Happy Meal !

Ramiel ran as fast as she could, leaving the goblins behind.

At the same time, the little fairy experienced her first roller coaster ride. It will hold a special place in her memories.

' Ramielllllllllllllll S-slowwwwnnnnn doooowwwwnnnnnnnfffnnn! '

Her hair waved, tousled by the wind, and her cheeks took on an unnatural shape under the drag of the air. A small creature, she barely held onto the top of the man's head. With what strength she had left, she clung to the loose strands of his hair as if her survival depended on it.

When they finally reached the other side of the lake, Ramiel fell to the ground, panting heavily.

" Stupid fool! You could have warned me! STUPID FOOL! " - An angry Avi kicked Ramiel in the head, shouting several uncensored words in the process.

Along with her culture, her elegant appearance was also lost. Her hair had become a complete mess, each strand standing in a different direction, and her dress ... was frayed and ruined.

" Don't exaggerate... You weren't the one who had to run." - Ramiel gasped heavily, greedily catching precious breath. He had temporarily run out of oxygen to the point where speaking was causing him problems.

" Ygh... how I hate this... ". - He covered his face with elbow.

If I haven't mentioned it to you yet, Ramiel hates running the most. Not counting ironing clothes, he hates it even more.

He even went so far as to develop special stamina-building techniques just to avoid all running activities. He could lift weights, experience somersaults, and squeeze out the seventh sweat during sparring, but not run.

In his eyes, people who take pleasure in the sport are the worst kind of masochists and are out of their minds.

It's not that he hasn't tried to convince himself to do it. He has had a few approaches to the sport loved by millions in the past. However, no matter how he did it, he couldn't get any pleasure out of it.

 His attitude towards running can be described as ambivalent. It is something necessary in a hunter's job, and he accepts it, but he hates it in every other aspect of life.

After a brief pause, Ramiel gathered Lilies from the lake and headed for the dungeon. Finally, he can leave that cursed abyss! Just today, playing in it, he looked into the eyes of death twice. That was two times too many.


Deep in the dungeon, on the stone floor, Asme sat by a small fire. Her worried gaze fell on the sick elfess. With a comb made of ice, she gently combed her sky-blue hair.


Caera's condition worsened hour by hour... Black spots aggressively occupied new stretches of skin, and her lips turned blue. She also suffered from occasional seizures.

The drugs Ramiel provided slowly stopped helping. At first, they were effective in inhibiting the expansion of the Black Plague, but now... apparently, the microbes have developed an immunity.

If her condition doesn't improve... she will soon die...

Asme pressed the lips together and shook her head, distracted by gloomy thoughts. Feeling sorry for herself won't do any good. It certainly won't help the elfess.

She deftly changed the cold compress for a new one. Then she picked up a dry cloth from the ground and gently wiped the remnants of sweat from Caera's face and the rest of the body.

Quite quickly, she brought the elfess to a decent condition. She had been doing this every day for the past few days, so she had some practice at it.

When it was all over, Asme sat down tiredly and changed another poultice with an aching heart. An experienced observer would have noticed a few solitary tears collecting in the corners of her eyes.

The succubus wiped them away with the top of hand and looked around the modest room vigilantly. Aside from a few skeletons, she was alone so that she could allow herself a moment of weakness.

Caera's illness affected her more than anyone could have imagined. She couldn't sleep peacefully at night or rest in her free time. She lost herself in training to keep her mind occupied with something. Ramiel didn't tell her anything, but he didn't have to. She had sharp eyes and saw how the elfess was fading day by day.

Asme couldn't accept that her only friend would leave like this. Maybe she would have accepted it if she had given her life on the battlefield, defending the dungeon... but she wasn't taken by illness...

The only hope for Caera's survival is Ramiel, or a miracle sent by the gracious Nenneke. The first possibility seemed more realistic than the second, making the horned beauty make a certain promise to the goddess.

If Ramiel saves the elfess, she will take an oath of eternal allegiance to him in a way only a succubus can do. She will already be bound to him forever and entrust her fate into his hands.

What Asme wants to do may seem strange, but it is important to remember that we are no longer on Earth. Here in Avalon, the goddess will hear your prayers if you offer something in return.

The succubus didn't have much. She lost everything when she was summoned to the dungeon. The only thing she had left was free will. Unfortunately, Nenneke never takes people directly under her wing, so winning her allegiance is pointless.

The situation with Ramiel is different. He is under the patronage of the goddess. After all, she is the one who brought him to the dungeon. Apparently, the higher being has her own plans for the man, so helping him might be looked upon favorably.

At least, that's the theory Asme came up with. According to her, the relationship between Ramiel and Nenneke is more than certain.

How does she know this? Just go back a few days. He was brought here by a spatial breach from another world, which he confirmed.

Traversing something as abstract as dimensional boundaries seems impossible to Asme. Even in the royal library, she found no mention of it. Unless the goddess is responsible for bringing it, the horned beauty doesn't know who it could be.

Taking a succubus oath of allegiance will solve yet another of Asme's problems that she doesn't know about yet.

But from the beginning.

As I mentioned earlier, Asme is stuck in a bottleneck. However, this isn't due to a lack of talent or misguided assumptions. The problem is her species.

Succubus need strong partners to thrive, not necessarily permanent ones. The more they have intercourse with a stronger male representative, the more benefits they will receive. This is a common problem that every representative of their species suffers from.

The overarching rules of the world, where everyone is relatively equal, took pity on the plight of the poor creatures in ancient times and gave them several unique features, a stunning appearance, and above-average charm.

Because of this, succubi become weakly attached to a partner. They are driven by an innate instinct to seek another, even if they have already given their heart to someone. Their sexual drive doesn't allow them to stay with one person and constantly pushes them to grow.

As I mentioned earlier, the rules that govern the world seem fair and have created a side fur that allows them to circumvent turbulent nature. Nevertheless, this solution carries enormous risks.

Each succubus can pledge allegiance to one partner. This is a lifetime commitment that cannot be reversed. Once the ritual is performed, they become completely dependent on their mate. Only he will know how to meet their needs and allow them to grow. In addition, they will lose interest in all members of the opposite sex. The person they choose will be their light in the dark for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, this is a one-way relationship.

Therefore, few succubi choose to take such a drastic step. Entrusting their future to one person comes with obvious risks.

Asme's mother should have imparted this knowledge to her, but she didn't. Her daughter is a filthy hybrid who should never have been born. She was a blemish in the royal family's lineage, and as a result, they kept her locked up tightly, away from the public.

The horned beauty only has information on how to perform the ritual of fidelity. This is contained in the bloodline of every succubus and is unlocked when a succubus reaches the age of 16. Her mother was unable to block access to it.

However, poor Asme doesn't know the purpose of the oath or the consequences of carrying it out. The name doesn't tell her much except that she must maintain her loyalty. But that isn't hard to guess.


The massive gates guarding the abyss opened with a bang. In the gate stood Ramiel, smeared in monsters' blood. He carried a half-animated goblin on his back. A thin trickle of dark green and viscous liquid flowed from its mouth, and its right hand was unnaturally bent. A stump dangled freely in place of the left.

For the record, this is the same goblin that heroically chopped off Night Ripper's tail. It suffered a bit on the way back, making it look the way it does.

As it turned out later, Ramiel had to deal with three Night Rippers, not two. The last of the monsters followed them all the way to the tunnel leading to the dungeon. Fortunately, it was young and inexperienced. Except for one unlucky goblin, everyone returned safe and sound.

Asme was paralyzed with fear when she saw the condition in which her master had returned. The sight of Ramiel, covered in fresh and dried blood, made her stomach ache.

She carefully laid Caera's head on one of the folded jackets and ran toward the man.

" Master! Let me help you. " - The horned beauty didn't accept objections. Saying more, she didn't wait for an answer but immediately dragged Ramiel to the bonfire.

The man didn't protest. He was tired and eager to accept a helping hand.

She deftly cut off the leather straps holding the flimsy imitation armor in one piece and set it aside. Then she removed his filthy epaulets, forearm pads, gloves, and, in the end, his bloody clothes.

She soaked the dirty piece of cloth in ice-cold water and began to wash his body of the bloody marks gently. In doing so, she sensually ran her hands over the man's body, paying particular attention to the barely visible outline of his muscles.

Mana can work wonders in enhancing the structure of the human body... Ramiel is a prime example. Just four days ago, he looked like a stick, and now he can boast of a small increase in muscle mass. It is nothing spectacular, but the difference can be seen with the naked eye. 

His heart rate accelerated to a dangerous level under the influence of Asme's voluptuous movements. He didn't know if she was doing it on purpose or following instinct, but her soft and hot hands gave him great pleasure.

The horned beauty wasn't yet aware of the importance of her actions, but she was about to find out.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she finished washing Ramiel. Aside from a few abrasions and cuts, she didn't notice any more serious injuries.

" Can I get dressed now? " - Ramiel grunted, trying to distract himself from his erection. He was naked, so he had everything on.

Asme went at the sudden movement of his hand and looked down. Seeing the Master's sleeping friend rise, a mischievous idea was born in her mind.

" I didn't know ... that you could desire me so much Master ~ ". - Asme gave one hundred percent of herself to tease Ramiel. She sexily bit part of her lower lip and looked passionately into his amethyst eyes.

The poor woman didn't know she had jumped into the lion's den. Ramiel suddenly and aggressively pulled the unsuspecting succubus onto his chest.

" What are you? Ah!!! " - Asme's pupils dilated in shock, and a sensual moan escaped her lips. 

Not giving her time to react, Ramiel cupped the firm ass with his free hand. He kneaded and caressed it to his liking, enjoying it.

He loosened his grip around her waist when he heard slow gasps above her ear. But his other hand continued to have fun. He took it a step further and slowly slid fingers between the horned beauty's deadly buttocks.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the succubus's tail scrubbing the floor with glee. Tilting his head, he noticed a red blush spilling over Asme's lip. Later, he focused on her full, widely parted, red lips, greedily grasping for oxygen.

" Asme, are you sure you want to tease me? If so... you must be ready to take responsibility. " - Ramiel muttered directly above her ear, which caused a shiver along her back. He received no response, so he took the silence as permission.

The truth is that Asme was unable to answer him. Her consciousness is in disarray. In all her life, no man had ever touched her in this way.

She never thought that innocent fun would turn into something like this. She wanted to stop it, but instinct wouldn't let her. Subconsciously, she craves more. The pleasure she felt when Ramiel fondled her hindquarters drove her crazy. For this, she let him do more.

Until now, Asme hadn't realized how sensitive succubi were to touch. But with each passing second, she lost herself deeper and deeper in the pleasurable sensations. It didn't take long before she began to feel a distinctive itch around her younger sister.

As she felt Ramiel's fingers grow bolder and venture deeper, she raised her head above his ear and whispered.


" Master... I'm... Nhghh...!!!! " - Asme clenched her thighs with all her strength and threw her arms around Ramiel's neck. Suddenly, she lost feeling in her legs. If not for the man, she would have fallen to the ground.

She could only describe what she had just experienced as an incredible sensation. An electric impulse passed through her body, originating in the intimate area. Along with it, the stress that had accumulated over weeks went away, and all problems faded into the background.

To top it all off, a viscous and cloudy liquid shot out of her younger sister straight onto the man's leg.

Had she come? No... That's impossible, isn't it? - Ramiel shook his head and reluctantly took his hand off the horned beauty's buttocks. He felt a tad guilty and embarrassed. He had never intended to bring Asme to orgasm. He just wanted to teach her a lesson for playing with him. After all, who climaxes during foreplay? But he underestimated the succubus's sensitivity.

He let her hang on him for a few more minutes before she recovered. He could have let her stay in that position a little longer, but the situation was getting dangerous. A pair of firm female breasts thrust against his chest, and the sweet smell of divine nectar aroused his desire. All these factors put his guns on high alert.

A few more minutes would pass and he would lash out at Asme like a predator undergoing a hunger strike.

Ramiel found his own thoughts strange. He had never had problems with self-control, but with Asme, it is different. The moment he touched her divine ass, he felt a tremendous sex drive.

In any case, he will leave the search for the cause for later. Right now, he has to solve the crisis.

" Asme ... I think you should move away. "

The horned beauty nodded and followed her master's words. She loosened the grip around his neck and stood on shaky legs. Her breathing was still erratic, and her tail was wagging madly.

" Ma - Master... I will be no more... Please forgive me, I need a moment alone... "

Ramiel nodded and left the stammering Asme alone. He went straight to the storage. He had to see if the skeletons had finished their work in the pantry... Well, okay, that was just an excuse. He needs a moment of privacy to get rid of the problem downstairs.

In the meantime, while he was getting rid of the problem, an avalanche of mischievous thoughts passed through Asme's mind.

Why was this so enjoyable?

Why did I enjoy it so much?

Why did I want him to touch me more!

Why did he end so suddenly?

What was happening to me!

Asme is very inexperienced for a succubus. She may have good instincts, but that's about it.

For her own safety, she decided not to tease him again. If she hadn't let him go in time, only the great Nenneke could know what would have happened.

As a humble narrator, I think the madness would have taken two to three chapters...


Once Ramiel had solved his problem, he set about cleaning the pantry of debris. He tucked all the boulders and leftovers into the space ring. In general, he had nothing to cling to.

A spiral staircase carved into the floor of the warehouse led to the pantry. A thick layer of ice covered the walls, floor, and ceiling, ensuring a low temperature. This should have been enough to keep the meat from spoiling for a long time.

Some time later, Ramiel tried to bind the bodies of the dead monsters. He was particularly interested in the skin and flesh of the Dead Gnu. As usual, however, he lacked the proper tools. If it weren't for the young Night Ripper's tail, he could only dream of skinning the bodies.

It was tedious and complicated work for someone inexperienced. Not to mention the small inconvenience of a small chinchilla biting the neck. Unfortunately, it would have been too nice if the rodents had stopped there. Avi had to shout phrases like:

' Pervert! '

' Die! '

 'Die! '

 'Perish! '

' Bury yourself underground! '

Ramiel endures this patiently, but even his patience has its limits. He tries to disconnect somehow, but the author of the link doesn't seem to have thought of anything as useful as a mute option.

'If you don't stop right now, I'm going to impale you on a wooden stake and roast you on a bonfire! ' - He howled through clenched teeth.

' 'You won't dare! ' - Avi raised her hands.

' Are you sure? I have a feeling that the second fairy will be much better. '

' How do you know that there will be another one? I never told you about it! '

' I didn't know, but now I know.'

' Ygh! YGH ! '

Ramiel clicked tongue and grabbed Avi's by clothes.

" Look, I've had enough of this already! It was funny for the first five minutes, then it became annoying, and now I feel like throwing you to the goblins to eat! " - Ramiel didn't disguise his words. He sounded threatening. Avi made him scream, and that's quite a challenge.

An icy shiver ran down the fairy's back. She took Ramiel's words to heart, even though she knew he wouldn't do it anyway ... I guess ... The old Ramiel wouldn't do it ... but this is no longer the old Ramiel...

Avi swallowed her saliva. Enlightenment hit her like thunder from a clear sky. Avi knows the thoughts and reasoning before the bond from before the looped death incident... but the changes that occurred during are beyond her access. She only knows the general outline of the event and nothing else.

" Hmpf! " - The fairy snorted arrogantly, feigning confidence. However, inside, she was shaking with fear. Getting nailed on a stick is no joke!

Ramiel put her down and went about his work, finally in blissful silence.

Two hours later, he was done. When the material was finished, Ramiel was enriched with about 100 kg of edible meat, 120 kg of Night Ripper meat, unfortunately not suitable for humans, two red cores the size of half a finger, one red core the size of a fingernail, and two red cores corresponding to a finger.

The skin pulled from the Dead Gnu was given to the goblin for processing. If it weren't processed properly, it would spoil.

After finishing his work and getting dressed, he returned to the dungeon. Now, he sits by the fire and enjoys the smell of roasting meat. The fire is small but enough to roast a portion for three people. He was looking forward to eating something normal.

Asme shares his enthusiasm. Her tail swings left and right, showing excessive excitement. Small trickles of saliva dripped from the left corner of her mouth. If one could eat something with one's eyes, Asme would have already done so.

Ramiel wasn't surprised; she probably hadn't eaten meat since her first day in the dungeon.

After about fifteen minutes, he took the first piece off the fire. The meat was well roasted on both sides, and the side smell of roasted fat irritated his nostrils.

He passed the remaining two sticks to Asme and began tasting.

Oh my goodness! This is delicious! - Ramiel moaned enthusiastically in mind. His taste buds went wild with the first bite. The taste of spicy meat combined with an unfamiliar bitter aftertaste brought him to the brink of ecstasy.

After dinner, he and Asme fed a semi-conscious Caera. It was hard. The woman no longer distinguished between what was waking and what was dreaming. Her cheeks sunk inward, and sky-blue eyes became cloudy.

If Ramiel wants to save her, he must set out for the mandragora tomorrow morning at the latest.

It will be better if I sleep earlier tonight... - With that thought, he lay down near the campfire. He was still cold, but it was better than nothing.

Asme shared his plans. Today had left her mentally and physically tired. She sat down comfortably in front of Ramiel and got as close to him as she could.

" Master, won't you hug me today? " - She hesitated a little before asking. She still has a fresh image in front of eyes from a few hours ago... but she really didn't want to freeze.

Ramiel opened eyes lazily and rolled onto his side. He embraced the succubus's voluptuous body and drew Asme closer to him. The horned beauty didn't protest. She corrected herself, accidentally rubbing her master's sensual buttocks.

He ignored the minor inconvenience and fell asleep. He knew the woman didn't do it on purpose. Soon, the horned beauty followed in his footsteps.

Don't think that they forgot about the elfess. Poor Avi watches over her as punishment.