The crown is not only a privilege but also a duty

Ramiel was sitting on a comfortable stone chair. As you can easily guess, his expression wasn't too interesting.

Why can't just this damn throne be the same... Am I asking for so much? - The former hunter growled angrily in his mind. Even after long weeks in the dungeon, he couldn't get over the realization that someone had spoiled such a simple and pleasant thing as a place to sit.

" So what brings you to me, master?"

Ramiel stopped despairing and shifted his gaze to Seraphine. The necromancer was sitting with an impeccable posture across from him. Her back was straight, and her closed hands rested calmly on her folded thighs.

Surely I am the master here? - Ramiel questioned his authority as he looked at the flawless Seraphine. He had a strange feeling that she was in charge, not him. The pressure exerted by her invisible monarch aura was intimidating. Even someone like him felt a deep-seated awe and respect towards the woman.

Nevertheless, he didn't let it affect the pace of the conversation. Ramiel sat comfortably in a chair and rested his chin nonchalantly on a clenched fist.

" I told you to be more casual around me. All this court etiquette gets on my nerves. "

Seraphine sighed heavily, even though she was a skeleton and needed no air. For a moment she questioned her decision of a few days ago, wondering if she had really done the right thing by putting her life in the hands of such an ignorant man.

How the hell did he interrupt until now... - A fleeting thought came to life in the intricate mind of the necromancer.

At the same time, Ramiel gets the impression that Seraphine is mocking him. First of all, he didn't like the way his subordinate looked at him. He was already about to take up the subject, but the woman preceded him.

" What you like, master, and what you have to do are two different things. This court etiquette that you dislike so much is more important than you think. It makes the hierarchy clear and enforces respect for the ruler. It may not matter when there are so few of us, but believe me. Soon, the dungeon will be a refuge for a thousand creatures, and then you will appreciate the advantages of so-called court etiquette... I leave aside such obvious issues as appearance in the eyes of other masters. How can others do so if your subjects don't show you the proper respect? "

Seraphine tried at all costs to knock some sense into Ramiel's head. After all, she had once been a real monarch, having an entire continent under her. She definitely knew what she was talking about. That's why she preferred to straighten out a few things while it was still possible so that things would be simpler in the future.

" Aren't you exaggerating? I can always force obedience. If I'm strong enough, I see no reason not to do it. " - Ramiel expressed his honest opinion about Seraphine's lecture, but she only looked at him with pity. Don't misunderstand him. He understood Etiquette's ideology but didn't share it. He thought it was unnecessary, outdated, and annoying.

He really doesn't understand how wrong he is... - Seraphine shook her head slightly, gathering her thoughts together.

" Even if you do, sooner or later, it will lead to bloodshed. The ideology of enforced obedience works well as a preventive measure, but short term. What if you are wounded in battle and killed by people who are no longer afraid of you? "

Ramiel watched the necromancer carefully while considering her words. What she was saying made sense, but it didn't fit with his current self. Choosing his words wisely, he answered Seraphine.

" It's simple. I wouldn't let such a situation happen a second time. If I was sure that someone was plotting against me, I would kill them without mercy. "

The small fires in Seraphine's eyes shone for a brief moment. She had partly expected this line of reasoning, but what surprised her was the first part of Ramiel's sentence.

I wouldn't allow such a situation a second time... So therein lies his problem...

interesting - The necromancer seemed to have hit on a very important clue, but it's still not enough. Clearly, someone will spend a long night analyzing the conversation. Anyway, who said that skeletons need sleep?

" Are you sure about that? You will then become a bloodthirsty tyrant. Such ones don't end too well. In the history of my continent, rulers of your ilk were quick to lose their heads to disgruntled citizens. "

What Seraphine said was true. Rarely do true flesh-and-blood tyrants live to old age. Yes, they enjoyed power and prosperity for more or less of their lives, but when fortune turned against them, the Grim Reaper came to visit with his scythe.

" It's not that I don't know about it, but there is a Tyrant and a Tyrant. The question is which of the two one is. "

Seraphine was interested in Ramiel's point of view. In truth, she already knew how the conversation would end, but she was still curious how her master would justify his decisions. After all, she will serve under him for the rest of her life. It would be good to get to know him better. With a slight nod, she motioned for him to continue.

Ramiel missed the small detail that it wasn't he who dictated the pace of the conversation but Seraphine. The young and inexperienced master was at least a hundred years too young to outwit the old fox.

" It is necessary to be able to distinguish between the two concepts. One can be a mad ruler who murders without restraint for his own whim and satisfaction. Or one who does it with prudence and only when someone is plotting behind his back. It's important to be able to distinguish between constructive criticism and outright mockery and casting a pall over one's feet. Many people fail to do this, losing themselves in bloodlust. "

The former hunter took a brief pause while thinking about something.

" Frankly speaking, it is impossible to avoid getting your hands dirty. Human nature is terrible. No matter how much a person has, he will always want more. When you lower your guard, it will attack you by stabbing you in the back. "

Simultaneously with the last revelation, a hint of icy aura leaked from Ramiel, lowering the room's temperature by several degrees.

From the master's little outburst, Seraphine drew some conclusions about his past but said nothing about it. Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid.

Tired of talking, the necromancer took a breath and once again tried to correct Ramiel's warped worldview.

" Let's assume an imaginary scenario. You are the king of a small kingdom, but several people in influential positions are openly plotting against you. However, you shouldn't kill them because that would throw your country into chaos and expose it to enemy attack. "

Ramiel didn't even have to think about the answer. A gentle smile appeared on his face, which Seraphine found frightening.

" Isn't it simple? I said earlier that I would have killed them. "

Seraphine remained silent, searching for sublime words. Dealing with Ramiel was tougher than she had originally anticipated.

" Don't you care about the potential death of your citizens and the fall of the kingdom? The crown provides not only privileges but also responsibilities. If you don't have citizens, what will you rule? A kingdom made of plasma and ash? Don't you think this is foolish, master? "

The expression on Ramiel's face grew more serious. He was aware of the issues Seraphine had raised but didn't like being taken for a fool. He suspected that the necromancer was testing him, but it still spoiled his already bad mood.

" Tsk... "

Hearing a disgruntled hiss, Seraphine involuntarily sharpened her senses. She was an experienced woman and knew how to read the atmosphere, and this suddenly spoiled. A previously pleasant and valuable chat was about to turn into something less pleasant.

Had I overreacted?

Well... Seraphine was about to find out.

" Funny. Explain one thing to me because I never understood it. Doesn't the inability to maintain autonomy, despite being the strongest, mean in itself about the incompetence of the ruler? What is the point of having a crown if you are intimidated by your subordinates and held down by public opinion? Why wear the crown, then? Out of a sense of duty? "

 Ramiel growled somewhat angrily. His words were even dripping with the proverbial venom.

" I have never heard a better joke... Even if it were to jeopardize the stability of my kingdom, I would still prefer to cleanse it of traitors, thus bringing order and warning others for the future."

This time, Seraphine remained silent, not knowing what to say. Her and Ramiel's worldviews differed greatly. They were guided by extreme values in life.

The necromancer's psychological portrait of the former hunter was simple. A man who was rational, authoritative, and lacked empathy for strangers. Not even for a split second would his hand tremble if he had to condemn millions to death for his own survival. By the way, he despises traitors. At least on this point, they both agree...

Ramiel, hearing the awkward silence, coughed. Not counting the last few minutes, he enjoyed the conversation with Seraphine. He didn't want to end it this way.

" Don't get me wrong, if I had consolidated power, I would have looked after the welfare of my subordinates and tried to make their lives more comfortable. As you mentioned earlier, there is no kingdom without people. "

Seraphine relaxed her posture slightly. For a moment, she feared an onslaught of mindless aggression, but her fears proved unnecessary... Since the situation was relatively under control, it seemed prudent to quickly end the current topic and divert the conversation to other tracks.

" Coming back, master, it doesn't change the fact that you should observe etiquette. Take my word for it, and you won't regret it. "

Annoyed by the recurring topic of stubborn etiquette, Ramiel laid his head on the stone table. Surprisingly, this one was also comfortable!

" Give me a holy peace of mind... I'll do as I please... "

Seraphine listened to Ramiel's moans for a few more minutes, then decided to return to the main topic. She found it quite amusing, by the way.

" Khm... So what was the reason for your visit, master? "

Ramiel raised his head and stopped lamenting his fate. Actually, he had two reasons for coming here. First, he was hiding from Asme. All the way from the lake, the atmosphere between them was awkward.

He tried to avoid interacting with the horned beauty as much as possible, but it was hard when it was just the two of them walking. Of course, Asme took his words to heart and didn't ask any questions about Ramiel's strange behavior, but she didn't completely refrain from talking.

It ended with Ramiel responding in half-words or generalities like an offended princess.

After a few such pronouncements, Asme stopped, which was even more awkward. The horned beauty felt disappointed and hurt. From her perspective, she had done nothing wrong with which to deserve such treatment.

Ironically, Ramiel wasn't afraid to face the worst possible monsters, but he was afraid to have an honest conversation with the woman. His enemies were now turning over in their graves, seeing how easy it was to defeat the former hunter.

The second and definitely more important reason than the lovers' quarrel was to know exactly the extent of Seraphine's skills. Ramiel needed to know how strong an army he had at his disposal. All his future moves depended on it.

Seraphine listened to one of the former hunter's two goals. The first, of course, she couldn't know about, or rather, he didn't feel the need to confide in the necromancer. It was his internal problem, which he had to deal with on his own. The exception to the rule would be Avi.

By nature, Ramiel wasn't a person who openly told others about his problems, but he considered the brazen fairy a part of him. Thanks to the soul bond they shared, he trusted her like a few others.

" For now, I can create and control up to ten low-quality monsters. However, it requires relatively undamaged bodies. As for magic, I currently have a few curses, a protective barrier, the teleportation magic you've already seen, master, and some short- and medium-range offensive spells. As for close combat, I can defend myself, but I prefer to avoid it. My body isn' made for it. "

Ramiel nodded, writing down in his mind exactly the information Seraphine had given him.

" How long does it take you to create ten units if I provide you with the bodies? "

Seraphine did a quick calculation in her head.

" If they aren't badly damaged... at worst, it will take me two days."

It was faster than Ramiel had initially anticipated, but that's a good thing. He'll be able to put some of his plans into action faster.

" Do you need anything else? "

The former hunter didn't know that he almost gave himself a heart attack with this question.

" Yes, master, except for the bodies, I also need monster cores. There are two finger-sized red cores per adult Night Ripper. "

Hearing such an exorbitant price, Ramiel's heart stopped beating. Two finger-sized cores, that's over 200 units of dungeon core energy! If this isn't a rip-off in broad daylight, I don't know what he should call it.

Ramiel forgot how to breathe and tilted his head back desperately. After a few minutes, a man's pleading voice rang out in the room.

 " Please tell me you don't need them to keep the monsters too... "

Seraphine, seeing the desperation of her new master, laughed in thoughts. Of course, as befits a monarch, she gave nothing away.

" No, master, I don't need any cores to keep them alive. Resurrected monsters take mana from the environment and feed on it."

Hearing the good news, Ramiel breathed a sigh of relief. He was already having a hard time filling the budget. Darwin's expenses, combined with the units' maintenance, effectively depleted his meager treasury. If there were to be additional costs on top of that, he couldn't stand it. He silently hoped that the new units he would acquire, along with the next level of the dungeon, wouldn't be too expensive to maintain. Otherwise, he would surely go bankrupt.

" At the latest, the day after tomorrow, we will leave for the corpses. Be prepared by then and try not to drive me into bankruptcy. It would be good if you practice cooperation with Asme, Caera, and the Goblins, especially Rascal. They are the ones I care about the most. The rest can be easily replaced. "

The former hunter was getting ready to leave, but the necromancer had something else to say.

" I'll do what you order, master, if you allow me, I'll leave, but are you sure YOUR WOMEN can handle this today? "

Seraphine especially emphasized the last words. Curious about what kind of stallion her new master is, she spied on him a bit last night and was impressed.

Seraphine definitely had to admit one thing to the former hunter. He knew what he was doing. Partly, she even envied the woman for such a wonderful and passionate night.

Hearing the necromancer's comment, Ramiel wanted to slap his forehead.

" Em... then... we will leave in two days. Today, try to make friends with the goblins... "

Along with these words, the former hunter left the room, once again cursing himself in mind for lack of self-control.