Man, look at that!
Nearly a month between these post.
I wish that wasn't so, you know?
I know that I cast aside far to many opportunities to write that I should have taken.
I've burned several to many old journals before I could retain the courage to keep a few and read through them again...
But YOU ALL have been a huge part of that, you know?
I love you for it.
Consensually that is! lol
I hope that you have been well, and that life has been treating you good!
I know what you came for, and I won't keep you.
See you soon enough!
April 29th, 2013.
Journal #057.
As she lay here in my bed I couldn't help but to look on in awe and admiration.
She doesn't know how amazing she really is...
I'm galvanized by her presence...
Love works that way huh?
God has a plan for us,
One day.
One day.
I can't say that I recall this event.
Her laying in my bed.
Not this specific time anyway lol.
-Galvanized is one of my favorite words lol and she really did fill me with a strange and amazing energy whenever she came around. It was quite refreshing.
-I meant that part, she had no idea how amazing she was to me. I was so far smitten that I had nota care in the world for an and all red flags that may have been thrown my way.
She was starting to smell like Christmas to me, you know?
Like all of the beautiful, soft, chilled, wonderful things and feeling that come with that season...
That was back then. Now?
I get a very different energy and vibe from her.
God had a plan?
A nearly nine-year long plan.
She is my most recent exe -as I write this- so this is all a bit...harder than some of the past chapters for me, you know?
We were together for just shy of 10 years.
Quite a feat.
The Universe did draw us together.
Pardon the spoilers there folks LBVS!
It was one hell of a ride, I tell you.
I suppose that will only make what is to come all the more interesting for you all, huh?
Lucky bastards!
I signed up for this lol
And for YOU ALL, I will see it through to the very end.
All 100 and something chapters lol.
Thank you for your time, love, loyalty, energy, and willingness to laugh, cry, and cringe along with me.
I will see you all back here soon enough!
Safe travels folks.
And as always:
Stay safe.
Stay healthy.
Stay vigilant.