Treasure !

Ramiel stood in front of the abyssal gate with an even more impressive close-up. An old iron sword, loosely attached to his belt by a simple string, dangled freely by his left leg.

It was his first weapon, and he had many memories associated with it. This sword accompanied him during his murderous training and his first fights, and thanks to it, the former hunter shed his first human blood. To this day, he remembers the fear and the small thrill of excitement that accompanied his first kill... but we'll talk about that later.

The sword's glory days were long behind it. Its dulled blade and chipped edge left much to be desired. The hilt was barely held in one piece. It would have fallen apart long ago were it not for the scrap of cloth wrapped tightly around it.

Ramiel's heart and internal organs are protected by two pieces of fitted sheet metal connected by leather straps. Despite good maintenance, the armor had corroded. Its matte surface was decorated in places with sizable rust foci. These had significantly weakened the armor's strength. At best, it could withstand a few more heavy blows before it ceases to provide any protection.

On his feet, he wore an old and worn bronze shinguard. His forearms were adorned with a pair of leather protectors made from the skin of some dungeon monster. Unlike the rest, they were the only ones that looked reasonably tolerable.

Ramiel took out the most important part of the armor, the fingered gloves. As I mentioned, they are essential when fighting with white weapons. They provide cushioning and negate the vibratory force created by colliding two metals or metals with something hard. Without them. The battle becomes an absolute hell.

If any lonely soul has doubts, I suggest they try hitting, with all their might, a metal pipe on a road sign.

Returning to the main thread... the equipment worn by Ramiel is the same one he used when he started his adventure on the mana path. He had a great fondness for his old equipment. It was an undeniable part of his history and contributed greatly to where he is today. So, instead of selling the gear to a dealer or throwing it away for scrap, he stashed it in a safe place and later in a space ring.

" I never thought I would use the old stuff yet. " - A nostalgic smile dawned on Ramiel's face.

" So many memories ... So many fights together ... ". - He muttered quietly under his breath.

"Those shinguards… if it weren't for them, the night wolf would have bitten my leg off in the first dungeon. " - Ramiel ran his finger over the deep crack on his right leg.

" You are strange! I don't understand why you attach yourself to a piece of metal. They won't last long anyway. " - A dismayed Avi scratched her head, hovering next to her bond. She really doesn't understand why Ramiel is so disillusioned about the armor, in addition to the damaged one.

Disappointed, he shook his head and gave Avi a flick on the forehead.

" An ignoramus like you will never understand the bond between a warrior and his weapons and armor. You would have to have something more on your mind than just eating and sleeping. " - Ramiel replied coolly.

" That hurt! " - The fairy held her forehead and whimpered. In revenge, like a fighter bomber, she dove for the neck and sank her teeth into it.

" Becuse oi youf I gof hungllly! " ( Because of you I got hungry! ) - the fairy whimpered, sucking in Ramiel's mana like a vacuum cleaner. She isn't hungry but needs a good excuse to chew on him. The last time she did it on a whim, the brute handed her over to Asme!

This is a very traumatic memory... The woman is a real monster in human form... Avi wants to erase this from her memory as soon as possible.

" Ohh, I would be careful if I were you. With such an appetite, you will become fat and ugly! "

" You !!!! How can you say that!!! " The little fairy stopped sucking up the delicious mana and started checking her sides for fat.

Ramiel was against taking Avi on a trip into the abyss. He knew how it would end. The fairy couldn't sit still and talk. However, after several hours of crying and a logical argument, he agreed to let her accompany him.

Avi is a walking encyclopedia. There is always a chance to find a rare mineral Ramiel doesn't know, and then her help would be invaluable.

The situation was similar with monsters. Ramiel has a lot of seniority and knowledge, but she doesn't know every species and, therefore, its strengths and weaknesses. It was simply impossible.

Well... maybe there are two arguments...

The man looked at a troop consisting of five goblins armed with primitive bone weapons. This is his one and only army that makes enemies tremble in fear. At least, that's what Avi thinks.

Better than nothing... - With that in mind, they set off into the unknown.

Passing through the gate, Ramiel found himself in a well-lit and wide tunnel. It could easily accommodate eight people standing side by side. The basic building material was solid and rough rock. It bore traces of the use of primitive mining tools such as pickaxes and the like.

Strangest of all, he saw no source of light anywhere in sight, even though the tunnel was bright, defying all logic. The explanation is simple. This is due to the mana-rich environment. It can be said that energy particles in large concentrations emit light. Something similar, only on a larger scale, was observed during Avi's birth.

During the journey, Ramiel had several goals to accomplish. The most important is to investigate the mandragor guardian. Before taking any action, he must see exactly what he is dealing with. Goblins are mentally limited and can always make mistakes. He doesn't want to leave judgment in their hands.

If the monster turns out to be something stronger than an Isendrian anaconda, Ramiel will abandon the idea of rescuing Caera. His life and safety are more important than the elfess's. He might take a small risk for her, but everything is within reason.

Ramiel's second goal is to investigate the marked places on the map. The goblins had marked many of them as dangerous, and as before, he wanted to assess the level of danger himself.

Ten minutes later, the army of the dungeon of damnation finally reached the end of the tunnel. They came to a vast cavern with even more tunnels. Two to the right, two to the left, and one across from them. Apparently, it served as a junction or connection to other parts of the abyss.

The cave resembled a flattened dome 30 meters in diameter with a high vaulted ceiling. About half of the available space was taken up by an underground lake located roughly in the middle. The water in it glittered and emitted a pale, white light. Sky-blue lilies floated lazily on the surface. They looked noble and emanated a cool breeze from afar.

Avi impatiently pulled the bond by the hair at the sight of them. - " Take me to the shore of the lake. If I'm not mistaken, we found something useful. "

Ramiel clicked his tongue in annoyance. He didn't like this habit and had to get rid of it soon.

" You don't happen to have wings for flying? "

Avi rolled her eyes at his comment.

" I have, but here I am comfortable! " - the fairy replied brazenly, grinning her teeth.

Ramiel up a bit of dignity, he sighed and moved to the shore. After being with Avi 24/7, he had learned her certain behaviors. He knew there was little point in discussing at similar times.

She will not yield if the situation isn't life-threatening. Removing her by force is also not an option. Her ability to hold onto his head defies all logic.

Standing at the edge of the lake, Avi jumped off Ramiel's head and flew to one of the lilies. She gently touched the frosty petals of the flower, afraid they would disintegrate in her hands, and then spread them open. Inside, she found a small lump of crystal-clear ice.

Avi shook her head with satisfaction and returned to the most comfortable place in the world, the former hunter's head.

" You can also use the flowers as a medium in magical formations, as an alchemical ingredient, or in the worst case, you can make a mine out of them. All you have to do is place a lily on the ground, and an unsuspecting monster will step on it. The plant will explode and freeze him. "

" They won't be useful to you, but they can help Asme. Besides, look at this water. The lilies have refined it. By bathing in it, you will gain resistance to the ice element, and it will be harder to pierce your skin."

" You can also use the flowers as a medium in magical formations, an alchemical ingredient, or, in the worst case, make a mine out of them. All you have to do is put a Lily on the ground, and an unaware monster will step on it. The plant will explode, freezing him. "

Avi gave a comprehensive explanation. At such moments, she shone, showing her true worth.

Ramiel nodded and took out a new sheet of paper, drawing a new map on it. Let's not kid ourselves. The one provided by the goblins was the scribbles of a four-year-old child. He needed something more accurate if he was serious about living here.

He finished the sketch and walked around the lake, heading for the tunnel in the center. Entering it, he immediately noticed changes. The ground was no longer solid rock but a mixture of black earth and stones. He noticed tufts of green grass in places, but they were extremely rare.

This trend didn't last forever. The farther Ramiel walked, the more green he saw until finally, the black earth disappeared, replaced by thick, tall grass.

About a kilometer from the end of the tunnel, the goblins became concerned.

" Krr Wru Wra Wre " - Their leader stepped before Ramiel, raising his voice humbly.

" Be careful. They say we are approaching the snake's lair. " - Avi translated. Maybe not so useless.

Ramiel left the goblins behind and, together with Avi, resumed his journey. As a precaution, he crept along. Caution has never killed anyone. On the contrary, it has saved a few fools.

After a dozen or so endless minutes of walking, they reached the end of the tunnel. To Ramiel's eyes, a vast cavern appeared, dotted with monstrous boulders. The Easter Island statues next to them were small children's toys.

In the center of the cave near the very vault, a yellow ball no bigger than a tennis ball shone brightly. It acted as a miniature sun, providing an environment suitable for snake growth.

The former hunter vigilantly looked around the interior of the cave.

" Gotcha. " - He muttered under his breath, focusing his gaze on a small clearing between the rocks. A ten-meter-long snake was sleeping there. Its scales glistened in the subtle light, imitating impenetrable armor. Snow-white and sharper than a razor, poisonous fangs protruded from its mouth. Numerous spikes sprouted from the sides of his head, deflecting any predators that might target that part of his body.

Sneaking between the rocks, Ramiel slowly approached the reptile. He moved silently. Even Avi remained silent. Otherwise, it might end up as today's monster's dinner.

A distance of one hundred meters seemed to be the upper limit. He kept the proper distance, balancing the monster's senses and getting a good look at it simultaneously.

Noticing the previously hidden details, he cursed in his mind. The creature's scales were wavy and shaped like water droplets with jagged edges. Some of them stood out from the rest and glowed brightly... The reason is the electrical discharge created by the sleeping monster.

Of all the snakes in the world, I must have encountered the Lightning Viper. - Ramiel cursed his previous luck.

Of the snakes at the medium-intermediate level, this one is the best. It is characterized by excellent reflexes, going hand in hand with crazy speed and agility. To top it off, its understanding of the Lightning element often surpasses hunters, who are its equal in strength.

However, he isn't as perfect as he may seem. This species also has several disadvantages. It doesn't like to live in large groups and is generally very lazy. In addition, the individual Ramiel encountered was young. It hadn't yet reached the peak of its abilities.

' Ramiel, over there! ' - Avi pointed a finger at a patch of grass thirty meters from the sleeping Viper. Seven mandragora were growing there.

The former hunter cautiously examined the still closest area and retreated back into the tunnel. He looked for signs of another snake but found nothing. Apparently, the goblin was mistaken.

" See? You were unnecessarily worried. There is no Isendrian Anaconda here, only a Lightning Viper. If it's here alone, I should be able to handle it. "

Avi muttered grimly something unintelligible. She is skeptical about her master's optimism. One thing she has learned from his memories is that things rarely go according to his plan. He is usually the one who suffers the most when things go wrong.


Being back in the cave with the lake, Ramiel decided to search the tunnels on the left first.

A sudden blast of icy air hit him as he entered one of them. The temperature momentarily dropped several degrees. It had been cold before... but now?

" Br... " - Avi gritted her teeth. Unlike her bond, she doesn't have the strong willpower to withstand the prevailing cold.

 In a few jumps, she jumped off the man's head and cleverly burrowed deep into his clothes. Only her eyes and a piece of her nose protrude from the collar of a man's T-shirt.

" Mmm... warm... ". - Avi melted from the heat provided by the natural heater. Her buttery eyes betrayed the blissful state of poverty she was in.

" Not too comfortable for you, Lady Avi? " -

" Nhio... It's perfect. " (No, it's perfect.) - Avi replied unprecedentedly, losing in the pleasant warmth.

Ramiel clucked his tongue jealously. He, too, would have loved to have a nice time with the warm radiator... Unfortunately, all he could do was avoid the taste and keep going. The conditions in which he was traveling didn't spoil him. The farther he went, the colder the temperature in the hallway.

His torture ended after only half an hour of walking. In the distance, at the edge of his field of vision, he spotted dark blue crystals, heralding the end of the tunnel. However, his luck ran out here. The entrance to the cave was guarded by a scorpion.

The monster's torso, without legs or pincers, resembles a large delivery bus in size. Its body is covered with hundreds, if not thousands, of crystals, which seem to unite with the chitinous armor.

The former hunter paid special attention to the venom spike. Drops of a blue substance dripped from it, and where they fell, the rock froze.

Ramiel saw such a marvel for the first time. Barring strange features, he would have said he was dealing with an ordinary milk scorpion. But now he wasn't so sure. He had to reach out for help. Suddenly, he no longer regretted taking Avi with him.

" Do you happen to know what this thing is? " - He pointed to the sleeping what he thought was a scorpion.

Avi stuck her head out of Ramiel's clothes and intensely scrutinized the monster in the distance with her eyes.

" Hm... I don't know. " - The fairy answered briefly. " It resembles a milk scorpion, but it could have mutated and turned into something else. We should go back."

Ramiel didn't protest. His instincts screamed danger whenever he looked toward the thing. Definitely, it's not something he can fight now.

All the way back, Avi was silent, looking suspiciously at her bond. Only when they left the tunnel did she speak up.

" I wonder if you have exhausted your limit of happiness for the next hundred years. "

" Because? "

Avi took a deep breath. It promises to be a longer lecture.

" First, you found the lake with the Frost Touch Lilies, then the mandragora, and finally the Infirnyt crystals. You can't even imagine how valuable they are! They contain for themselves pure mana enriched with the element of ice! With their help, you can do everything! Arrows, weapons, engravings on weapons and armor, increase the power of spells and power magical formations! "

" The larger the crystal, the greater the concentration of mana. If you live long enough, in the future, you can sell them to Shadow Merchants for an absurd amount. "

Avi was panting heavily. Spitting it all out in one breath was hard, even for a talker like her.

" Luck? " - Ramiel wheezed with remorse. " Have you seen the monsters protecting Mandragor and Infirnyt? It will be ages before I get near them. "

He got a little carried away. It certainly won't be centuries, but long months or even years seem like a more realistic vision.

" The best things deserve the best guards! You've read so many books and web novels on Earth. You should know at least the basics! " - Avi crossed her arms over her chest and looked at her bond loftily.

Ramiel didn't comment. He simply entered the next tunnel. It seemed to him to be the friendliest one so far. The temperature resembled that of a dungeon, and the crisp and fresh air stimulated the gray cells to life.

The cave at the end of the tunnel was a veritable paradise. Lush greenery grew everywhere. Bushes were filled with various fruits, and trees stood several meters tall between them.

A monumental apple tree grew in the center, forming the pillar of the instance. It seemed that the tree's massive crown supported the entire vault. The branches formed a sort of luxuriant net that kept the boulders from falling.

Around the trees, small and cute rabbits huddled happily. They possessed excellent camouflage. Their fur was dark green, so they blended perfectly into the background. Ramiel would have mistaken them for grass had it not been for their bright red eyes and large protruding ears.

Despite his growing paranoia, both the rabbits and the cave proved harmless. Apparently, fate had smiled upon him and provided him with a safe haven full of delicious food.

Ramiel sat down under an apple tree and picked an apple from the ground. He had already thought about taking a short break. He just didn't have the right place for it. But now, nothing stood in the way of a little rest.

Without thinking long, he took a bite of his recent prey. The fruit was extremely juicy, almost melting in the mouth, leaving behind a pleasant tart aftertaste.

The fairy followed suit and stole a small piece of the apple from him.

" Mmm, this is delicious! " - Her eyes lit up, and her wings fluttered to show her excitement.

" Don't you, by any chance, just need my mana to live? " - Ramiel furrowed his eyebrows, and question marks appeared on his face.

Avi shook her head vigorously.

" Mmm... just because I feed on mana doesn't mean I don't like other flavors! After all, I got my love of food from you. It's your fault! "

In this aspect, Ramiel understands her perfectly. Without delicious food, life doesn't make much sense.

After the delicious meal, Avi felt sleepy. She sluggishly leaned on her bond's leg and fell asleep.

Seeing the deliciously sleeping fairy, Ramiel placed her on his lap. Before he knew it, he was gently stroking her head with his finger, causing her to purr quietly.

Just like a cat. - The man thought as he closed his eyes.

" The world won't collapse if I rest for a while... "