[96] Hippo the gryphon

Kaoru and Lud engaged in a lengthy conversation. Kaoru recounted his life after finishing his role as a hero and how he found himself trapped in a strange new world. He described the complex situations he faced, including the supernatural phenomena and advanced technology that coexisted in this new realm.

Lud listened attentively, showing genuine sympathy. Although he had been an emperor in his past life, their friendship transcended status and time. "I suspected as much," Lud finally spoke after Kaoru finished his tale. "You still get quite temperamental when you hear the cries and suffering of those around you. Well, that's how it is—a hero always suffers upon witnessing the pain of others."

Kaoru lowered his head, agreeing with Lud's words. "That's true; I can't just stand by when people are in danger. And this time, the world feels like Earth but different. The year is 2082, where technology has advanced significantly, yet supernatural forces still exist. It's all incredibly complicated. I might be able to turn a blind eye to the minor misfortunes I can't see, but when a missile almost explodes in front of a crowd... that's another story," Kaoru explained seriously, the memory of that incident still fresh in his mind.

Lud nodded, understanding how difficult Kaoru's situation was. "Hmm... what you're facing is truly complicated. A world that is technologically advanced but still dominated by supernatural phenomena. You must feel very pressured," Lud paused, thinking before continuing. "Anyway, I have a suggestion for you."

Kaoru stared at Lud seriously, waiting to hear what the young emperor would say.

"As you mentioned, the world you're in is far from okay. A lot of chaos is happening, and you, with the instincts of a hero, can't just sit back. However, I think you need to start choosing your battles. Not every incident can you resolve, and not all problems can you handle alone. Just like in my time, Sir Roland often had to rely on allies and troops to handle crises. You need people you can trust, someone to have your back in the midst of battle," Lud offered his advice with a wise tone, despite his youthful appearance.

Kaoru pondered Lud's words. "You might be right. But in a world filled with uncertainty like this, it's hard to find someone trustworthy."

Lud smiled gently. "Trust me, even though the world is different, the basic principles of humanity remain the same. Amidst the chaos, there is always a light. Seek out those who align with you, who share the same goals. And don't hesitate to rely on them. Don't let your sense of responsibility as a hero make you bear the burden alone."

Kaoru sighed, feeling a little relieved after hearing that advice. "I understand. Maybe I've been trying too hard to solve everything on my own."

Lud nodded. "Exactly. Remember, even the greatest heroes need help."

A moment of silence filled the room, but there was a lighter feeling between them. Kaoru felt a renewed drive to face the world ahead, even though it was filled with challenges and dangers.


Kaoru suddenly woke up, a strange feeling creeping in as his gaze settled on an unfamiliar ceiling. The dream of talking with Lud was still vivid in his mind, as if they had just parted ways. As he tried to move, Kaoru heard a soft groan beside him.

He turned his head, searching for the source of the sound. There, Asuka was asleep in a chair next to his bed, looking exhausted yet radiating tranquility in her slumber. Kaoru was surprised and somewhat touched to see her.

"Oh my... how long have I been asleep?" he murmured softly, his voice almost a whisper. Gently, Kaoru reached out and patted Asuka's head affectionately. He felt guilty, seeing how tired she was from keeping watch over him.

Asuka stirred slightly but remained asleep. Kaoru stared at her for a moment, recalling the events leading up to his unconsciousness—the explosion, the panic, and then… darkness.

While he was still busy comforting Asuka, he suddenly heard a forced cough from the direction of the door. Reflexively, he turned to see a tall man with a masculine face, long pink hair, and a neatly dressed servant's outfit. The man stood not far from the bed, looking at him with a respectful gaze.

"Ah... Hippo?!" Kaoru exclaimed, startled to see him. "You've changed forms again?"

Hippo, who was actually the griffin Kaoru had summoned earlier, now stood in his human form. The man offered a slight smile and bowed respectfully. "Yes, it has been a while, Kaoru-sama," he replied in a formal tone.

Kaoru took a deep breath and rolled his eyes slightly. "How many times do I have to tell you not to use formal language with me? I'm not your master, Hippo," he complained, feeling a bit embarrassed by the creature's constant formality.

Hippo merely smiled, his expression calm and respectful. "I apologize; it's a habit, Kaoru-sama. It's hard to change."

Kaoru sat up straight in bed, feeling a bit relieved even though his body still felt heavy. "Why are you here? And what's my condition?"

After that, Hippo explained how Kaoru had become weak after performing high-level magic and summoned him using an artifact, then brought him to Gosha village, where he collapsed into Asuka's arms just as they landed.

Kaoru sighed softly after hearing Hippo's explanation of what had happened. His body still felt weak, and his mind was foggy as if shrouded in mist. He recalled the moments before passing out, but everything felt like a distant dream that was hard to grasp.

"So... I really did pass out in Asuka's arms, huh?" Kaoru said in disbelief, a little embarrassed by the situation.

"That is correct, my lord," Hippo replied seriously, although there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "When you dismounted from my back, your body collapsed from exhaustion. Asuka-san managed to catch you before you hit the ground."

"Eh, really?" Kaoru scratched his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. He wasn't the type to enjoy being treated like someone who needed looking after.

Then, Kaoru's expression turned more serious. "Did I experience Mana Fever?" he asked, voicing the most concerning thought on his mind.

Hippo nodded slowly. "Yes, it seems so. Your body overexerted itself while using high-level magic. The excessive use of Mana affected your performance. Your current condition does exhibit the symptoms of Mana Fever."

Kaoru sighed deeply, leaning back against the bed's headrest. Mana Fever was something he had experienced several times, especially while in this world. Unlike in his previous life, the Mana in this atmosphere was very thin, making the recovery process much slower.

"Here we go again... the Mana is too thin," Kaoru muttered. "Even the last time, when I used sacred magic to reconstruct my stepdaughter Asagi's body, it took me a whole week to recover my Mana."

Hippo nodded, fully understanding the situation. "That's right, and it seems this time you'll also need some time to recover your Mana. Don't overexert yourself, Kaoru-sama."

Kaoru could only smile wryly. "Looks like I don't have much choice, do I? I'll rest for a while. How long do you think I should take this time?"

Hippo looked at Kaoru seriously. "You should truly rest for at least a few days. The recovery of Mana can't be rushed in this world's conditions. Don't be reckless."

"Alright... I understand," Kaoru replied quietly, although there was still anxiety in his heart. The last incident lingered in his mind, and he knew this world never gave him enough time to truly rest.