Everyone goes their own way

Yuki's father chuckled," A taint to your peaceful treatments?"

Ling," Yes! Why does this little one despise my touch so much? Am just treating him so that he can be well. There's no need for all the hatred right?"

Yuki's father thought for a moment before speaking up," Maybe your face scares him."

Ling squeezed his cheeks," My face? Am handsome am I not? You'll never find a guy as old as I am with the face of a youth no matter where you search."

Yuki's father laughed off his confidence and turned to the fox in his arms," Little one, does the doctor scare you?"

The fox lifted its head, glanced at Ling then buried its head deeper into his arms.


Ling grabbed its tail and pulled it from Yuki's father," What was that reaction just now? Are you that scared of me?"

The fox wiggled in his hand and Yuki's father stood up from his seat," Watch him. I'll go check with the tonic to quicken his healing."

The fox watched with sadness as he left and Ling shook it.

"What are you looking at him for? Am the one with you now."

Yuki stood on his tip toes and watched his mother stir.

She noticed his stare and smiled," It's almost ready. No need to rush, okay dear?"

"Am not rushing just..."

His words cut off as the smell of herbs hit his nose and he was forced to cover his nose in disgust.

"Hey honey! Is the medicine re..."

His father covered his nose as well and Yuki's mother chuckled at their reactions.

"What? Is it that terrible?"

Both father and son nodded in unison and she chuckled," Well it's not for you two anyway."

She poured the medicine into a bowl and placed it on the table.

"I'll take the medicine to uncle Ling," Yuki said and picked the hot bowl from the table.

"Careful with that son. Don't trip and accidentally burn yourself."

Yuki dashed up the stairs leading to his room and his mother sighed into her hands.

"He doesn't listen to us anymore."

Yuki pushed the door with his shoulder and walked into the room. He found Ling seated cross legged on the floor an exhausted look on his face. Beside him, a little boy lay with his head on his lap.

"Uncle Ling?"

Ling looked up and mastered a small smile," Yuki. You brought the medicine?"

He nodded and placed the bowl in front of him. He sat on the floor and studied the boy's figure.

He had short white hair and white ears flickered at the top of his head, his skin was pale almost white and a fluffy white tail wagged behind him. His eyes were huge and round and they were a deep ocean blue colour. His lips were charred and almost blue making him look like he had a serious illness despite his cute facial proportions.

"Uncle Ling... this is.."

Ling picked up the bowl and placed it near the boy's nose and he immediately sat up, his ocean blue eyes showing disgust and fright.

"What's that? Poison?"

"No it's medicine to help you recover quickly," Yuki corrected him and the boy turned to him.


Yuki nodded his head," My mum made it. She said it will help heal your wounds in a few days."

The fox boy looked at the two men before him and the expression on his face clearly showed that he did not believe a single word he was told by these two.

Ling sighed and placed the bowl on his lips," Drink it up."

The boy sealed his lips tight not allow the rim of the bowl into his mouth.

Ling looked at the boy and shook his head. He stood up and walked towards the boy.

He was used to patients who would not take their medicine and this little fox was no exception.

The fox scurried back and stopped by the wall. With no way to go either front or back, he curled up into a ball hiding his face in his tail.

Ling called Yuki over to his side and gave him the bowl.

"Hold this for a minute."

Ling pulled the boy's tail from his head and grabbed his body. The little boy struggled against his grip but could the strength of a small boy be compared to an adult who was thrice his size?

He was easily conquered and his mouth forced open by Ling's fingers.

"Quick! Pour it into his mouth."

Yuki nodded and rushed forward pouring the warm liquid into the tiny mouth. The boy gagged and tried to spit out the bitter medicine but Ling foresaw this and covered his mouth forcing him to down the medicine.

After five mouthfuls of torture, Ling let go of the boy and he ran to the corner of the room coughing loudly.

"Heartless!" He shouted the corner of his eyes filled with tears.

Ling ignored him and walked towards the door wiping the drool of the little fox on his clothes.

"Whatever you think," he said and walked out of the door.

Yuki walked towards the trembling boy and squatted before him.

The boy looked up in alert and Yuki reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of sweets.


The boy looked at the numerous coloured wraps on Yuki's hands and cautiously stretched a trembling hand. He picked a red covered candy, opened it and popped it into his mouth his eyes widening at the sweetness.

"Is it good?"

He nodded and picked another candy eating it happily. The sweetness of the candy helped with the bitter after taste and soon, his mouth no longer had the sourness of the medicine he was forced to drink.

"Thank you," he said gratefully and Yuki smiled.

They chatted for a long time, the fox introducing himself as Min. He spoke about how he was wandering in the woods searching for a flower to add colour to his home when he accidentally got caught in the laid out trap.

"If it wasn't for you I don't know what would have become of me."

They spoke till late in the evening when Yuki's mother came to the room taking the two down for dinner.

The wounds on Min healed faster than anticipated and on the third day, there was not a single mark on his leg.

Min hopped around excitedly his tail swishing left and right showing his happiness. Ling watched him jump around and smiled.

"Hey kid! Are you going home now?"

Min stopped jumping and turned to Ling. He stuck his tongue out at him and ran towards Yuki.

Ling chuckled and turned to Yuki's father," Guess he still hates me even though I was just doing my job."

He sighed shaking his head sorrowfully," Just how many people will hate me because I want what's best for them? Am going to head home now."

"Do you need me to accompany you? Maybe for a quick drink to ease your worries?"

Ling smiled and pat his shoulder," No need. Am going to sleep before the appointment with a patient in the northern woods."

"You have a patient that far?"

Ling looked at him and shrugged," Distance isn't much trouble for me."

Yuki's father nodded his head. Ling was a wolf hybrid so of course speed was in his blood.

Ling waved the family farewell and disappeared through the trees.

"I guess I should also get going. See you around," Min said and hopped happily down the path.

Yuki stood rooted in place waving him farewell till his white tail disappeared.

"Yuki, come here son," his father called out to him and he walked back.

Yuki's father stood before the ancient tree which had a width of five grown men and a height that reached up to the sky. The tree bark was old and was a deep shade of brown mixed with black. Numerous cuts were displayed on the bark probably from something sharp cutting through the hard wood all the way up till where the eye could see.

The tree was the home to the oldest and most fiercest being to exist. A creature that preferred the calmness and sounds of nature.

The first branch in sight was about ten feet above ground and curled up in a circular motion on the branch was a shade of deep blue.

Yuki's father cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted as loud as he could at the blue thing," Hello?"

The blue thing remained motionless and Yuki's father clicked his fingers and a green flame appeared over his palm.

He placed his hand on the tree bark and it was immediately engulfed in the green flames. The flames rose up the tree bark up to about thirty feet above.

"Greetings Qi, I have something important to ask of you," Yuki's father's voice echoed from the green flame surrounding the blue creature.

The blue creature raised its head and looked around the flame surrounding him before lowering his gaze to the annoying thing under its tree. From its height, he looked like a small black dot.

"What do you need?"

"Come down, my powers aren't as strong as before so I can't keep the communication flame burning for long," he stated and the little blue creature jumped down from the branch and flew down before landing on the ground.

Yuki's father knelt down, sat on his ankles, placed his hands on his lap and straightened his back.

"Master Qi, sorry to disturb your peace but I really need your help."