Chapter 60. "Between us."

Hey hey! I hope -as always- that this latest entry finds you well.




Those are all very important things you know.

Thank you all for devoting your time and energy to this series lol

I would have dropped it quite some time back had there not been so much apparent interest!

30.71K Views may seem like a small amount when compared to a much larger picture, but that is an amazing amount to little ole me lol.

And the first Volume only garnered -to this day- 14.04K total views, so that number being doubled feels just fine to me.

I am just a simple Black guy in a bowtie lol

The fact that my life story is even a little interesting to anyone outside of...well ME is pretty amazing in itself.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I will leave you to what you came for!



July 10th, 2013.

Journal #060.


It's always good to see her.

Her smile.

Her face.

Her reactions.


One day I will be able to put it all into words for her in front of her.

And those words will be pure and different, unlike the poems I've written to her.

I just have to find them. 

She said:

"This is just between us."

And it always will be.


The crazy part about this?

I was engaged to her for...just under 9 years, with a separation or two tossed in.

I never got to "put it all into words for her in front of her" never got to...well, I never found the right opportunity.

She loved me, but she was not in love with me.

That is tough.

Usher said it best: "Life's a prison when you're in love alone..."

Man, listen...

I was so madly in love and yet so deeply miserable.

A strange set of contradictions, yeah?

I read a quote today that hit home for me.

It said: 

"Unfortunately, people have a right to decline your love no matter how pure your intentions are. You are not what they want and that is okay."

I agree to this, you know?

I just think that you should make it known and clear to the person who is seeking your affection if you aren't feeling the same or seeing the same vision.

A little communication and a hard talk can solve so much, and save so much time and energy.

We only live once -that we know of- so why spend that time with someone that you don't see yourself fully committing to?

Humanity is so confusing to me at times.

A part of me thinks that whatever created us has made up its mind to abandon us a long time ago lol.

-I wrote so many poems to/for many that it may have been impossible to write vows that were worthy...

It wasn't a waste, it was a lesson.

She was a lesson.

The deepest, longest, most potent lesson of all of my 36 years if I am being completely honest.

Look for flags, don't ignore them, act on/address them. 

For real.

That can go on to save you maybe...8-10 years of hardship lol.

It wasn't ALL bad, no.

But it ended with me leaving and restarting my life in a shabby little studio department with a little can and fist full of weed lbvs...

Yes, it is never too late to start again.

No, you shouldn't have to.

I will see you all back here soon enough, I hope lol.

It only gets better from here.

I think lol

Safe travels folks, and as always:

Stay safe.

Stay healthy.

Stay Vigilant. 



What was it that was just between us? 

I'll never tell.

I gave her my word...and I will always keep it.

Regardless of how we ended up.
