Are you sure that the forest is safe ?

" Moommmm? "

" Yes, Ramiel? "

The little boy wriggled impatiently on the woman's slender thighs. His fists clenched until the blood drained from them, and his amethyst eyes shone with unbridled childlike curiosity, staring at the world's most beautiful face.

At the age of five, there was no more beautiful being for him than Ceti. She became his ideal.

" I helped, didn't I? "

" Yes, you helped Ramiel. "

" I helped a lot, didn't I? "

" You helped a lot. "

A bold smile adorned the little rascal's face. Although he was only five years old, he proved to be an indispensable help to his goddess. At the moment, there was nothing in the world that gave him more pleasure.

"Well... don't I deserve a reward... Ouch!!! "

Ceti's tiny fingers dipped into Ramiel's plump cheeks, stretching them. In her eyes, Ramiel looked like a sweet cake waiting to be munched with appetite. His childlike innocence and determination added to his charm.

" Here is your prize. " The corners of Ceti's pink lips lifted up, inviting a roguish smile on her face. It formed a wonderful contrast with her long platinum hair, which partially covered her slender face.

" Moooooooooo-mmmmmm... "

Ceti couldn't help herself. Teasing the lovely Ramiel filled her heart with joy.

The same couldn't be said of the boy. His strained patience was on the verge of collapse. Throughout the day, he endured the torture from hell called cleaning, only to have his cheeks stretch like bubble gum at the end.

" P - Promises- You promised. "

In between the Dantean torture, the boy managed to squeeze out a few words. Fortunately, they had the intended effect.

Ceti sighed, releasing the suddenly formed frustration. Her tempting lips curved into an ugly grimace, and her amethyst eyes looked with disappointment in the boy's direction.

The woman really wanted to munch on him for dinner...

Unfortunately, a promise is a promise and must be kept... Besides, this is the first step to fulfilling her secretive dream. Who knows what nightmarish events she will give rise to if she continues to abuse... I mean, play with her son.

" How about this ... to create the right atmosphere?

" YES ! "

Ramiel didn't have to think twice.

Like a flash of lightning, he disappeared into the dark corridor. The only sound that reached the woman's ears was the stomping of small feet, combined with the clatter of falling pots. 

" Ramiel? Are you all right? "

" Ye- Yes... "

" What was that sound? "

" No-Nothing "

" Are you sure? "

" Yes... "

" Shall I check it? "

" NO! " There wasn't the slightest trace left of the enthusiastic voice. It was replaced by an uncertain tone with a hint of typical childish lying.

Ramiel's words didn't convince her. On the contrary, they reassured her that something had definitely gone wrong.

Just as she was about to get up to see what the little highwayman was winding up this time, Ramiel's figure emerged from behind the door. He carried a huge blanket in his small hands, half of it dragging behind him.

On his chubby face, traces of black soil were smeared on defenseless potted flowers, blatant evidence of the murder he had committed.

Exceptionally, Ceti decided to let the innocent lie pass by her ears. After all, she had more important things to do than pursue the truth and mete out appropriate punishment.

Once in a while, it wouldn't hurt to spoil the little rascal.

Ramiel attempted to climb a mountain peak, but his ascent ended before it began.

Ceti picked him up and settled him in her lap before he could take his first step on the climbing wall.

" Mo... " Ramiel was outraged. He was already a big boy and didn't need help with such simple activities.

When he wanted to raise a protest, his gaze met his mother's seemingly calm eyes. In them, he saw an impenetrable void from within which all sorts of world creatures were watching him.

" Shall I check what your "nothing? "

"... No... "

A subtle threat hung in the air. Ceti didn't even have to go so far as to use her unique ability to shout without raising her voice. A bit of persuasion mixed with a hint of blackmail was enough to completely crush the resistance forces called Ramiel's will to fight.

" Come here, little blighter. "

The boy unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The invisible tension exerting pressure on him frightened him to the marrow of his bones.

He no longer dared to defy his mother. Further resistance could lead to unpleasant consequences. Like an angel in the skin of the devil, he sat obediently and awaited further developments.

" Close your eyes ... and don't you dare peek. "

Ramiel obediently followed the woman's command. Not even the thought of going against the goddess's words passed through his head. Although, from time to time, an annoying whisper urged him to open one eye for a split second.

Come on... What's so bad that could happen... In the worst-case scenario...

The boy nervously shook his head. He didn't want to think about what could happen.

" If you want, you can already open your eyes. ~ "

The melodious voice caressed the ears of the impatient rascal.

Finally, his patience paid off.

When he opened his eyes... well, that's right, he saw nothing. Impenetrable darkness surrounded him from every possible direction. If it weren't for the warmth of Ceti's body, he would have thought he had been captured by one of the black holes!

Despite the lack of a light source, he wasn't afraid of the darkness. It was quite the opposite, the darker it got, the more he felt at home.

From an early age, he manifested a fondness for the element of darkness and all that is associated with it, but that is a story for a completely different time.

Suddenly, as if by the touch of a magic wand, a ball of pale light appeared in front of Ramiel. It was nothing spectacular. It was enough to merely illuminate the area within a few centimeters. However, it made an incredible impression on him.

Although it was one of the simplest spells in the world, it cost Ceti a lot of effort. She wasn't among the elite of the society called hunters, but this didn't prevent her from using mana freely. All it took was a little training and effort to master the basics of the basics.

In fact, anyone could do it. Mana circulated inside any animate matter. It was enough to gain control over it. Unfortunately, most people abandoned the arduous path of magic. They preferred to lead a comfortable life in the rat race, while others put their lives on the line. But... that's a story for another time.

" Beyond the seven mountains, beyond the seven forests, lived the brave adventurer Azahiel. His name and adventures were known by every being on the planet. You must know that at that time, the Earth was much less friendly than it is today. It was inhabited by elves who worshipped nature above all else, demons who loved destruction and chaos, wise and prudent dragons, beautiful phoenixes who managed to learn the deepest secrets of death, and terrible monsters who hunted the weakest humans for fun to eat them! "

Dark purple silhouettes of the aforementioned creatures formed around the ball of light. A pleasant shiver ran down Ramiel's spine at the sight of them. He hadn't expected such a spectacular surprise for all the treasures in the world.

Of all the creatures, the dragons were the ones he liked best. Despite their miniature size, he felt awe and admiration for them.

His eyes sparkled with excitement. Little did he know, his heart would have escaped from his chest.

Everything seemed beautiful and wonderful. Only one small detail disagreed with him.

" Mom? "

" Yes? ~ "

" The gentleman on TV said that monsters didn't exist before, before the appearance of mana. He lied just like Dad when you found his newspapers with ladies without clothes? "

Ceti let the air out faster through her nose. The expression of her panicked husband allegedly holding the magazines for his friend was still fresh in her mind.

Her fingers traveled behind the boy's protruding ear, caressing it.

" Ramiel, you shouldn't talk about such things. Otherwise, Mom will be very angry. "

" Solly ( Sorry ).

Seeing the boy's remorse, Ceti felt a hint of satisfaction fill her. She didn't forget to make a mental note to scold her husband once again when he returned from work for demoralizing the new generation.

" Nothing happened to the elephant. " Ceti added after a moment of thought. "Back to your question... In fact, apart from all sorts of stories, legends, myths, and tales passed down from generation to generation, we know nothing about those times. They remain a sweet and unsolved mystery to us. Back then, people didn't have phones or cameras to record elves or real dragons. To say more... most of the books or paintings from that time were lost through human stupidity and parochialism. Many of them were destroyed in the palace library of Lucius Domitius Aurelianus, some were lost during the looting and invasions of the ancient Romans, as well as many were lost during the fall of the great empire. However, most were burned during the invasion of Constantinople... Any saved remains are kept under lock and key in the Vatican library. "

" Mom ... Why do people destroy something like books? "

" Unfortunately, man's greatest enemy is the other man. If it enables him to control more people ... he will even go so far as to destroy precious knowledge. "

" That's stupid... "

The woman was filled with pride and a peculiar feeling about fulfilling her duty as a parent. Despite a road strewn with thorns, she had managed to raise the little blighter well.

Ceti's hand stroked the head of little Ramiel. Subconsciously, the boy straightened up to enjoy the small caresses.

He surreptitiously grabbed a free strand of the woman's platinum hair and wrapped it around his finger. Although he never admitted it, he loved doing it.

" Remember, Ramiel, there is a grain of truth in every story, no matter how absurd it may sound. "

The boy's head moved up and down.

" Mom ... can we go back to the story? "

A quiet sigh escaped from Ceti's lips.

" It's not a story, but a kind of legend passed down in our family from generation to generation. It should be passed on to you by your grandmother ... "

" Grandmother ? "

" Yes, Grandmother Lucia, do you remember her? "

Ramiel's finger went to his mouth, imitating the pose of a scientist. In this way, he awakened the gray cells deeply immersed in winter sleep.

" I remember ... When we are alone, Papa calls her an old witch or an ugly and mean witch! "

" ... "

Unknowingly, Ramiel provided his dad with a week devoid of any caresses. To say more, he could expect a real hell on Earth.

Even Lucifer felt a cold shudder, seeing the man's future fate. At least it is clear from whom Ramiel is vindictive and merciless.

" I have to prepare a special floor for this woman... " The brief thought of a future tenant gave the undisputed ruler of hell a solid headache.

" Momo... are you all right? "

" Yes, baby. Why do you ask? "

A confused Ramiel hesitated. All his senses were screaming for him to keep his mouth shut and not speak before he made the situation worse. Even the quiet whisper in his head told him to keep quiet.

" Your eyes ... are glowing! But don't worry, they look really beautiful. "

" Huh? "

Ceti was surprised by the ingenuity of the little rascal. Her eyes glowing? She had never heard a better joke.

She considered the little misunderstanding a childish fantasy. At the end of the day, she will forget about the situation.

" Silly boy, eyes can't shine. "

Ramiel looked at Ceti for a moment, then simply nodded. Sometimes it's not worth arguing. His dad is a great example of this. He decided to keep to himself the sight of the dark purple flames joyfully dancing inside the goddess' eyes.

" Where did we end up? "

" Mmmm... Beyond the seven mountains... there lived Azma... Azahm... Azzila... there lived a gentleman whom everyone knew. "

" Ceti laughed subtly under her breath at the sight of the stammering Ramiel. Apparently, saying an exotic name by a five-year-old child is too much of a challenge. "

" Azahiel, the gentleman, his name was Azahiel. " Ceti didn't shy away from correcting Ramiel.

" Now listen carefully. " Along with the woman's words, the miniature creatures created with the element of darkness came to life. Fascinated, Ramiel watched them closely, absorbing every word of the woman like a sponge.

" Once upon a time, Azahiel was tired of endless adventures and fame. He was annoyed by the constant presence of people around him and their constant requests for help. Fed up with the constant visits of intrusive visitors, he secretly went for advice to the then emperor of all dragons. At that time, the powerful and wise dragon of the void was in charge. With his breath, he could destroy huge forests and monstrous mountains to the bare ground, which, in size, were able to obscure the sun towering in the sky partially. His wisdom knew no bounds. It was he who gave rise to the foundations of present-day mathematics and was the first to create the wheel. "

" Azahiel tirelessly traveled for many days and nights. Finally, after two months, he managed to reach his destination. In the cave of the Dragon Emperor, he was received with the greatest respect. After all, they were old friends who valued each other's company. Although the man looked like a newborn in the eyes of the dragon, this didn't prevent a mystical bond from forming between them. In moments of greatest need, one could always count on the other. "
