn't it? The sword once wielded by my best friend to kill me is now in the hands of someone I also consider a friend," he said, his voice gentle and understanding. 

Kaoru felt a slight twinge from the statement but remained calm. "Don't dramatize it, Lud. I'm not here to rehash the dark past," he said, trying to steer the conversation away from painful memories.

But Lud just laughed lightly. "Anyway, Kaoru, I'm glad we can talk again. No matter how strange your life is, you always bring interesting stories into mine," he said sincerely, his gaze soft despite still being the great emperor.