Chapter 61. "Once you fall."

Jury duty...

I missed it lol.

I had to reschedule it.

Such is life lol.

I just hope that it is at least an interesting case.

I hope that you all have been well, as well.

Sorry for not getting to that part immediately lol.

These old journals of mine have been kicking me right in the heart, you know?

Looking back and seeing how...smitten I was with this woman.

How captivated and madly and maddingly in love I was with her even before we had gotten anywhere close to being together.


Lort, have merbies.

 I will save the introspection for AFTER the time traveling lol

See you soon folks, enjoy!

-UPDATE! I have to go tomorrow! LBVS 3/5/25 and I don't want to lol.- 


July 15th, 2013.

Journal #061.


Again she came.

And again with her

My heart went.

XXXXX is so analytical.

She seems to just have it all known so well.


I can't say that one didn't hurt...

But who am I to be so sensitive?

So I did what I always do, what I do best: write.

The poem said it all and XXXXX knew what I meant by it.

What I felt after XXXXX's words.

But hey...that's life huh?

XXXXX wasn't wrong in saying anything she said, but the truth hurts nonetheless.

Hearts hold nothing...

How deeply I wish I could believe that.

But I know that a huge part of me knows differently.

XXXXX just is and always will be.

That's that.

I know I shouldn't (or should I?) but for us, I hold no high hopes...

Sadly the higher you are, the more it hurts once you fall.

But I've already fallen.

So what more pain than this have I to fear?

Her rejection would not be the death of me.

Just a critical wound I'd have no choice but to bear.


This head of mine is far too soft for my own good.

But in the end, if we are just friends, then what will be, will be...


I'm not 26 yet and she isn't 29...


Well...I can't recall what that young lady said that got to me so much lol, but apparently, It was effective enough to inspire a poem lbvs.

I'll have to look through all of my older stuff and hunt down that specific one!

-This woman...

I still love her to his day.

I will always love her.

We all have that one, yeah?

That -to me- is just life and a key part of it at that.

Love comes in many shades and forms and lessons. 

-I lied. I had such high hopes for us back then. So high in fact, that had it all fallen apart, I may have just died.

Or left the city. 

-A part of me wonders what my life would be like at this time had we never become a thing, had we simply never gotten past the friend zone.

I wonder, and those musings drive me just a little mad at times, you know?

-26 and 29? 

I won't say too much lol.

Spoilers are a thing that no one enjoys.

Just keep reading and it'll all lead you to where I am now, sitting here writing and posting these old journals of mine.

-This head of mine is still soft lol. Go read some of my poetry lbvs.

I hope that you all recall that this is a true story lol.

See you all back here soon enough, yeah?

Thank you for 31.88K English Views!

And and additional 18.73K in Spanish!

I love you all, and I look forward to exploring the rest of these old pages with you all.

Till next time folks, and as always, safe travels.

Stay safe.

Stay healthy.

Stay vigilant.
