Go Go Rangers

Caera's morning wasn't a pleasant one. The elfess was awakened by cold chills and a dull pain consuming her muscles. Gathering simple thoughts bordered on the miraculous. Not even a large pillow in the form of Asme's velvety thighs helped. The horned beauty did her best to make her friend feel better but to no avail.

Caera tried to get up. Another day in the dungeon awaited her. She couldn't waste it lying around. Not now, when it was the best time to prove to her new Master that she was up to something, but here was the first problem. She didn't have the strength to move a finger, let alone lift an arm or leg.

How could she prove anything in such a state? Well, exactly... she couldn't, and this realization terrified her.

Minute by minute, the elfess drowned in an abyss of gloomy thoughts. Her mind was shrouded in dark clouds, creating the worst scenarios her imagination allowed.

Finally, after an immeasurable time that seemed like an eternity, she struggled to open her eyes... But the sight that awaited her was no consolation at all. The grim face of a worried friend greeted her.

Before arriving at the dungeon, the two women didn't know each other. They were strangers to each other, but the common obstacles and challenges they encountered in the dungeon brought them closer together.

It is said that true friends are made in poverty. Asme and Caera know something about this. Together, they survived one of the worst times in their lives by supporting each other.

" Asme... what's going on... I can't move. " - Caera's voice was breaking. In desperation, she tried to get up one last time. However, as before, her attempt ended in miserable failure. Only her head rose a few measly centimeters before falling sluggishly to the soft thighs of the horned beauty.

" Asme, please do something... I - I don't have the strength... will he... will he get rid of me? " - Lonely tears gathered in the corners of sky-blue eyes. The quiet sobs of a distraught elfess accompanied them.

Caera clung to life. Fate didn't spoil her from an early age, but she never gave up. She always tried to survive... But now she was helpless. She had no power over her own body, not to mention influence over her own fate.

" Say - Tell him ... that tomorrow will be better ... ". - The elfess was afraid. Her opinion of Ramiel was far from the best. In her eyes, the man was an unscrupulous murderer, as he proved on the first day.

She is also aware of the current situation. Currently, she was an unnecessary burden on the dungeon, consuming valuable resources. What do you do with an employee who makes a loss? You fired it. In this case, fired meant execution. Awareness of the reality only intensified her fear for life.

Indescribable feelings squeezed Asme's heart. Despite the short time she had spent with Caera, she had grown fond of her. Unfortunately, she was powerless and could only watch her friend's suffering.

" Shi... don't say anything... Everything will be fine. " - A sad smile dawned on Asme's lips. Meanwhile, she gently stroked the distraught elfess. " Save your strength for later... you will need it. "

The horned beauty did her best to calm Caera down. Panic in her condition will not help. It can only make things worse.

She was partially successful. At least Caera stopped sobbing quietly.

" You should rest a lot. I will feed you soon. And no, I will not take any objection ~ " - Asme reached for the previously prepared portion of instant soup with dry crackers. Unfortunately, it was the best they could afford at the moment.

" You see ... our Master isn't as bad as he looks. He turned out to be reasonable, compassionate, and kind. " - Meanwhile, the horned beauty fed Caera. " He is the one who takes care of you most of the time. You won't believe it, but he was the first to take off his jacket and cover you with it. Have you ever heard of a dungeon master sacrificing himself for his subjects? "

Asme was right. Ramiel doesn't behave like a typical dungeon master. They usually have a deep concern for the lives and welfare of their subordinates, especially in the early stages of a dungeon's development. To them, their subjects are no different than slaves, expected to work for the proverbial bowl of rice.

Only a few saw the error in their subject treatment. No matter how you look at it, they were their "people" on whom the future and survival of the dungeon depended. They could be monsters, blindly following their Master's every word. But even an incapacitated slave is more productive when provided with decent conditions.

As you can easily guess, dungeon masters with a different worldview tend to live the longest.

Among other things, due to the bad reputation of dungeons, or rather their masters, Caera fell into paranoia and anxiety. Like any living creature, she didn't want to meet the Grim Reaper.

" Only thanks to his strange medicines you are still here with me... ". - The words struggled to pass through Asme's throat. " So don't be afraid and sleep soundly... You must be strong to recover. "

" I won't let you get hurt... you don't have to be afraid... ". - Unfortunately, Caera didn't hear Asme's last confession. About halfway through the conversation, she lost herself again in the depths of dreamland, thus leaving the succubus stranded.

Soon a melodious song made the time pleasant again for the creatures living in the dungeon.

In the meantime, the unaware Ramiel stood by the core. Five minutes remained until full assimilation, and he had nothing better to do. He could just as easily have spent that time watching the slow passing of the seconds.

He had completed his full training less than half an hour ago and followed it up with a thorough inspection of the new storage. He really had nothing better to do at the moment..

By the way, the goblins did a great job. In less than 24 hours, they turned solid rock into a 6x6x6 meter room. But their work didn't end there. The green creatures thought a bit and created rock regiments out of the remaining materials.

Ramiel was pleased with the results. He would have to reward the goblins somehow for a job well done. To be honest, he hadn't expected anything special from the limited monsters. But they pleasantly surprised him.

Not to forget Avi, who supervised the construction team. She was to be commended as well. Without her heavy and strict hand, the goblins would have received a contractual penalty for missing the deadlines.

Coming back to the topic.

Little sparks lit up in Ramiel's eyes, betraying excessive excitement. He was consumed with curiosity and looked forward to the new features that would be unlocked with the dungeon's full assimilation.

Besides, who wouldn't be in his shoes? The dungeon is his new home, whether he likes it or not. And now, his home was about to undergo major changes. Who knows, maybe he'll get something good with a little luck.

The moment the timer struck evenly at 00:00, it disappeared from Ramiel's mind and initiated a series of changes. It began quietly and inconspicuously. The crystals providing light suddenly flicked irregularly. Then came a wave of intense shaking that knocked the goblins standing in the corner off their feet. The poor creatures were unable to stand.

In the end, everyone was in for an unpleasant surprise. The dungeon core was playing a little trick on them. It dimmed, collecting mana inside, then flared up, glaring at everyone around them.

" Fuck... " - Ramiel gasped, falling to the ground. Intuitively, he put his hands on his burning eyes, but it didn't help much. To say more, it only made his discomfort worse.

A burst of simultaneously dark purple and unbearably glaring light startled him. All he could see now was darkness in front of his eyes. Even when he closed his eyelids, instead of blissful darkness, the bright light glared back at him.

Ramiel flinched most of all. The goblins, farthest away, managed to hide. Asme sat with her back turned, avoiding the unpleasant event.

And Avi... hid deep in Ramiel's hair. She anticipated what might happen and took some precautions. As a result, she could now laugh at the man writhing on the floor in pain. She had a rather amusing spectacle in front of her, which continued for the next fifteen minutes. 

Revenge tastes best sweet. - Thought the fairy towering over the prisoner. She could have warned him, but where was the fun in that? Besides, he was due for his recent teasing of her. A little pain will do him good. Maybe he will gain humility and show her the respect she deserves.

A little spoiler that won't happen.

" Little chinchilla, I promise to get you and rip out all your wings as soon as I see anything... ". - Ramiel growled in Avi's direction. He would recognize that mocking laughter anywhere.

If I ever regain my sight. - He added in his mind.

" Just not a chinchilla. Besides, I can see it already... do you hear? I can see it! " - Avi was amused at best, scoffing.

"... "

" I can even spell you I A M S E E Y O U "- Avi added fuel to the fire. I wonder if she will also laugh later when Ramiel hands her over to Asme.

Ramiel's torture continued for the next fifteen minutes. At least now, his eyes had stopped burning. It took another fifteen minutes for him to regain his sight gradually.

The first thing he saw was a visibly pleased fairy. He had a good opportunity to catch her, but revenge would have to wait. His attention was drawn to the changes that had taken place in the dungeon.

They made a good first impression on him. Smooth and shimmering ones had replaced the previously pale, rough, and dingy rocks in the subtle light cast by the crystals.

In places, individual ornaments could be seen carved into them, resembling climbing vines. It had its own charm, which Ramiel appreciated. He liked that kind of detail.

Looking up, he sighed in appreciation. The ceiling was dotted with crystals, emitting a soft sky-blue light while providing a hint of warmth. These were most likely the same crystals as on the walls, but those had disappeared without a trace.

The new crystals generated more heat, but their efficiency left much to be desired. The dungeon was still unpleasantly cold, although it was better.

Ramiel rose lazily, but a few surprises were still waiting for him. In the middle of the southern wall grew a huge and massive gate with intimidating dimensions of 2 x 2.5 meters. It is worth mentioning that these are the dimensions of one wing.

Unlike other things in the dungeon, the author of the gate made an effort. Although it initially looked like two rectangles cut out of a block of rock, it was decorated with numerous bas-reliefs. On the edges of both wings, unspecified runes and symbols could be seen. Most likely, they had once formed a coherent and logical whole. But now that the beings who used them had fallen into oblivion, the runes and symbols had become nothing more than beautiful decoration.

They might still have some power, but it wasn't much. Ramiel could not use them without understanding their message.

The bas-reliefs adorning the gate are a true masterpiece of art. The craftsman who worked on them poured his heart and soul into them. Even from a distance, Ramiel could see individual dragon scales, phoenix feathers ruffled by the wind, and lone wrinkles on the dress of what looked like a ghost in a rosebud. The creator even reproduced the mucus covering the snake's body.

The best experience can only be had up close. The reliefs deceptively resembled living creatures. It was as if someone had turned them to stone on a whim.

Ramiel couldn't tear himself away from the new object. He could spend hours admiring the gateway to the abyss. He liked art and appreciated the beauty that went with it. Nevertheless, the real attraction of the evening was still waiting for him.

The core of the dungeon had grown about five centimeters in diameter. The former stone pillar that had served as a platform had been replaced by dark, tightly intertwined vines. They swirled around the base of the sphere, holding it aloft.

Ramiel tried plucking one of the leaves, but it didn't even budge.

" Amazing... " - He gasped in surprise silently. The enormity of the change simultaneously overwhelmed and delighted him. He had partly prepared for something great, but the gate leading to the abyss exceeded his wildest expectations...

" That's not all. You should touch the core! " - Avi replied proudly, pointing to the dark purple sphere. Meanwhile, she landed on the head of her bond.

Driven by curiosity, Ramiel followed her directions. He placed his hand on the smooth surface. The reaction was immediate. This time, he saw the full interface of the dungeon, which was a wall of text and numbers. There was a lot of it.

| Dungeon of Condemnation |

| Dungeon level 0 |

| Number of floors 1 |

| Dungeon mana 0 / 200 |

| Core energy 0 / 200 |

| Life essence 0 / 0 |

| Resources in storage 0 |

| Unique Dungeon Abilities |

| Condemned Soul Collector - There is a small chance that the souls of dead creatures can be transformed into condemned souls. These creatures are condemned to wander the dungeon forever in bondage to a new master. At the moment of enslavement, they lose all sense of life. They are guided by a single goal, eternal service in the ranks of the dungeon in the hope of receiving the desired deliverance. Their destructive power lies in the group. Together, they are invincible. Although they are weak, they shouldn't be underestimated… |

< Requirement - The creature must die in the dungeon and not be related to it. >

| Available Units |

| Skeleton 0/5 |

< Cost to summon 150 units of dungeon mana, five bones. >

| Master Status |

| Name Ramiel |

| Race Human |

| Age 21 (26) |

| Strength 7 | < Refers to the Master's physical strength >

| Endurance 8 | < Refers to the Master's endurance (Stamina) >

| Vitality 5 | < Refers to the Master's ability to regenerate his body >

| Agility 7 | < Refers to the Master's overall speed and reaction speed >

| Defense 9 | < Refers to the Master's individual resistance to the elements and how tough his skin and internal organs are >

| Mana 15 | < The amount of mana that can be stored >

| Enriched mana 0 | < The amount of mana possible to store that has been upgraded by a fairy >

| Intelligence 45 | < Determines the speed of the thought processes going on in the Master's head, resistance to illusions and mental attacks >

| Master's unique abilities |

| Evolution - @#!@%!@#!%!^@#@!# |

| Master's innate and acquired skills |

| Sight of the Condemned !@#!@%!^@#!@%^@#!@#!@% |

| Manipulation of Darkness - Allows the user to manipulate darkness. Thanks to the user's vast understanding of the element of darkness, the cost of all darkness element-based skills is reduced, and the skills themselves are simpler to use and more deadly. Creating skills based on the elements of darkness is made easier. |

| Lightning Manipulation - Allows you to create lightning and manipulate it. Thanks to the user's tremendous understanding of the lightning element, the cost of all skills based on lightning elements is reduced, and the skills themselves are simpler to use and more deadly. Creating skills based on lightning elements is made easier. |

| Space Familiarity - The user has a basic understanding of the element of space, allowing them to create skills based on that element or add an element to existing skills. Within 100 meters, the user can summon items previously marked with a special seal. The larger the item, the greater the cost. |

< The cost of using skills containing the space element is slightly less. >

| Crlaw in gravity - The user has an outline of knowledge of what gravity is and how to use it. This allows you to add the element of gravity to your already existing skills. | 

< The cost of these skills will be minimally less. > 

| Leader of the Damned - All allies within 500m feel a general status increase of 5%, and their mental state and will to fight is stronger. |

| Leach - Can be activated if the target is within 100m, after activation, the target cannot move more than 1km away. After activation, the process of stealing the target's stats by a value of 0.5% for every 5 minutes of combat begins. |

< Due to the great understanding of the skill and most of the elements in it, the cost is zero. >

| Cursed Condemnation - Injuring a target causes a circle of Cursed Condemnation to form at the point of injury with a diameter of 3 centimeters. The number of circles that can be applied to the target at the same time is unlimited. When the target is wounded again within the circle, the circle activates, poisoning the target with a random poison. If the target is stronger than the thrower the poison will be of a weaker rank, if the advantage is significant or the target is immune to poisons a random negative status effect will be imposed, for example, freeze, bleed, stun, weaken, blind, less immunity and the like. |

< Due to the great understanding of the skill and most of the elements it contains, the cost is zero. >

| Shadow Walk - Allows the user to step out of the shadows within 100 meters of the user. Also allows the user to travel between shadows or hide in the shadows. |

< Due to the high understanding of the skill, the darkness and space element, the mana cost is reduced, and the activation conditions are simplified. >

| Spikes of Darkness - Within 100 meters, the user can create countless spikes of darkness. |

< Due to the significant understanding of the skill and the large darkness element, the mana cost is reduced. >

| Chains of Darkness - Within 100 meters, the user can create Chains of Darkness, which envelop the target and begin to slow them down. |

< Due to a high understanding of the skill, the element of darkness, and a negligible understanding of the element of gravity, the gravitational pressure will be higher and the cost of use will be lower. >

| Spark - After driving the weapon into the ground, the user can send lightning bolts within 100 meters. The skill can be imbued with other elements for better effects but this will increase the mana cost. |

< Due to the understanding of the skill and the elements within it, the cost is slightly reduced >

| Second Blade - Allows the weapon to be infused with learned elements for additional effects. Mana consumption increases with the number of elements used. | 

< Due to a high understanding of the skill and most of the elements contained within it, the cost is reduced. >

| Note, due to the unnatural arrival of the Master in the dungeon, the core for the sake of the Master was forced to seal most of the abilities, weaken them, and block the understanding of other elements. It is recommended to raise the Status of the Master and the level of the dungeon core to adapt the body to the ability. The stronger the dungeon, the stronger the Master becomes! |

| !@#!@%!^@#!@%#^@#!@^ |

Below was a looping sequence of unintelligible characters. Ramiel will unlock this knowledge as the dungeon is further developed.

Huh... so this is the dungeon master's advantage over others that Avi mentioned... Quite useful... I would give a kidney or even two to have something similar on Earth...

It is good to see the level of one's own skills and their state of advancement. Unfortunately, they are much weaker than I remember...

Sigh... It's not so bad... at least I don't have to start from the beginning. Fortunately, my knowledge has stayed with me. However, the descriptions aren't as accurate as they should be.

I can't use Chains or Spikes of Darkness where it isn't dark or has no shadow. The analogy is repeated with Shadow Step.

Hmm... Apparently, the core only conveys a residual outline of what I can do. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Sigh... one problem after another... What the heck is Condemned Sight and Evolution? Have I ever cast similar spells or used such skills? Frankly, I don't think so.

At ease... Evolution should help me evolve into something or someone. At least, that's what logic suggests. The problem is the last skill...

Is someone supposed to get scared when I look at them? I don't know... I'm not going to pretend to be smart and search blindly. It's a waste of time.

Ramiel sighed sadly. His heart squeezed with sorrow at the sight of a few distinctive headings... The recent joy quickly turned into the opposite.

My statistics look pathetic... Years of hard training and sacrifices have gone to waste... The question is, what or who brought me to such a pathetic state?

The dungeon won't tell me anything... And Avi... Avi is Avi. Even if he knows something, he still doesn't know anything...

Avi has full access to the core and interface as the second most important being in the dungeon. Together with Ramiel, she tracked the changes, and since the man still couldn't separate his thoughts from his mental conversation, she knew exactly she knew exactly all his thoughts.

' I don't know what Evolution is, nor do I know what the Condemned Sight is. I don't have any information about it. I'm afraid you'll have to come to that on your own. '

Ramiel exercised his right and remained eloquently silent. His grim face said a lot.

' For that, I can tell you more about the Collector of the Damned! ' - Avi felt a little sorry for her bond. Ramiel was treated unfairly, robbed of everything he had achieved on Earth, and gotten it for a fairy....

It probably couldn't be worse... and no, it could be, though. Caera gets sick, and the dungeon core, instead of helping, raises more problems and unanswered questions.

' It's strange, you're useful for something. ' - Ramiel didn't mean to sound like an asshole. He was just in a bad mood. Fortunately, Avi let it go. 

' Coguh... ' - The fairy coughed, drawing attention to herself. ' As I said, there is a shadow of a chance to transform an ordinary soul into a condemned one. The more regret and willingness to repent the victim feels at the time of death, the more likely you are to get a soul. '

' Unfortunately, souls have little use at the current level. At most, they can distract adventurers or mess with their heads a bit. As for possession... forget about the three souls. The description lied a bit. You'll need at least five of them... And that's only if the target's intelligence is less than 30 points... '

Avi wanted to help, but her actions nailed Ramiel, making him aware of a very important detail he had overlooked.

' The abyss isn't part of the dungeon, right? '

Avi froze in stillness.

' You're right... it isn't... But I don't understand what this has to do with the Collector... " - The fairy didn't have a chance to finish.

' The Collector is useless. I got an ability that I can't even use.''


' ... '

That's what I thought. ' - Ramiel sighed in resignation. The eloquent silence that followed made him realize that he was right.

' What do we do now? ' - Avi, through the bond between them, felt that something was on his mind, but she didn't know exactly what. Meanwhile, she made herself comfortable in Ramiel's hair, her favorite place.

' Isn't it obvious? We will take care of the abyss. ' - Ramiel replied indifferently, walking toward the corner of the goblins.

He had ordered them to make a makeshift weapon from the bones he had collected some time ago. As part of his training, he carved basic magic formations into each of them. They had a simple effect. When activated, they covered the edges with a thin layer of razor-sharp ice. The only requirement to maintain them is a constant supply of mana.

Some time ago, he ordered them to make makeshift weapons out of the bones of their devoured comrades. As part of their training, he carved into each sharpened bone a magical formation, causing the creation of sharp ice edges. The only requirement to maintain them was a constant supply of mana.

As long as the goblins intelligently managed their mana reserves, they should be able to cope.

"Your task is to explore and make a map of the area, if you encounter any threat don't fight, try to avoid conflict like a fire. You can take a small amount of resources if you find some resources. "

Ramiel stood in front of the goblins and gave them detailed instructions. Finally, he handed the commander a notebook and a pencil.

" I repeat it again. Your job is to scout and create a clear map, not to get into trouble! " - Ramiel ensured that the goblins understood his order.

In response, he received a series of throaty noises. " Wrrrr Ahrtt Kreee Wrruuurrr Kshkg! "

" They say they will not disappoint their new Master. Finally, the leader added something about taking care of them. "Avi was generous enough and helped Ramiel communicate. Although she was good and diligent in this,

The group of green monsters listened to what their Master had to say to them and set off into the unknown.

Avi led them away with her eyes and asked the question that had been bothering her. - " Why didn't you go with them? It seemed to me that you were excited about the possibility of exploring the abyss. "

" Because I was excited, " Ramiel replied briefly. But I'm not stupid enough to rush blindly into the unknown. I've waited so long, so one day won't make much difference to me. "

Ramiel turned his back to the massive gate and began to stretch.

" Besides, I need to test the current limits and get used to the weakened versions of the skills again. "