
Few moments after the Primal massacre, the entire clearing was drenched in a slimy purplish liquid that could pass as a Primal's blood. The moonlight, alongside the dozen glowing Beast Cores, did the job of illuminating the area, thus exposing the gruesome sight of several Primals' heard and severed bodies on the ground.

The culprit of this gruesome massacre was standing in the midst of it all, staring at his handiwork while still maintaining his silvery Lycan form, observing the motionless bodies of the Primals he had slain.

As if struck by lightning, the huge dog suddenly jerks his head towards the girl who coiled up in fear as she felt his intense gaze on her. Romeo gently approached her with the intention of telling her that the danger has already been averted.

However, he hadn't expected her to further back away from him in fear which puzzled him greatly. In his own opinion, if someone saves you from a bunch of reptilian monstrosities, the best and nicest thing to do is to show appreciation and not run away from them like they are some kind of monster.

Howbeit, in the girl's opinion, Romeo is truly a monster, even when he helped her killed the Primals. Since she is unaware that beneath the coat of fur lies a man, the girl tagged the huge dog before her as a monstrosity, one that is even worst than the group of huge reptiles which he killed.

The battle can be likened to that of kindergarten kids going head to head against a fully developed expert in martial arts. Such disparity in their strength solid the claim that the gigantic dog before her is stronger, and probably more ruthless than the Primals.

For this reason, every step Romeo takes towards her is likened to that of the devil, which made her back away from him some more as she wouldn't want to come in contact with something more monstrous than the Primals.

Seeing that the girl kept on refusing his kind advances, Romeo eventually gave up and let out a frustrated groan, which sounded more like an predatory sound to the girl as she yelped in fear.

All Romeo wants to do is help, even to the extent of going against his Carnal Consciousness. Yet, having defeated the Primals, the girl he saved wouldn't even look at his face and treated him like he is some kind of monster. It was frustrating and exhausting to be really misunderstood.

The main reason Romeo is hell bent on giving aid to her is simply because he needed some answers from her. He sees her as a way to discover some things about the god forsaken wilderness he was casted into as he has no idea where he is. It seems like even his Carnal Consciousness also has no idea and that is something that is bothering him greatly.

Also, Romeo finds the girl's fearful expression to be bizarre. The last time he checked, they lived in an era where the concept of Carnal Shifting is not something that is relatively new so he really is confused as to the reason the girl is behaving like she hasn't seen a Carnal Shifter before, nor heard of them.

*Ding: It is quite possible, Romeo. The girl might have not seen a Carnal Shifter before nor could she knows about their existence.*

The familiar voice of his Carnal Consciousness rang out which would have gotten Romeo narrowing his brows had he been in his human form.

'How could she not know about Carnal Shifters?' Even those living in the slums, and are shut from the outsiders world, knows about the existence of Carnal Shifters and the essence of Carnal Shifting.

If such a secluded place and people couldn't be ignorant of this evolutionary concept, then why wouldn't an people living in an area under THRIVE jurisdiction be aware of their existence?

*Ding: Romeo, I don't remember telling you they we are within THRIVE territory. In fact, if I were to take a wild guess, I would say that we are completely out of reach, from THRIVE or STRIVE.*

This announcement dealt a massive blow to Romeo who felt his head implode. He suddenly staggered backward in shock with his brain trying to process that piece of shocking revelation.

On the other hand, the girl, upon seeing the huge dog which was approaching her suddenly moves away, was confused as to it change of heart.

Could it be that the dog does not have an interest in her anymore? Whatever the case may be, she didn't waste her time in meaningless pondering as she stealthily moves with the intention of making a run for it the moment the dog's attention is no more on her.

There is no way she would be up being a dog's food having escaped being a reptile's food few moments ago. All she needs is a moment of distraction and her figure would disappear from the clearing.

Romeo finally gathered his scattered thoughts as he regains his momentum. The issue at hand gives no space for him to ponder where he is or how he got here, or whether all of this scenario are orchestrated by the Academy for the testing phase.

Since he is already in this place, another continent, he believes that the only way to truly know about this strange new place is to ask those, who are indigenes of the continent, for information.

For now, his best bet is the petite girl who he just saved but then, he could still tell that the girl is still wary of if him. Even though she is ignorant of Carnal Shifters, Romeo felt that he deserves to get some credits from her seeing that he just risked his life to save her's, in a bid to prevent her from being a Primal's food.

Also, how is he to converse with a a girl who wouldn't allow him to come near her? She wouldn't even look at him.

*Ding: In your true form, Romeo. The human way.* Romeo frowns internally at the words of his consciousness.

Romeo tries to the decipher the meaning behind the words of his consciousness and that is when the realization hit him hard like a bolt of lightning. He had been trying to approach the girl in his Lycan form which makes the situation more awkward, especially since the girl is literally unaware of Carnal Shifters.

Romeo reckons that in her own opinion, he saved her from the Primals just to make a meal out of her, considering that he is a huge dog and all. However, at this point, Romeo was stuck in a dilemma.

'Uhm, is there a way or process that I can use to change back?' Romeo asks. The last time he changed, he figured that it was purely coincidental as it happened by chance as he is yet to figure out how to change deliberately.

*Ding: Of course, there is a way for you to shift back into your human form. The same way you transformed is the same way you shift back.*

Following the teachings of his Carnal Consciousness, Romeo eventually shifted into his human form much to the surprise, and equal dismay, of the human girl who stood rooted on the spot with her shocked countenance.

Never had she witness such a scene. A scene which made her cheeks turn crimson as she immediately averted her eyes. Besides the impossible phenomenon of a dog transforming to a man, she also saw something that is forbidden by a young maiden to see, which made her wonder how shameless a man can be.

Romeo, who is yet to notice that his full glory is on display and the abnormality of the situation, started to take long strides towards the human girl, again.

"Get away from me!" The girl yelled as she buries her face in her palms while blushing furiously. Seeing that Romeo is still coming, the girl took a piece of rock from the ground and threw it at Romeo who instinctively dogded it.

"Pervert!" The girl shouted at the top of her voice as she continues to hurl stones at Romeo to stop him in his tracks.

Romeo's face crumbles into a deep frown as he stopped his approach owing to two things, the girl's consistency in throwing stones at him and the vulgar word she uttered.

Never in his odd eighteen years had he been referred to as such as he hardly interacts with the opposite sex, and he barely spares thought for seeking carnal pleasures when he was all about his Carnal Gene.

In fact, he hardly use his two eyes to ogle a girl when he could use them for hustling. Yet, here he is us having a girl he saved calling him a pervert. This kind of word felt like an insult and a stain to his pride as a man.

*Ding: It is not an insult, Romeo. It is kinda like the truth, you know. Uhm... Look down.* Romeo wanted to ignore the words of his consciousness but he nevertheless did as he was told.

Romeo looked at himself and that was when he understood the cause for the insult. Immediately, he covered himself when he saw his full glory on display, his cheek taking a hue of red as he felt overwhelmed by shamefulness.

Romeo silently backed away, his steps barely making any sound as he went towards the bushes where he had shifted. Seeing his tattered clothes on the ground, Romeo clothed himself with alacrity before heaving a sigh of relief.

All the while, the human girl had stopped hurling stones and had her eyes closed as she tries to get the afterimages of his glorious body out of her memories.

During this process, she remained unaware that Romeo was fully clothed and when she opened her eyes with a deep breath, she came face to face with the same perverted man, only that this time, he is wearing clothes.