
Qi seemed annoyed by his presence but didn't speak up his thoughts, instead he lay his head on the grass.

"What do you exactly need?"

Yuki's father chuckled nervously," You know that I have a son right?"

"Yes and?"

"I need your help looking after him."

The dragon finally raised its head, its purple eyes staring at the man before him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Yuki's smile faltered a bit and Qi noticed this.

He repeated," What do you mean?"

Yuki's father sighed," Can you please look after him when the time comes?"

Qi didn't seem convinced by his words," I won't look after him unless you tell me what you're going to do. Why do you need an outsider like me looking out for him when you're alive and well? I won't do it unless..."

His words disappeared as if he had just realised what was going on.

"You.. you're not going to that place are you?"

Yuki's father," As expected. You saw right through my thoughts even before I said anything."

"Are you crazy? Going to that place is instant death. You of all people should know that."

"I know but they sent a letter saying if my wife and I hand ourselves over, they won't harm our son."

Qi seemed enraged by this," They won't harm your son as long as you go to them? Are you stupid? Why would you believe them? They are not to be trusted, you should know this by now."

Yuki's father slowly nodded his head but he had already made his decision. Even if they won't keep their promise, at least his son would be safe for some time before he becomes useless to them.

"No way. I won't do it," Qi mumbled loud enough for Yuki's father to hear and he smiled warmly.

"You're the only one who can protect him if the day comes when he'll be hunted down."

"What nonsense are you spouting? Did you think I'd allow you to walk into death's door?"

He shook his head before replying," I know you won't. The purpose of today's visit was to tell you to take care of my son not asking for anything else. You are a man..., dragon of your word. With you by my son's side, I'll have nothing to worry about from my grave."


Yuki's father smiled and bowed his head," Many thanks for everything. My son may be a little stupid, don't be mad at him if he does anything against you. He's still too pure, he hasn't been tainted by this cruel world and I hope you may keep him that way."

Qi huffed in annoyance and flew up the tree and wrapped himself around the tree branch without saying anything.

Yuki's father stood up from the ground, gave a quick bow to Qi and walked back home.

Qi raised his head and watched as the black dot walked away before disappearing under some trees.

He lay his head on the branch, thinking about what he was told.

"Idiot. Why are you so confident when walking to your own death?"

Yuki's father walked back home and was greeted by his son and wife.

"Where did you go dad?" Yuki asked and he pet his head.

"I went to say hello to a friend of mine. Have you been good?"

Yuki nodded his head a bright smile on his lips.

"Okay then, head up to your room. Your mother and I have something important to discuss."

Yuki hesitated and his mother smiled," Go on. I'll call you once dinner is ready."


He headed to his room and once the sound of the door closing reached their ears, they walked to the kitchen.

"How was it?"

"It went rather well... I hope. He was not entirely pleased with the idea of surrendering."

Yuki's mother sighed and rubbed her temple," It's what we must do. I can't bear to let our child get hurt because of our own selfishness."

He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her," I know. It's better if we go ourselves."

"What about Yuki? He should at least know what's happening right?"

"I'll tell him over dinner."


Yuki looked at both his parents who were surprisingly quiet and not their usual chatty selves.

"Is everything okay?" He asked and his mother smiled.

"How's the food? Is it good?" She asked and Yuki nodded.

"Yuki. I have something important to tell you," his father's voice sounded and he swallowed the food in his mouth.

"What is it father?"

His father took in a deep breathe and let it out in a low sigh. He focused his gaze on his son who was intently looking at him.

He was still a child but he had every right to know a bit of truth. He had to know that this meal they shared would probably be their last as a whole family.

But even as he thought this, he couldn't help but imagine how he would react if he came clean about what they were planning. Without a doubt he would cry and go with them which would be a waste of their initial efforts and so the whole plan on telling the truth wavered.

"Yuki, your mother and I are going on a trip and you won't be coming with us."

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise. His parents had never left him out on a trip before.

"Why can't I go with you? I want to go with mum and dad too."

His father shook his head," No son. This time, we are going to a far away place. I have already asked a friend of mine to come look after you while we are away."

His mother spoke up, her voice soft," My dear, you must make sure you listen to your father's friend okay?"

Yuki shook his head. He didn't want to listen to what they said anymore. He stood up, his hands slamming against the table top.

He hadn't controlled the strength he exerted from his palms and the utensils on the table shook violently.


"I don't want to hear anything! You guys are going to have fun all alone and leave me here? You've never done this to me before!"

His mother sighed," Son. You..."

"Am going to my room. Goodnight."

He walked away without sparing his parents a single glance. The door to his room slammed shut and his mother sighed into her hands.

"Did we go about it all wrong? Why is he mad?"

Yuki's father wrapped his hands around her trembling shoulders.

"Am guessing he thinks we're leaving him behind on purpose."

"But we can't just bring him along to the slaughterhouse right?"

He pat her back," I know. But no matter what he thinks, we can't tell him the truth. He'll come around eventually."

"Won't he hate us for disappearing?"

"You and I know that we're doing this for his own good. It doesn't matter if he eventually hates us or not. At least he'll be alive and well."

She nodded and lay her head on his shoulder arranging her thoughts," I just hope he doesn't come to hate us because of our decision."

The following morning, Yuki's mother knocked on Yuki's door.

Once, twice and when she didn't receive a response, she opened the door and walked into the room.

Yuki was curled up on the bed, his entire body covered with a blanket. She walked towards the bed and sat on it, patting his curled up figure.

"Son, your father and I are leaving soon. I prepared breakfast for you. I made all of the things you love so don't be mad anymore," she said and Yuki's head popped out of the cover.

"Am not mad mother," he grumbled and she chuckled and lightly poked his cheek.

"You're not mad? Do you think I can't tell when you're angry?" She asked and Yuki sat up leaning against the bed rest.

After much thought about what happened the previous night, he was a bit flustered to face his mother after yelling at them.

"Mother's not mad at me? You don't hate me right?" He asked in a low voice and she looked at him.

"Me? Why would I be mad at you and hate you?"

"Well..." He fidgeted with his fingers and she placed her hand over his.

"Is it because you yelled at us?"

He nodded his head and she sighed and pulled him into an embrace.

"Why would I hate you because of that? I know the reason you got mad yesterday was because you thought we're going to have fun without you right?"

He nodded his head and she pat his back.

"It's nothing like that. We are going to visit your father's late family members and that sort of place is not suitable for a child."

Yuki relaxed in her arms finally understanding why they wanted to leave him behind. Turns out it was because they were going to a grave yard.

He looked up eyes gleaming with hope," When will you be back?"

Her eyes filled with tears as she hugged his son tightly.


"We'll be back after a while. When we are away, be good and listen to what you're told okay?"

Yuki nodded," Yes mum. I'll wait for you guys to come back. I'll also be a good boy so that dad's friend won't tell on me when you guys come back."

She smiled at this," That will be good."

She pulled back and looked into the bright eyes of her son, something that she won't be able to see after that day.

Yuki walked them to the door and after hugging them and wishing them a safe travels to and fro, stood by the entrance watching their backs gradually disappearing.