Secrets to be Revealed

After the long lecture and advice, Jack also said that the true power is not the one who can hurt people or kill monsters, but it will be the people he has made to feel safe and happy. This one line has made me think a lot.

I always believed having more power, being in a higher grade will help me to grow and conquer the world. I always wanted to be the most powerful person in Almeya, what all the kids want to become, until they face the animals and monsters in the wilderness that will show them what the reality is.

Many people will understand what life is and decide to move along with others, while some would try to work hard and overcome their huddles to become as powerful as they can. A very few, blessed by Lady Luck will get opportunities to become what they wanted to become, but it also needs a lot, lot of hard work which I am trying to do now, but why don't they understand that.

I see the teammates and Dawn waiting for me inside the tent and when I enter, it is Snowfa who asks the first question "Well, that is longer than before, what happened?" To which I just look at her and reply "Yeah, it is just the usual." Without stopping and going to one of the corners of the tent slouching to get some rest.

We reach the defense wall when the sun is almost ready to set, I look at them, all are happy and energetic as usual. Today's fight has given them the confidence they need to be in the Shadow Squad and become more powerful than any normal person can.

They are eager to start their training and work on their skills and battle tactics. I just hope this victory will not give them the overconfidence which will lead to their downfall. Overconfidence is something anyone of this age should avoid as it will change into arrogance that will make the people to avoid us like a plague.

I know they have learned a lot and have come a long way from the time I met them in the Hammerand lobby for the first time. And there is still a lot for them to learn and a long way to go to become a powerhouse in this world. I believe they have what it takes to become one and will work hard to achieve it.

'This is a big world and has more and more secrets that common people like me will never know. We have just taken the first step into this secret world and have a lot to know which will be revealed to us if we are worthy of it.' Or this is what Jack told me when I told him earlier why I went back to my old self of recklessly fighting the treant instead of fighting strategically as he has trained us in the past month.

I told him about the nightmare that I have seen and he said it is partially true and there are powerhouses in our world preventing that to happen and we will become the powerhouses if we are capable of achieving what they call as 'rift transfer' which needs a stable body and mind.

Knowing this, I can't think about what the government of this world is trying to hide from its people. I will have to wait for them to reveal it by themselves or I will be punished for treachery if I go snooping around these kinds of secrets.

Thinking about it, I leave others to have something to eat in the nearby restaurant while I move away to a secluded corner and activate Shona from the holowatch asking her about the things Jack told me earlier.

She just said everything is correct, but it is over my payroll to know more about it, and she said I need to increase my battle power to know about them and decide on what I should do for it.

I ask her "I need to set a target to achieve if you want me to grow fast. Without a target, I am nothing but a headless chicken flaying around." But still she kept her mouth shut not wanting to tell me anything about the so called secrets that are kept hidden from the common people.

Only thing I get to know in this whole day is that the nightmare I had was not just a nightmare, but a reality that is happening elsewhere in Almeya and I have to be more powerful than I am now to fight the monsters I have seen.

By the end of the debate I had with Shona, she said I need to have at least the power of 'Pink ☆☆' to know about the secrets I should know and only then I will be able to become a foot soldier in a war that is going on for hundreds of years.

This made me more eager and determined to become powerful now I know how powerful I should become to know these secrets. I will train myself as I usually do to keep my strength going upward and will never slack in training.

There are many ways to increase the body constitution in which I am already following one. The battle exercise is one of the ways one can increase the constitution to maximum which will increase the body and mind strength and power. But it will push a person to his/her limit and will not be easy to achieve.

The other ways are too costly and only people with high wealth can use them to increase the constitution, which I can't do as I don't have enough funds or background to get them. I will have to work with what I have to get what I want.

Currently my constitution is in White☆☆☆ which is the lowest level of the constitution. After White comes Pink, then Yellow, Green, Blue and Red. Each constitution has five stars. I need to get two more stars in the White and get two more pink stars to meet the threshold to reveal the secrets and join the war, to prevent the nightmare from coming true.