New powers

After sprouting the last white rose in the vase, Yuki ran home happily.

"Mum! Mum!"

The fair lady looked up from the swing she sat on and Yuki rushed to her placing the vase of beautiful white roses on her lap.

"For the most beautiful lady I have ever met."

"And where did this little one learn how to say such things?" a man's voice sounded from behind him.


His father pet his head and looked at the roses on his wife's lap.

"Beautiful indeed."

The lady's cheeks turned a pale red from the compliment and Yuki smiled.

"Come on you two. It's time for dinner. Let's head inside."

Hand in hand the three walked into the house. Yuki's mother served both her husband and son some food, passed it to the two before sitting down with her own plate.

"Mum, dad. Look what I can do."

He opened his palm and a white ball of light formed above his hand.

The size of the light ball was no larger than a quail's egg but he was proud of himself for making this ball and he wanted his parents to be proud of him as well.

Both of his parents clapped and pride welled up in his heart.

"Incredible! He can already make a light ball even though he's still so young," his father said.

"Can you do anything else?" his mother asked and Yuki nodded.

"Um... it might not be incredible like a light ball but I can do this..."

As he spoke he ran his hand over the table and a white rose bloomed from the wooden top.

His mother's eyes widened in surprise as his father's face had a look of astonishment.

"You... how did you do that?" his father asked and Yuki lowered his head.

"Ah.. Yuki dear, your father is just amazed by what you can do at such a young age. He just wants to know so that he can get you a teacher to teach you all about your powers."

Yuki raised his head his eyes glowing with excitement.

"I don't know. It just happened," he replied honestly and his father nodded his head.

"Yuki, do you want to learn how to make fire?"


"Yes. Something like this."

He snapped his fingers and a red flame formed on his hand.

"That's so cool. Can you please teach me how to do that? I want to make fire too."

Before his father replied, his mother slapped the back of his head.

"What do you mean teach our son how to make fire. What if he accidentally hurts himself?"

Yuki watched in silence as his mother scolded his father and warmth filled his heart.

He got down from his seat and walked to his parents. He sat on his father's lap and grabbed his mother's hands in his.

"Don't be angry at dad."

Yuki's mother sighed and ruffled his hair," Am not angry or anything. I just think that we might be rushing things when we teach you such advanced stuff."

"Will it be okay if dad teaches me when am old enough?"

"When you are of age, you may learn whatever you want from your father but right now..."

She grabbed him from her husband's lap and carried him in her arms.

"... stay and keep your mother company."

Yuki wrapped his hands around her neck," Yes!"

"Okay then. We should finish the food before it goes cold," she said setting him down on his seat.

After tucking in her child to bed and placing a kiss on his forehead, Yuki's mother silently walked out of the room and headed to the balcony where his husband was seated and watching the full moon above them.

"Is he asleep?" he asked upon hearing the shuffling of feet behind him.

"Yes. I just put him to bed."

He nodded and resumed his gaze, his wife sat beside him and leaned against his shoulder.

"What's troubling you dear?" she asked and she could feel his body tremble under her.

"Our son... he's got powers."

"Incredible right! The flowers he made were so beautiful."

Yuki's father nodded his head as his gaze grew blank. Yuki's mother noticed this and sat up, gazing into his eyes with concern.

"Is something troubling you dear?"

Yuki's father gazed from her worried face to the full moon above their heads.

"Do you think he'll be safe here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I received word that the Mythical Research Centre are out to hunt my kind and use us for their greed."

"How did you know about this centre?" She asked curiously and he sighed sadly.

"Hard not to when people are disappearing right? Their relatives are worried."

"Do you mean other beings like you?"

"Mn. They are being hunted down and am worried that if they find out about Yuki he'll.."

She placed a finger on his lips silencing him," Sshh, don't say that okay? Our son will be safe."

Yuki's father nodded his head though not fully satisfied with this.

"We should go rest first. We can deal with the circumstances when they occur bit right now, why don't we just live in the present and enjoy ourselves?"

He pondered this for a moment and a smile spread across his face. He wrapped his hand around his wife's waist and pulled her closer to him.

"You know what, maybe my baby is right. Why should I concern myself with things that haven't happened yet?" he asked placing a light peck on her cheek," I shall only worry about how to make my family happy."

"That's the spirit!"

Yuki ran ahead of his parents skipping and jumping over the stones and tree roots.

"Slow down son! You'll hurt yourself if you keep running like that," his mother shouted after him but he turned a deaf ear to her words.

"Look at your son, he doesn't listen to any word I say anymore."

"Relax honey, he's just excited to go on a picnic. It has been a while since the three of us last enjoyed ourselves as a family."

Though not convinced by her husband's words, she managed to calm herself and they proceeded towards the valley.

"Hurry up father and mother!"

"We're coming! We're coming!" His father replied pulling his wife with him as he rushed towards his son.

Yuki chased after a butterfly as his parents sat side by side on the small hill with numerous flowers.

"This place never ceases to amaze me," Yuki's mother said leaning against her husband's shoulder.

"Should I build you a house here? That way you can enjoy this scenery every day."

She shook her head and let out a hearty sigh," No need honey. We can always come visit whenever we want."

"Look at how lively Yuki is."

Their gazes landed on Yuki who was surrounded by numerous butterflies and they smiled.

Time passed by quickly and soon, the sun set into the horizon, giving the sky a golden red glow.

"Yuki! Time to go home!" His mother called out to him but got no response.


She scanned the surrounding area and apart from the flowers, there was no sign of her son.

"Honey, I can't find Yuki..."

Panic filled her gut and she rushed towards the nearby forest her husband behind her.


"Where are you son? Yuki!"

Using the fire in his hands to light up the path in the forest, Yuki's father ran ahead calling out to their son.

"What if those hunters got to him and k..."

She choked on her words and her husband shook his head at her thoughts.

"No. He's going to he alright. We need to have faith that he didn't run into any hunters."

She nodded her head and pushed away her worries.

"You're right honey. Our son is safe. He just chased after a squirrel or something."

Feeling less anxious, they pressed on till a faint whimper echoed around them.

Yuki's father stopped and placed a finger on his lips. Cautiously, he walked towards the source of the sound.

"I'll try and get you out okay?"

Yuki's father looked at his wife who nodded her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

They walked into an open area in the forest and saw Yuki kneeling beside a fox which had its foot trapped.


"Huh? Mum?"

She ran towards him throwing her arms around him.

"Don't ever scare your mother like that again. Do you know how worried I was?"

"Sorry for worrying you mother. I just followed the sound of this little guy," he said and his father knelt before the frightened fox.

"You wanted to help it?"

Yuki pulled away from his mother's arms.

"Yeah. I tried to pull its leg free but only worsened the wound."

His father nodded and studied the trap.

"Well that's a given. You're not supposed to just pull at something caught in this type of trap."

Yuki nodded and squatted closer to his father watching him as he slowly pet the fox's head.

"I'll help you out okay?"

Yuki's mother found a dried branch which she placed above the flame on her husband's hand igniting it instantly.

"Here you go Yuki. Hold this up for your dad so that he can help free the fox."

Yuki took the branch and raised it above his father's head. Using both his hands, he managed to open the foothold trap and carefully removed the fox's wounded leg.