Meat meat meat meat !

Ramiel stood at the edge of the entrance to the new abyssal segment, watching the moose-like animals. The longer he looked at them, the more uncomfortable he felt. The creatures looked strange, to say the least. Their rotting green skin was the first thing that deviated from the norm.

After that, it gets worse. Their horns seemed to be alive. They resembled dozens of intertwined hands carved from ivory. They weren't literally hands, but that description best suited them. In places, patches of material were peeling away from their surfaces, showing blood-red flesh.

Some of the deer-like creatures spread a rotting mist around their hooves, similar in color to their skin.

Given the characteristics of these creatures, it is wrong to continue calling them animals. As of today, they are promoted to the name of monsters.

I hope their meat is fit to eat... I won't last long on food from a bag. - Ramiel thought loosely.

He always has rabbits at his disposal in case of a crisis, but he preferred not to move them for now. According to Avi, they breed like crazy, and their mating season lasts a whole year. So within a month, their numbers should triple. Killing them now would be a waste and would deprive them of future opportunities in the long run.

If Ramiel wanted to survive, he couldn't consider short-term gains. He had to bet on long and safe investments that would pay off over time.

" Avi? " - He didn't need to say anything more. The fairy was already waiting on standby. After a full day, she knew perfectly well what her bond expected of her. She took a deep breath and began the lecture.

" The creatures you have come across are The Dead Gnu. They are gentle and harmless by nature, but they don't like strangers. They live in one large herd, divided into smaller groups. Each of the three groups is overseen by one warrior, who you should watch out for, especially the fog around them! It imposes several annoying curses and temporary weaknesses. "

" As you noted, they are herbivores who mostly shy away from violence. As a result, their meat is suitable for consumption by ordinary humans. It has a strange taste but is essentially full of nutrients needed for growth. "

" Hmm... " - Avi plunged into thought. " You should kidnap the cubs and breed them. The adults can't be tamed, but their litter can. All you need to do is devote some time to them. I am 100% sure that you will definitely not be disappointed. Properly trained, they are excellent mounts. "

" Just think. You have with you an army that puts curses on enemies only by their presence! " - Avi wheezed greedily, devouring the air, not yet finished.

" You should ... We should hunt them... ". - The fairy lay exhausted in the man's hair.

" Rascal. " - Ramiel sounded authoritative, calling the goblin leader to him. In a flash, the green creature knelt before his master with eyes fixed on the ground.

An hour or so ago, Ramiel had given the goblins names. He was annoyed by constantly addressing them as " you. " It made his life easier when giving orders and was convenient. The other creatures were called Goblin 1, Goblin 2, Goblin 3, and Goblin 4.

Yes... Ramiel was very creative with their names.

" Do you see those monsters over there? " - He pointed his finger at a herd of The Dead Gnu.

" Wrii " - Rascal followed with his eyes the point indicated by his master and nodded.

" The plan looks like this. "


A group of The Dead Gnu were enjoying the delights of life, unaware of the danger lurking in front of them.

Near them, five goblins hid in the bushes. The green creatures waited patiently until one of the monsters got close enough to them. They could spend long hours here, as well as short minutes. Everything depended on their luck, which seemed to be in their favor today.

One of the females, The Dead Gnu, spotted an appetizing clump of young grass. Suspecting nothing, she walked under it, sealing her fate.

With a loud shout, the three goblins left the shelter. In a few leaps, they surrounded the helpless monster at their mercy. In the meantime, the other two proceeded to carry out their assigned task. Shouting blood-curdling cries, they frightened the rest of the herd.

They had a simple task, to make sure no one disturbed their leader.

Rascal acted swiftly and deftly. Like a professional hunter, he slit The Dead Gnu's carotid artery, condemning it to death. Blood gushed out to the sides, staining the grass a shade of scarlet.

The desperate female was panting heavily. Her legs trembled, and fear was painted in eyes. She could feel the life gradually draining out of her. Gathering her remaining strength, she let out a quiet whimper, begging for help.

One of the panicked males stopped halfway and turned around. The agonal scream of one of his herd members stirred him with extreme emotions. Under its influence, he defied his natural instincts, which told him to flee.

The sight of a group of goblins pasturing one of the females enraged him to the extreme. Steam gushed from his dilated nostrils, his eyes glazed with blood, and his hooves scratched the ground furiously.

Blinded by anger, he leaned his head forward and began a furious charge, battering everything in path.

The two goblins responsible for the distraction exchanged communicative glances. At the last moment, they jumped aside to avoid being trampled. Of course, they made sure to retaliate accordingly. Their weapons tore through the air, wounding the Dead Gnu's hooves.

The monster clenched its teeth, holding back the burning pain in its limbs. He had a greater goal in mind! Something as trivial as profuse bleeding couldn't stop him. In a rush of adrenaline, he felt invincible! He felt like the whole world was under his hooves.

However, less than two hundred meters from his destination, someone brutally brought him down to earth. Suddenly, the world swirled before his eyes. The overwhelming sense of power gave way to fear. The monster saw his headless body fall to the ground with a bang, stirring up clouds of dust. A man with a bloody sword stood beside him and cast a disdainful glance.

His fall was the last thing the monster saw before being consumed by eternal darkness.

Everything went according to Ramiel's plan, which was strange, but from the beginning. He perfectly predicted the behavior of the flock of monsters. It doesn't matter if it's among humans, monsters, or wild animals. There will always be a knight on a white horse and shining armor, rescuing a damsel in distress. Some things just don't change.

The plan was simple, trap the cubs or the female and scare the rest of the herd. If some fool took the bait, the goblins only had to maim him. Ramiel would take care of the rest.

With the help of a shadow step, he stepped out of The Dead Gnu's shadow and decapitated him with one precise swing. The skin and neck vertebrae were no problem for his sword infused with the element of darkness. It went through them like butter.

" Let's get out of here. " - Ramiel quickly tucked the precious corpse into the space ring and retreated. He wasn't smiling to meet the warlike type of The Dead Gnu. He had just made a lot of noise. He was almost sure that one of the guards was just running to the scene. If possible, he wanted to avoid a pointless fight. After all, he needed to be at his best to save Caera.


The last tunnel was the most to Ramiel's liking. He was surrounded on all sides by his favorite element, darkness. This tendency increased the further he ventured. He felt like the proverbial fish in water.

Any way you look at it, he had a solid basis for it. The element of darkness is his first and most developed of all. He was literally weeks away from reaching the next threshold of understanding.

At least, that was the case before his death... Now, the element is barely a substitute for its former power.

The next segment of the abyss was a pleasant surprise. It turned out to be the largest of all. Standing at the edge of the entrance, Ramiel couldn't see the end of it. He saw strange plants and strange-looking trees everywhere, though the monsters looked familiar.

What they all had in common was that they reeked of an element of darkness a mile away.

Ramiel stopped admiring the fauna and focused on what was important. His eyes measured a pair of monsters lounging in the shade of a tree. The creatures belong to the cat family.

They have pitch-black, furless skin and are about the same size as a tiger, but not quite. They are leaner, more agile, and more prone to injury but incomparably stronger.

Their lean but muscular paws will get you as soon as you turn your back on them, razor-sharp fangs eager to plunge into their prey's throat, tasting its blood. Astute eyes will spot any movement, even the slightest, in the darkness, which is their element. Completing the deadly set is the monster's tail. It is long, springy, and most importantly, it ends in a sharp, pointed spike with flattened edges.

Ramiel was familiar with these monsters. On Earth, people call them Night Rippers. The reason is simple: They are responsible for most of the nightly carnage. Like cats, they like to play with their victims, and when they get bored, they rip the body of the unfortunate apart with a flick of their tail. They eat the fresh entrails and leave the rest.

" And I was worried about where I was going to get the intestines... ". - Ramiel broke off in mid-sentence, pressing Avi violently against chest, after with hurriedly dived into the shadows.

His senses suddenly went wild, screaming about the deadly threat. As it soon turned out, they were right.

His excellent instincts didn't fail him. Once again, it saved his skin in a crisis situation. The air in the place where the former hunter had stood moments before was struck by two undulating and distorted shapes.

The attack lasted a little more than a second, leaving behind a trail of crackling sound. A similar sound is made by the tip of a whip ripping through the air.

Ramiel jumped out of the shadow of Goblin No. 4 and immediately assumed a fighting stance. He bent his knees, extended his left foot and hand gently forward, tilted his body 10 degrees, and drew his right hand back with a sword.

The green creatures didn't know what was happening but quickly followed their master's lead.

Confused, Avi showered the bond with a hail of accusations and questions, but all remained unanswered. Ramiel didn't have time for that now. He kept a close eye on the cliff's edge, waiting for the uninvited guests to appear. He doubted they would let him off so easily once they caught his trail, although he greatly wanted them.

Unfortunately, his wishes did not match reality. Two overgrown cats... very overgrown cats, appeared at the entrance to the new abyssal segment. They growled ominously in the direction of the strangers, and their presence was clearly not to their liking.

" Rascal, occupy the one on the left with something. I repeat, you are to occupy him with something, not kill him. You won't be able to do it anyway. Trying will waste your life. Especially watch out for its tail. It is hellishly fast and no less deadly. It will tear you to pieces with a single blow. "

Ramiel whispered the orders, careful not to provoke the monsters. Unfortunately, Rascal didn't care, giving a determined yell.

" WrAAAA! " - Without thinking much, the goblins lined up behind their leader, ready to fight to the death.

' Avi, you should take cover. ' - Ramiel used his favorite ability to shout without raising voice. He sounded authoritative, not accepting any opposition.

This time, she did not argue with him. She obediently flew several meters away, leaving the former hunter alone on the future battlefield.

' Take care of yourself... ' - Avi added in a quiet whisper. She was damn worried about the former hunter. He may have years of experience with him... but it should be remembered that he had been reduced to the level of an ordinary person. And that's what worried her the most. Before, the Night Rippers were nothing to him, but now they pose a deadly threat. One misstep, and she could lose her master.

Unlike the fairy, Ramiel was not afraid. On the contrary, he was excited. Adrenaline spurred him on, his blood rushing in ears at the thought of the upcoming clash. He looked forward to it.

As you can already guess, he loves to fight, especially when his chances of winning are slim. It arouses extreme emotions in him and provides a pleasant thrill.

He is a bit of a fighting maniac, although he successively denies it.

Ramiel has stopped suppressing aura, showing the world its current potential. The temperature in the corridor dropped a few degrees, and a heavy and irritating scent of death hung in the air, exerting pressure on all living beings.

Sensing the danger, the monsters instinctively teared up. Guided premonitions looked deep into the hunter's amethyst eyes. Almost immediately, they pointed the tips of their tails in his direction.

There was no mistaking it. The flimsy insect might look inconspicuous, but here, it had assumed the role of chief predator.

Rascal was the first to seize the opportunity. Seeing the enemy ignore him, he threw one of his weapons. The bony sword flew a few meters, then pierced the Night Ripper's paw through and through, pinning it to the rocky ground. The formation previously implemented on the blade flashed, covering the limb with ice.

Wrrr... - The monster snarled menacingly, poking the green creature with its blinders. At least half-heartedly, Rascal had accomplished his task.

In the meantime, Ramiel stood unmoved. He waited patiently for the monster to make its first move. During his career as a hunter, he had killed thousands of them and thus had a certain knowledge of their mindset, habits, and behavior.

The unlucky one he was about to fight was a child. Translating his age into human standards, we can say that he has only entered very early adolescence. This detail makes everything easier.

Young individuals are impulsive, reckless, and guided by the most straightforward solutions. In 90% of known cases, they start the fight with a precise diagonal cut. That was the move Ramiel was waiting for.

In no hurry, he shortened the distance between them centimeter by centimeter, exerting more pressure with each step.

The monster bared its teeth and dashed forward, rapidly attacking with its tail.

The corner of Ramiel's mouth subtly lifted in a savage smile. So far, everything was going according to his plan. The Night Ripper lacked experience and patience, for which he would pay a huge price.

Using the skill of the Second Blade, he imbued the sword with the element of lightning. Then, with a deft move, he positioned the blade perpendicular to the trajectory of the incoming tail. Knowing the repetitive patterns of movement, he had the advantage.

By a small margin, Ramiel avoided the first cut. The second never came. Half of the Night Ripper's tail flew deep into the tunnel under the momentum.

The monster could not even lament the loss. He had to focus on protecting his heart if he wanted to live.

The scariest thing in a fight against a lightning element user is not the extensive damage or severe injury. Their power lies in their electrical charge, capable of causing cardiac arrest.

The victim has only two ways to survive. First, not to be hit. Second, surround the heart with a tight bubble of mana. Otherwise, death is almost certain.

Ramiel wasted no time. He dived into the shadows and emerged directly behind the monster. His sword flashed twice in the air, cutting the joints in the oversized cat's hind legs. Meanwhile, the former hunter activated two main skills. Leach and Cursed Condemnation. They would be crucial to victory.

Night Ripper immediately felt the negative effects. He felt as if his skin had become more susceptible to damage, and his mind was shrouded in a heavy fog. Suddenly, thinking made it difficult for him.

However, this did not prevent him from venting his anger on the insolent insect. It took a furious swing at the impudent man. Now that he couldn't think clearly, he let his instincts guide him.

Ramiel jerked to the right. The air before his nose was sliced by sharp claws, snagging a piece of his breastplate. They left four oblong marks on it, stretching all the way to the underside.

Night Ripper repeated the sequence several times. Its paws cut through the air like mad, and its iron jaws tried to bite off the man's head at all costs.

Just because he was blinded by rage doesn't mean dodging his deadly attacks was easy. He still had the advantage of better statistics, which Ramiela felt acutely. Avoiding an attempt on his life was nothing short of miraculous. Not to mention launching any counterattack or finding an opening. The monster's speed overwhelmed him.

If it hadn't stripped him of his most dangerous weapon at the beginning and later restricted his range of motion, he would most likely be dead.

Before he knew it, he had a second Night Ripper behind him.

It didn't look good for him. Suddenly, he found himself between a hammer and an anvil. He had to do something. Otherwise, it did not bode well for his future. A very stupid and risky plan came to his mind. It will surely give Avi a heart attack, but it is the best he can come up with right now. His mana reserves have shrunk by half after just three spells.

 I won't last long this way... Ramiel thought while taking a deep breath and making meticulous calculations. When he finished, the subsequent events happened quickly.

Instead of dodging another paw sweep, he took it on himself. With a screech, his claws slid across the trembling sword's blade. The former hunter's hands trembled dully, and his muscles were strained to the limit. However, the pain he felt was nothing with the loopy sensation of death. If that's all it was, he could survive it.

Ramiel clenched his teeth tighter and delivered a half-turn kick to the monster's mouth. Now, the dumbest part began. He turned his back on the stunned creature and ran to help the goblins.

A third of his mana reserves instantly evaporated, and instead, the Night Ripper's frozen limb was shattered by three pitch-black spikes of darkness. Ramiel didn't stop there, this time using half of his energy. Almost immediately, dozens of chains sprouted from the ground, restraining the deadly tail for a few seconds and dragging it to the ground.

" Cut it off! " - Ramiel roared.

With no regard for his own life, the closest goblin lunged at the overgrown cat from behind. In two awkward blows, he deprived Night Ripper of his strongest weapon.

Unfortunately, courage and bravery came with a certain risk. He found himself within striking distance of the monster, which it took advantage of. He kicked the green creature with all his strength with his hind paw.

The goblin only managed to groan before it bounced off one of the walls and fell inertly. Green blood leaked from its trembling mouth, and its terrified eyes froze into stillness.

Ramiel wanted to do it himself, but he had a bigger problem. Halfway through, he felt the wind smack him on the back. He had miscalculated so that now he was rolling on the ground, dodging a hail of furious blows.

Where he had just lain, a vertical cut had just shattered the rock behind him.

Fuck... - Ramiel cursed in his mind.

I don't have the mana to drag out the fight indefinitely. At most, I have enough for two weak spells. Goblins won't buy me time to work out an advantage with Leach. No, I can forget about them. Even a wounded Night Ripper is too strong for them. Without my help, they will soon die. But to do anything, I would have to stand... Unless...

' Avi, find yourself above the Night Ripper that the goblins are fighting! '

Ramiel rolled until he encountered a wall behind his back. Suddenly warm, he couldn't see where Avi was, but he hoped she did what he asked her to do. Otherwise... he preferred not to even think about it.

Seeing its prey herded into a corner, the furious monster lashed out furiously at the man. However, fate cruelly laughed in his eyes. Its target soaked in the shadows before it could get to him, causing him to crash into the wall with momentum.

Ramiel appeared directly on the back of the unsuspecting Night Ripper. Being prepared in advance, he took a swing. The blade of his sword outlined a beautiful arc in the air, impetuously severing the creature's neck.

The sound of breaking bones rang through the air, followed by the monster's head flying off to the side.

" One less. " - Ramiel let the air out of his mouth faster, but too soon, he began to celebrate the victory.

The second of the Night Rippers tensed his body like a spring and shot forward, stretching out his front paws. He reflected the man's back in his pupils, narrowed to the limit.

" Ramiel behind you! " - Avi shouted desperately. She felt helpless and could only watch from afar.

Ramiel did not think much. His first instinct was to run through Avi's shadow, but his lack of manu prevented him from doing so. He had no choice but to hope for luck. He clung to the body of the falling monster and prayed that Night Ripper's claws would pass him by.

Fortunately, he was not alone here.

Rascal was the only one of the goblins who kept a sober mind. When the Night Ripper leaped toward Ramiel, he slammed the bone weapon into the monster's belly. The blade ripped open its belly under the force of the impact.

A fountain of blood gushed out of the resulting hole, releasing the tightly compacted entrails. The mighty cat did not even reach its target. About two meters in front of the man, it fell to the ground with a clatter.

Ramiel struggled to throw the Night Ripper's carcass aside. Although a minute had passed, he still couldn't believe he was alive. He was convinced that he would soon visit the land of the dead, this time properly.

Picking himself up, he saw the disemboweled corpse of the second monster. What surprised him more was that Rascal stood right behind the corpse, bathed in blood. He held a bone sword in his right hand victoriously, savoring victory's sweet taste. At a glance, he could see his pride bursting forth.

" Definitely the MVP. " - Ramiel groaned. He never thought he would be so happy to see an offending goblin.