A misunderstanding leading to reconciliation

Ramiel roamed the dungeon in search of the small and insolent fairy. He silently hoped that Avi understood her behavior and learned some lessons from their separation. Otherwise, he would have to devise another method of dealing with her, which would be extremely annoying. He was terribly reluctant to do so.

The former hunter's journey ended rather quickly. He found the sleeping fairy on the third floor of the dungeon.

" Tsk... As usual, what else could she do? "

Ramiel felt slightly disappointed. After all he had counted on Avi to work hard.

As the former hunter made his way towards the unruly fairy, the skeletons working on the farm stopped to pay him a bow. As far as he could see, most of his slaves... cheap labor, had transformed into various professions.

The skeletons who worked in the fields were taller than the others and had a more robust physique. In their bony hands rested massive-looking tools made of snow-white bone.

In contrast, the skeletons working on the makeshift orchard had more agile bodies, and their bones seemed hollow inside. Out of the corner of his eye, Ramiel noticed the skeleton climbing a tree in a few leaps and plucking fruit from it.

Huh... I didn't think skeletons would ever be so useful. To think that I had already written them off... By the way, I wonder if there is a way to turn them into warriors. I'll have to try that later.

It was a good idea, but the former hunter put it off on his long list of things to do later. He had more important things to do now.

Ramiel was no longer distracted and sat down on the green grass, leaning against the massive trunk of an apple tree. Although he hadn't expected it, it was really comfortable here.

He gently picked up the sleeping fairy with his right hand and placed it on his hair.

Honestly, he felt strange during those few days when they avoided each other like a fire. Ramiel had already become accustomed to Avi's constant presence around him, so when she was in her place, he felt instantly better, and the strange discomfort that had been haunting him disappeared.

At the same time, the corners of the fairy's mouth lifted up to form a beautiful smile. The fairy subconsciously sensed favorite environment and involuntarily relaxed by lowering guard. No matter how dangerous a situation she found herself in, she knew that Ramiel would always save her.

That's why she hated herself so much. At the moment of her worst trial, she was ready to sacrifice the person she cared about most for the sake of the dungeon.

However, Avi couldn't be blamed for this. Like the rest of the fairies, she was called to live for a higher purpose, which was precisely to protect the dungeon. That's how her instincts and deep-rooted mechanisms worked.

But Avi had had enough of that. She no longer wanted to be a threat to Ramiel's life. Therefore, she decided to change. This is a very noble goal and, at the same time, almost impossible to achieve.

To go against the sole purpose of existence, goes against the nature of life and the principles that guide the universe. The destiny of some beings simply cannot be changed.

Will it be the same this time?


A few hours later, Avi awoke from a deep sleep. Rolling over to the other side, she felt something comfortable and extremely familiar underneath her.

The fairy dragged herself up. A very peculiar smell entered her nostrils, which she would never have mistaken with anything else. After all, it had accompanied her since the first day of life.

Huh? Am I having sleep hallucinations? - Avi muttered in mind and rubbed her sleepy eyes, trying to bring herself to senses. Then, the little fairy stretched, not without the sound of cracking bones.

" This lying down will not only make you fat but also give you osteoporosis. " - Ramiel laughed, but someone was definitely not prepared for a warm welcome.

" Kya! " - Avi squealed and jumped up, frightened. For a split second, her heart stopped in shock. She hadn't expected to see Ramiel here for any reason in the world.

" Y-y-yo-you what ar-are y-youu doing he-here!!!! " - Avi, being in severe shock, couldn't even say the sentence correctly without stuttering.

With a trembling finger, she pointed at the unexpected visitor. It was enough that he appeared, and a pink blush crept onto her pale cheeks. His mere presence perplexed the fairy and made her heart beat faster.

" Um... I think I'm sitting, but I could be wrong. Although, on the other hand, it can be interpreted in many ways. It all depends on your point of view. To the grass, I might be an invader destroying its home and family. To the tree, I am leaning on its body." 

Avi shook her head negatively, moving strands of long black hair.

 " That's not what I mean... Weren't you angry with me? " - Avi whispered timidly. Her high-pitched voice trembled with fear. At the same time, the guilt that was devouring her from the inside like a hungry wolf didn't allow anything else.

" It depends on whether you understood your mistake. "

Ramiel misread the fairy's behavior. He was sure she was sorry for what she had done. If only he knew the truth...

 " That... I'm sorry... " - A shaky gasp escaped from Avi's lips. Transparent drops of tears gathered in the corners of the fairy's violet eyes, causing the rest of her tiny body to tremble.

" I - I really didn't - I didn't want to... "

Avi suddenly burst into tears. A torrent of uninterrupted tears streamed down her tiny cheeks, soaking her elegant dress.

For the first few seconds, Ramiel was stunned. He would never have expected a simple conversation to make Avi cry. Feeling guilty, he gently embraced the fairy and rubbed her face. He felt something wet and sticky run down his cheek, but he didn't care.

The former hunter continued like this and waited patiently for Avi to regain her composure. Finally, after about twenty minutes, the quiet sobbing stopped.

Contrary to what Ramiel thought, Avi's reaction was caused by grief and guilt stemming from the compulsion to lie to him. The fairy could no longer bear the emotions swirling inside her, giving vent to them in the form of a hysterical crying fit.

The worst part is that she will never be able to tell the former hunter the truth. She knew him better than anyone else and, therefore, knew he wouldn't give second chances. At best, due to the unique nature of their relationship, they would become strangers to each other...At worst, she didn't even want to think about it. At the mere mention of what could have happened, the contents of her stomach rose to the fairy's throat.


" Hey... if it helps anything... then you can stop crying now...I... Ugh... I'm just trying to say that I'm not mad at you anymore. "

Ramiel timidly stroked the fairy's hair. He felt a little embarrassed by what came out awkwardly.

Avi stopped frowning and rubbed her reddened eyes. Then she shook her head, letting him know everything was fine.

Ramiel breathed a sigh of relief in his spirit. Ever since he arrived at the dungeon, he hadn't felt very confident in comforting other people. In fact, he had a huge problem with it. After some research he did, he discovered what the problem was, his empathy for the other person had almost completely disappeared. At first, he didn't worry too much about it, but as time went on, he began to see the problems that resulted. Slowly but effectively, he was becoming back the man he never wanted to be again.

" I thought... that, you know. Maybe you're hungry? " - Ramiel tilted his head slightly, exposing his neck. He wanted to lighten the atmosphere, and he succeeded.

Avi let out a stifled laugh. She embraced the former hunter's cheek in a flash, or at least tried to. The disproportion of the proportions was too much. Instead of a proper hug, it came out as a twisted thing, but it was enough.

The fairy felt a warmth and a sense of blissful security envelop her. It was as if she had returned home after a long and dangerous journey. She forced a sad smile and closed her eyes, which were filled with an unfathomable melancholy.

Avi couldn't believe that she was so close to losing something so wonderful.

" I missed... " - Avi's sincere confession, though short, expressed more than a thousand empty and meaningless words.

" Not only you... " - Ramiel sighed nostalgically.

What was a few days for others seemed like an eternity to Avi and Ramiel. Someone who has never experienced the soul bond between two beings will never understand the relationship between them. One without the other, they felt as if they were empty inside, unable to function properly.

The feeling that accompanied prolonged separation was unbearable, throwing both parties into a vortex of endless depression. Fortunately, Avi and Ramiel didn't have the opportunity to experience such a tragic state.

To be honest, their little quarrel couldn't be considered a real separation. After all, they were still seeing each other in the dungeon.

The couple spent a long while like this, simply being silent and enjoying each other's presence. Although Ramiel didn't want to, he had to admit that he missed the company of the cheeky chinchilla.

" Are you sure you aren't hungry? " - The former hunter was the first to interrupt their intimate reconciliation.

" Now that you mention it... "

Avi chuckled in a flash, sinking her snow-white teeth into his collarbone.


The half-transparent fairy's wings fluttered merrily, and her ears reddened.

Hearing Avi's excitement clearly and distinctly, Ramiel snorted with laughter.

''You finally sound like yourself. What do you say to see what new things the next level of the core will bring us? '

Presently, Avi would agree to anything the former hunter suggested. The euphoria caused by the taste of her favorite snack was compelling.

" MMM... Sounds good. '

Disposing of one crisis, Ramiel stood up and headed to the second floor of the dungeon.

' By the way, did you do something I should know about? Not that there's anything... but lately your emotions have been a real mess, hard to keep track of. '

For a brief moment, Ramiel's expression became serious. Just thinking about one person, a hint of fear appeared in his heart. Of course, this didn't escape the attention of the hungry fairy.

' It's about Asme... ' - Ramiel remained silent, searching for the right words. Avi didn't push him. Since he got serious and came to her, it had to be something he couldn't handle on his own.

' I think I'm starting to feel something for her... ' - the former hunter muttered grimly.

' And what is the problem? '

Avi, hearing the deafening silence, continued. 

' You knew very well the risks of what you were doing. Besides, it didn't appear overnight. You could have reacted when you noticed the first signs, but you waited until the situation escalated. '

Ramiel clicked his tongue in annoyance. Avi was right, and that's what pissed him off.

' It's not that simple... I didn't expect that instead of being manipulated, I would be the one being manipulated… '

Hearing Ramiel's hopeless explanation, Avi rolled her eyes.

' I don't understand you very much, but to me, your intentions were clear. Despite your babble about controlling Caera and Asme, you became emotionally involved of your own accord. From a third-person perspective, you subconsciously brought things to this point. The flimsy excuses you are making now are even less of an attempt to justify your actions.''

Ramiel looked at the fairy and raised an eyebrow. He knew that by disintegrating his soul, he could do stupid things and lose his personality, but he never expected it to be this bad.

' I will ask again. What is your problem? You are happy spending time with Asme and Caera and don't even try to say you aren't. Besides, you had an identical goofy expression when you were having fun with Samantha. '

For a brief moment, the blood in Ramiel's veins boiled. But instead of getting angry, the former hunter became sullen and depressed.

' I'm afraid, Avi... I'm afraid that if I trust someone like that again... the same thing will happen. It's not easy for me to leave the past behind... not when everything reminds me of it. '

The former hunter took a long time to gather himself for this confession, but was it worth it? He didn't feel any difference, nor the proverbial lightness that people talk so much about. Instead, the pain rooted somewhere deep inside him only intensified.

' You know... you don't have to do everything at once... Sometimes, changes start with small steps... After all, Rome wasn't built in a day, was it? '

Ramiel only nodded sadly. Avi was also given to his mood, but she didn't give up so easily. She had to exhaust the topic to the end. She might not have another opportunity to do so. After all, Ramiel rarely opened up.

' Getting off topic, are you sure this is only about Asme? Aren't you starting to feel something for Caera as well? Your intentions towards her aren't clear either. '

Ramiel thought for a long time, but his answer disappointed the fairy.

' I don't know Avi... "

Avi looked pityingly at Ramiel, her gaze expressing more than a thousand words.

 ' I may be wrong, but if you said A, you must also say B. At the end of the day, the choice is yours anyway. It just seems to me that it will be better for you if you finally decide on something. Either cut yourself off from them completely or maintain your current relationship with them. '

The fairy took a breath and added grimly.

' You can't afford to hesitate. Unlike us, you are limited by time. '

The rest of the journey passed in absolute silence. Ramiel contemplated his future and what he would do about the current problem, while Avi enjoyed being back close to the man.

[A/N Okay, a few words in my defense. My skills suck, so it's been a long time since I felt as embarrassed as I did at the end of today's chapter. As for the character of Ramiel, I think I screwed up. The idea was quite different, and it came out the way it did. Now I'm trying to fix it.

I won't lose anything by explaining it to you, so I'll be brief. Because of what happened in the dead dungeon, Ramiel was supposed to have huge emotional problems and a warped personality. He was supposed to be a broken man, devoid of any positive feelings, who would do macabre things.

It turned out not so well, from the beginning I overcomplicated it by playing with Asme and Caera's plot. In order for it to have arms and legs, there had to be some embarrassing problems and internal dilemmas for Ramiel.

Of course, I didn't abandon the initial plan for the character. I just decided to do it in a slightly different way. For those who are worried that Ramiel will fuck every new woman he meets, you are mistaken. As I mentioned earlier, he will only have a few women.

No, Seraphine isn't going to join his harem. And no, we will not spend our entire lives in the dungeon. In fact, we spend so much time here to develop the proper foundation. If you have made it this far, congratulations and heartfelt thanks. ]

  1. The floor where Ramiel and the others live is the 1st floor.