Old friend

The fox licked Yuki's father's hand in gratitude. He pet its head and when it tried to walk on its injured leg, it let out a soft whimper and lay on the ground.

"You shouldn't move, here I'll take you to a doctor."

Yuki knelt beside the fox and gingerly stroked its fur.

"My dad will make sure you're all healed and ready to go," he said enthusiastically and his parents chuckled behind him.

"Okay okay you two, it's getting late. Let's take the little guy home with us and tomorrow we can go visit the doctor."

"Really?" Both father and son asked in unison and she let out a quiet chuckle.

"Let's go."

The three walked from the forest and arrived at their house hours later.

Using his powers, Yuki created a soft flower like bed and placed the fox on it. The fox snuggled into the flowers and Yuki smiled.

"I guess you really like this bed huh?" He asked petting behind its ears.

His mother's voice sounded from further in the room," Yuki! Time for your bath!"

"Coming mother!"

He rushed out of his room and headed to take a bath. Once he was done, he walked back to his room and found the fox fast asleep on the custom bed he had made. He smiled and slipped into his own bed, dozing off instantly.

The two, Yuki and his father, walked into the green cottage belonging to a friend of his father's.

Yuki's father knocked on the door," Hello? Is anyone home?"

The door creaked open and Yuki hid behind his father upon eyeing the figure by the door.

"Oh? What brings you here?" The man asked his voice soft and Yuki peeked from behind his father's leg.

"My son here found an injured fox and being the only doctor I know, I thought you'd check on it?"


Yuki's father nodded and pulled Yuki to his side," Look how much he's grown."

The man eyed Yuki from head to toe and nodded," He's grown indeed. And he's much more beautiful that I remember, he looks so much like your wife."

Yuki mumbled a greeting and the man raised his clawed hand and pet his head.

"Don't be scared of me kid. Am your father's old friend. You can call me Uncle Ling."

Ling was a green wolf hybrid. Green wolves, apart from Ling, who was saved by Yuki's father when their home was attacked, were all either captured or killed and Ling, having been saved from death, promised to help Yuki's father whenever he needed his help. Slowly this debt brought them closer and with time, they became inseparable.

Ling had emerald green eyes which when looked at closely, had an emerald like feeling. His hair was white and his skin pale. He was a few inches taller than Yuki's father. Though Ling was younger than Yuki's father, when together, he seemed like the elder one.

"Let's get going then. You said you saved a fox?"

Yuki nodded and Ling closed the door to his home.

"You aren't carrying any supplies?"

Ling swung his arm over his shoulder," Why should I? You have the things I gave you last time right?"

Yuki's father rubbed his nose bridge," That was a long time ago? Am sure they've gone bad by now."

Ling retorted," Impossible! Those herbs came from my personal garden. How could they have gone bad when a thousand years haven't passed?"

Yuki's father chuckled and only then did Ling realise he was messing around.

"You've always been an easy one to mess with," he laughed and dodged Ling's punch.

Ling grabbed Yuki's hands and squeezed them lightly," Yuki, don't be like your father when you grow up okay? He's always teasing me."

Yuki nodded and smiled warmly," I'll never tease anyone Uncle Ling, you can rest assured."

Ling smiled and pulled him into an embrace," You're such a cutie."

Yuki chuckled into his shoulder and Yuki's father cleared his throat," Ling, if you want a child, it's never too late to..."

"Yuki! Do you want to race Uncle Ling home?"

He placed Yuki on the ground and he immediately dashed towards their home. Ling chased after him and Yuki's father watched them leave. He sighed and shook his head," He's always dodging that topic."

Yuki's father arrived minutes later after Ling and Yuki and found them in the dining room.

Yuki looked up upon sensing his father's presence," Dad! You came in last."

He looked at him and Ling and shrugged," I wasn't part of your race now was I?"

Yuki turned to Ling," Uncle Ling, you were right."

Yuki's father raised his brow and his wife walked into the room," Ling told him you would say you weren't part of the race. Yuki didn't believe it at first and insisted on asking you yourself."

Ling," I told you right? I know his every thoughts on certain things."

Yuki's eyes glowed with admiration," Really? Even mum doesn't know that. Uncle Ling, you're my best friend from now on."

Ling pet his head and smiled," Doesn't sound too bad."

Yuki's mother and father shook their heads and before they could say something, a loud crash sounded from the top floor.

Yuki dashed towards his room, Ling and his parents following behind him.

The door to his room slowly creaked open and Yuki looked into the room, only to be met by a mess of red stains all over the floor.

Ling scanned the room and without any word, hurried towards the cupboard.

Yuki walked into the room looking for any sign of the fox.

"Hey fox... where are you?"

Ling opened the cupboard and curled up among Yuki's clothes was the fox. Ling picked it up by its neck and turned around," This it?"

Yuki looked up and rushed towards him," Yes! You found it Uncle Ling. How did you do it?"

Ling pointed at the trail of red leading to the closet," The little guy wasn't exactly being 'careful' when he tried to hide."

The fox wiggled in his hand but couldn't break free.

In a cloud of smoke, the fox vanished and in its place, there was a boy who seemed no younger than eighteen years old struggling to break the hold of Ling.

"Let me go already!" He exclaimed digging at Ling's hands with his fingers.

Ling raised the boy to his line of sight and chuckled amused," Look at that. He took a human form but it seems he is not strong enough to hide this."

He lightly flicked the boy's twitching ears and the boy reverted back to a tiny fox.

Yuki's father placed a hand on Ling's shoulder and took the struggling fox from his hands," Don't tease the little guy. Look you made him turn back into a small animal."

Ling shrugged his shoulders uninterested," It's not my fault he can't maintain his human form."

Yuki rushed to his father's side and pet the fox calming it down.

"He turned into a boy just now didn't he? Or was I seeing things."

Ling chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder," No boy, he really turned into a boy but he wasn't strong enough to stay in that form so he reverted back to a fox..."

He turned and saw Yuki nodding his head but the blank look in his eyes was more evident showing that he wasn't paying much attention to him.

"You understand what am saying right?"

Yuki smiled innocently before answering honestly," Not really no. I don't understand anything you're saying."

Yuki's father chuckled and pat Ling's back," He's too young to understand how the world works."

Ling sighed and straightened up his back," Yeah. I'll just deal with what brought me here then. Get me the herbs."

He grabbed the fox from Yuki's father's hands and shooed them out of the door. Yuki stopped and turned to Ling to say something but thought better of it and left with his mother.

"Yuki!" Ling called out to him and he stopped and turned to look at him," don't worry. I'll fix him till he's good as new."

Yuki nodded and left hand in hand with his mother.

"The poor thing is in good care under Ling and your father. Let's go, you can help me prepare some healing tonic to quicken the fox's recovery."

Yuki's father walked into the room, bag in hand. The fox spotting a familiar face, tried to rush towards him but Ling grabbed its front right paw and raised it in the air.

"I have the medicine," Yuki's father said placing the bag on the table.

He turned and saw the fox struggling in Ling's grip," Ling, the fox doesn't seem to like you very much. How about I hold it while you tend to its wound?"

Ling looked from the fox to his friend's face and sighed," Fine. Here."

He placed the fox in his arms and it stopped wriggling. He pet it and Ling took the bag, pouring its contents onto the table.

"Hmm... this will do, this will help stop the bleeding... this leaf would be a great rope..."

Having everything he needed ready, he turned to the fox.

"Hold it still. Am going to apply the medicine," he instructed Yuki's father who nodded his head and gently held onto the fox's body and leg.

Ling applied a bit of the green medicine on the wound and the fox let out a high pitched shriek disturbing to the ears. The sound did little damage to Ling as he continued applying the medicine without flinching. Once he was done wrapping up its leg, he rubbed his forehead.

"Never in my life have I ever dealt with a species that makes noise like this one."