
" Sh... Fuck... Sh... I'm-I'm too old for this. Sh... "- Ramiel was panting heavily. He was lying on the ground, greedily catching every breath. Dirty drops of sweat ran down his face and soaked into the drenched collar of his blouse. His clothes were soaked with salty liquid and could only be washed.

" Ble! You would have washed yourself! " - Disgusted, Avi touched his wet hair. Her favorite place to rest was currently not suitable for anything. Unless someone liked to lie on wet and smelly hair... but it wasn't her! It was unacceptable and unhygienic! If she was going to rest, she had to get it right as soon as possible!

" Pff... " - Ramiel snorted, pushing back the hair that stuck to his forehead. "I'm not your pillow. "

" Slander! " - Avi stomped her foot in the air. " I'm doing this for your sake! Hygiene is important for your health! "

The appalled fairy became indignant and vehemently denied the accusations. She couldn't believe how her elaborate plan had been so easily unraveled.

Rather than waste precious oxygen on a pointless discussion, Ramiel exercised his right to remain silent. He waited until his breathing stabilized and got up from the cool ground with great difficulty. His muscles trembled under the murderous exertion, and his heart thudded like crazy.

He dreamed of resting a little longer, but his duties called him. The time for pleasure would come later.

If you are wondering how one can end up like this, the answer is simple. Hard training, or rather, testing your current capabilities and your own limits. Contrary to what some may think, Ramiel didn't swing his sword like a fool all day long but rather stimulated the fight with active participation in skills and spells.

His actions weren't in vain. He has learned some interesting things. When he added the element of lightning to Spikes of Darkness, the mana consumption increased sixfold.

For that, if he uses the Chains of Darkness spell with the element already included in the skill description, the consumption is only a little higher than for the basic Thorns of Darkness.

Ramiel came up with a hypothesis on this subject due to his previous actions. If he implemented an additional element to the skill before he died, it would be included in the description.

The cost would be unacceptable if he forcibly tried to add an element without properly understanding and dissecting the spell.

The main reason for this is the process of turning a spell into a skill. Once a spell and its underlying element are properly understood, the spell is transformed into a skill. I am already explaining the difference.

When casting a spell, many factors had to be kept in mind. Such as releasing the right amount of mana, properly directing each particle, making the element in question vibrate at a certain frequency, forcing the elements to merge or collide with each other, creating flow channels that form the spell, and much more.

For example, let's look at the spell unlocked by "Familiarity with Space. "First, Ramiel had to create a special seal on a specific object. To do this, he imbued the mana with the element of space. The second step is to create an external seal circuit with the appropriate vibrational frequency of the mana particles. This circuit was responsible for receiving the signal.

The next step was the internal formation. Here, the process was identical except for one difference. The mana particles moved in a different direction than the first circuit. This part was responsible for sending an object into space.

The final step in the creation of the seal is the creation of the circle responsible for navigating to the hand, Ramiel, and pulling the object out of space. To do this, you need to put each mana particle into orbital motion around another particle.

Now that everything is ready, you need to activate the spell somehow, but this is easy. All you have to do is throw mana into the environment at the right frequency. Nothing difficult unless you are a novice hunter. Some may encounter an impassable wall here.

When changing from a spell to a skill, everything is simplified and takes less time. Just think about creating a seal. The brain will subconsciously perform the thought process. This phenomenon can be compared to muscle memory.

Converting a spell into a skill isn't the privilege of only dungeon lords. Ordinary beings can do it, too. Their problem is the lack of means to test it.

If it is still unclear why the cost of a skill with a pre-implemented element is less than a spell with a forcefully added element, I am already here to help.

Imagine a perfectly functioning transmission in a car. All the cogs are lubricated and sit perfectly in place. The gears are walking with the utmost accuracy, setting the gears in motion. Now, add a titanium nut to the equation. What do you think might happen?

I'll give you a hint, if the whole thing doesn't shatter into a fine poppy, you should be happy. At best, a few cogs will break, and the whole thing will run reluctantly.

The situation is similar here. The gearbox plays the role of our spell, and the foreign element is a titanium nut. In order to keep everything in relative harmony and to avoid "destroying the cogs," in this case, destabilizing the spell, it is necessary to provide larger amounts of mana, which acts as a sort of golden means to repair previously damaged elements. With a little effort and more input, the energy will even manage to adjust our titanium nut to a previously perfect arrangement.

It's a bit complicated, but after a thorough analysis, it makes sense.

To be honest, Ramiel has forgotten about these little nuances. At his previous level, such problems aren't problems. When he has reached the right level of understanding of an element, the implementation of the element into a spell goes without major problems and unpleasant side effects.

The problems he faced now reminded him of the old days when he was just starting out with mana. Back then, everything was foreign and incomprehensible to him. At least now he had the right knowledge and could avoid the silly mistakes of the past.

Using the mana reserves left over from his training, Ramiel heated the water in the pot to a bearable temperature and took a quick shower. Avi was right. Hygiene is important.

After the shower, when he was finally clean, refreshed and smelled nice, he went to swap with Asme. The horned beauty had been taking care of Caera nonstop since yesterday. She deserves to rest for a while. After all, no one is a robot that can work continuously.

Standing next to the succubus, Ramiel put a hand on her shoulder. Her skin was smooth, soft, and pleasant to the touch, a bit like fine silk. Despite her appearance, Asme took good care of herself in her spare time. She managed to stay in good shape despite the spartan conditions of the dungeon.

Huh? What is it? - Ramiel gasped in thought, surprised. Unexpectedly, a window of the horned beauty's status suddenly appeared in his mind. One to one, it resembled the one he had seen after interacting with the core. Perhaps there was a significant difference. No matter how long he searched, he had no access to Asme's innate or acquired abilities.

| Status |

| Name Asme |

| Race Half succubus half red ice elemental |

| Age 22 |

| Strength 13 |

| Endurance 13 |

| Vitality 17 |

| Agility 16 |

| Defence 10 |

| Mana 40 |

| Compressed mana 0 |

| Intelligence 30 |

That's weird... I'm not supposed to see her stats... From what Avi said, this privilege only applies to me...

Unless... it's somehow related to the ability to evolve or the eyesight of the condemned. That's the only thing I can think of.

Ramiel forgot about the world around him while trying to solve a new puzzle, making his close contact with the succubus last longer than he intended.

Asme didn't mind her master's bold behavior. She liked his touch more and more. To say more, she slowly began to desire him. Ramiel seemed more attractive every day to her, and she was drawn to him in ways she only knew. Sometimes, there were situations where she specifically sought his attention.

Driven by curiosity, the horned beauty turned to him. Already, inappropriate thoughts popped into her head. Unfortunately, Asme was disappointed, and very much so. Her master seemed to be lost in a sea of thoughts. His eyes were clouded, and his gaze was dull.

" Master, are you all right? " - The worried voice of the succubus snapped Ramiel out of her stupor.

" Yes ... why do you ask ? " - The man coughed.

" Your hand ... Master has been holding me like this for five minutes now. ~ " - Asme blinked her eyes enticingly and slid his hand off her shoulder.

Ramiel furrowed his eyebrows; he would never have said that he had been ripped away from reality for five minutes. For him, it had been a few seconds.

" This... Don't worry about it. I was just making a plan to explore the abyss. "

Asme's pupils turned into question marks. Such a flimsy excuse wasn't enough to fool them. However, she wasn't competent enough to challenge Ramiel's opinion, even if she knew he was lying. For her own sake, she kept quiet about the little lie.

' PFFF HA HA HA. ' - The little fairy's mocking laughter echoed in Ramiel's head. Admit that you like her. I see you look at her from time to time. Lying to yourself is unhealthy! 

Ohhh...? The great and powerful Avi telling me what to do? ' - One of his comments silenced the problematic chinchilla. He lost that argument with a thud.

' Someone swallowed his tongue? '

' ... '

Ramiel smiled under his breath. He didn't know why, but tormenting Avi gave him pleasure.

' Besides, I saw her status window. It's not as accurate as mine, but I can still check her stats. The condition seems to be physical contact. '

' Has anyone told you before that you're weird? '

Ramiel didn't even comment on that. He just sighed resignedly.

' Don't get me wrong, as far as I know, none of the masters had insight into someone's status window. ' - Avi put a finger to her lips, thinking intensely. ' It could also be related to one of your two strange abilities.

' Perhaps ... we will find out in the future. ' - Ramiel grunted as he turned to the succubus. "You can rest. I will take care of Caera from now on. " 

Asme didn't think long. Almost immediately, she left her only friend in Ramiel's care and got busy with her own training. Her goal is to understand the element of ice better. She had been stuck for some time, unable to move forward.

At first, she wanted to ask her new master for help. But after seeing what he was capable of, she let go. How could someone weaker than her have more knowledge than her?

Poor Asme, however, didn't know how wrong she was. In fact, she is the one who understands the element of ice worse than he does. It's just that the former hunter suffers from a lack of mana to spread her wings and shine in the spotlight fully.

In the meantime, Ramiel sat comfortably with the elfess's head in his lap. Unfortunately, this was the best he could do at the moment. Under the pretext of checking her body temperature, he touched her forehead with the tip of his hand, pushing back a strand of sky-blue hair.

It happened just as he had predicted. Caera's status window appeared in his mind.

| Status |

| Imię Caera |

| Rasa Elf |

| Age 20 |

| Strength 18 |

| Stamina 20 |

| Vitality 15 (- 9)|

| Agility 25 |

| Defense 16 ( - 14 ) |

| Mana 25 |

| Enriched mana 0 |

| Intelligence 26 |

| Disease - Black Plague |

The elfess's condition was getting worse by the day. Her temperature was rising, and the intervals between seizures were shortening exponentially. When Caera regained consciousness, it lasted a few seconds at most. Her skin became pale as ivory. Every breath seemed to cause pain. In addition, small black spots appeared on her body.

Ramiel had long given up hope that he was dealing with a simple cold. Now, at least, he is aware of what he is up against. Not that the name of the disease tells him anything. But he knows someone who might know something, just that someone is lying in his hair.

' Do you know how to cure the Black Plague? '

Playing with a strand of Avi's hair, she became serious. Her lips tightened, and her eyes expressed pity and helplessness.

If Caera is infected, her chances of survival are close to zero. It would be better for you to kill her. You will spare her suffering. ' - the fairy stated coolly. Whether the elfess survives or not makes little difference to her. Yes, she is a member of the dungeon, but so far, she is making a loss. That is reason enough to get rid of her, especially in their difficult situation, where every gram of food is precious.

I didn't ask what to do but how to cure it.

Avi rolled her eyes eloquently. She had met an exceptionally stubborn person.

Only elves know how to cure this disease because only they suffer from it. ' - The fairy fell silent, searching her mind for useful information.

There is another way, but it is still unattainable at our current level. Mandragora soup should kill the microorganisms that cause the infection. However, finding the plant is nothing short of a miracle. It is extremely rare on the surface, to which we have no access. You can try your luck in the abyss, but the chances are slim. Even if you were a favorite of the goddess of fortune, the mandrake would be guarded by a strong guardian at this stage. '

Avi's words were dripping with pessimism. Her demeanor indicated that she was skeptical about rescuing Caera. According to her, the risks are too great, and the potential gains are uncertain.

' Can't anything be done about it? ' - Ramiel had the opposite opinion to his bond. He was stubborn and didn't want to get rid of a useful pawn. Caera is an uncut diamond. He clearly feels it. Throwing her out because of temporary problems is nothing but a waste.

' It's not that simple. Disease is like a slow poison. Microorganisms spoil your inner mana, turning it into something like a virus. Next, this mana destroys your body from within. Then it gets worse. The cells contaminated with dirty energy mutate and kill everything that is alive. That's where those black spots come from. ' - Avi looked carefully at Caera's sunken cheeks. 'In her current state, I give her three days at the most. ' 

The verdict was cold and brutal but unfortunately true. The elfess didn't have much time left.

' What if I destroy the infected particles with my own mana? ' - Ramiel didn't give up. Where Avi sees despair, he sees opportunity and hope. Unfortunately, the bitterness of defeat awaited him.

' At this stage, it is no longer possible. She will die from exhaustion and shock suffered during the procedure. ' - Avi patted the bond sadly on the head. She felt his disappointment and sympathized with him a little. For once, life had thrown him a curveball.

The only thing left is to wait... It would have been better to follow Avi's advice and kill her than to let her suffer, but there is always a shadow of a chance for a miracle. After all, no matter how I look at it, I should be dead, too... and yet I'm still sitting here and doing just fine. - Ramiel sighed heavily in his thoughts, deluding himself with a faint hope.


A few hours later, a squad of goblins returned from the abyss. The group leader did a good job bringing back all five green monsters. None of them suffered more serious wounds than a few cuts and scrapes.

Filled with pride, the goblins stood in front of their master, displaying the captured booty. A few branches from a dry tree, four dead rats no bigger than a forearm, four pale red monster cores the size of a fingernail, some overgrown berries, and finally, a strange-looking blade of grass.

The goblins's leader iconically stepped before the rest of his brothers, handed the map to Ramiel, and made a series of throaty noises. " Krr Wru Wra Hreeee Brr UgHrrrr Wriiuussshh, Krr Wru Wra Hreeee Brr UgHrrrr Wriiuussshh "

Ignoring the strange scream, Avi knitted his eyebrows and looked suspiciously at the strange-looking blade of grass. After a few minutes of intense pondering and Ramiel's urgent gaze, she spoke.

" I don't know if you have more luck than sense, but that thing is a mandrake leaf. " - The fairy pointed at the goblin leader.

The green monster gave a clumsy nod, then opened the notebook and pointed to one of the areas marked with a large X. "Wraa TRYYY tru IKrrr. "

Listening to the goblin, Avi's brow furrowed even more. She looked sadly at the elfess and then at Ramiel. Her eyes deepened in resignation, and her shoulders slumped.

' Forget about saving her... According to them, the mandrake is guarded by a large snake with dark blue scales, large yellow eyes, and fangs that protrude seven centimeters. '

Avi scratched her head nervously and added.

' If their description is correct... we are dealing with an armored isendric anaconda. A very territorial monster that doesn't like strangers. Its strength isn't to be underestimated. '

The fairy had a bad feeling. She felt unpleasant shivers on her back and excitement from her bond. This didn't bode well. She glanced nervously at Ramiel, who was immersed in intense thoughts. The look on his face didn't please her.

" How much mandragor do we need for one dose of medicine? "

Avi's jaw dropped uncontrollably downward. She already knew what he was getting at.

" Not medicine, but soup ... and one is enough ... ". - The fairy replied reluctantly.

Ramiel directed his gaze to the five dark gray skeletons standing in the corner. Their summoning was cheap. The cost is a few bones and 150 units of the dungeon's mana, which is currently regenerating at a dizzying rate.

This is because the dungeon has nothing to spend its energy on. It doesn't need to repair anything or maintain the ecosystem on other floors.

All the skeletons were useless. Their combat power is non-existent. Ramiel sensed no hidden potential in them. The only thing they are suitable for is free labor. They never tire or require rest. Their only sustenance is mana, which they derive from the air.

" You're not thinking of fighting this thing, are you? " Avi asked uncertainly. She was partly afraid of the answer she would receive.

" Fighting? Of course not. I just need to distract the snake somehow. " - The corners of his mouth lifted, and his eyes shone.

In the meantime, the fairy became weak. Her fears had come true. She is dealing with a madman! And the worst of the worst.

" You are crazy! If you think the snake will let you take one of the plants, you are sorely mistaken! " - Avi yelled and started calculating on his fingers. "These monsters are territorial, stubborn, and vicious! If this thing smells you, it will chase you all the way to the dungeon! If you want to die, do it yourself! But don't endanger me or the dungeon! "

In her nerves, the fairy stomped on the bond's head with her bare foot, trying to knock some sense into the man's head.

" It's not that I will go there unprepared. I have a plan. " - Ramiel's gaze fell on the goblins. His words and confidence didn't calm the fairy at all. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much to say.

For the next hour, he studied the map the goblins had provided. He learned about some interesting places based on their reconnaissance and the dirty pictures.

Putting the map aside, he smiled coolly as he gazed at the abyssal gate.

" It's time to hunt. "