Don't call the sleeping Deuce out of the Forest

" The lavish party lasted for seven days and seven nights. Many legends circulated about it, as well as many had their origin there. During the sumptuous ball, many divine beings received the wonderful gift of life, and Zeus expanded his family with several new children. When he returns home, a serious conversation with Hera awaits him, as does your father with me.

" As the exhibition ball was drawing to a close, Azahiel finally carved out some time to seek advice from a long-lost friend. As was their custom, they talked over a game of chess. Despite his great age and unfathomable wisdom, the dragon was hopeless at the game. Time and again, he suffered a dismal defeat. If his opponent had been someone else, he would have turned into a pile of ash long ago to wash away the unpleasant humiliation. "

" After a few, " last times, " they came to an agreement. If Azahiel wanted the peace he craved, he had to go under disguise to a remote place where no one had heard of him. The search for paradise on earth could take him years, if not an eternity. But it wasn't as easy as it may seem. Not when everyone knows you... When he lost all hope, a dragon came to his aid. He handed him a map with the location of a small village, forgotten by the world, surrounded by unexplored mountains and forests. According to all the legends, the people living there had become self-sufficient. For the safety of the rest of the world centuries ago, they enclosed themselves in a tight barrier. It was to keep this ancient evil in an iron grip. At first, he downplayed the part about the lurking evil. However, he didn't know how wrong he was. "

" Being ready to travel, he bid farewell to his old friend, promising to return immediately as soon as he regained his desired peace. Having a bad feeling, the dragon tried to dissuade his friend from the search for the hidden village, but the latter wouldn't listen to him. If only the wise and powerful emperor knew what consequences Azahiel's actions would bring, he would certainly bury the map in the darkest depths of the void. "

" Azahiel, on his search for paradise on earth, spent centuries. During this time, he defeated immeasurable hordes of monsters, explored the world's most dangerous dungeons, and razed the mountain of eternal fire, which was the dwarves' home. Poor and ignorant creatures, they robbed the gray-haired old man, who turned out to be Azahiel in disguise. "

" What happened to the dwarves? "

" They were mur... "

Ceti fell silent, looking at the little nemesis comfortably sitting on her lap. She pondered the appropriate choice of words.

" The dwarves went to a better place on earth. Azahiel destroyed their home as punishment. "

" Hm... Azahiel was hopeless. " Ramiel briefly summed up the hero of the myth. In his eyes, he acted very foolishly.

" You're right. It's not allowed to destroy other people's houses. The dwarves were very sorry... "

" No! The foolish master should disappear the dwarves together with their mountain. Then they wouldn't have to look for a new home. "

Suddenly, there was an awkward silence under the blanket. Ceti was silent, wondering if she had done a good job raising Ramiel. She felt that the line separating a sweet angel from a cold-blooded tyrant was very thin.

" Khm... Let's get back to the story. "

Seeing the flames in his mother's eyes grow larger and larger, Ramiel decided not to interrupt her anymore. From now on, he will sit quietly like a mouse while hunting a bloodthirsty cat.

" At the end of the search, Azahiel gave up, returning home. But fate had other plans for him. He hadn't traveled far when he encountered a mythical necromancer along the way. According to legend, she ruled the entire continent before the birth of the Dragon of the Void. But as is often the case, she fell victim to blind trust and wounding arrogance. In her heyday, she was betrayed while performing one of the ancient rituals. Her own children stabbed her in the back, derailing her chances for a bright future. " 

" The necromancer didn't want to die. She stubbornly clung to life at all costs, trying to survive. Seeing her suffering, the goddess of fate took pity on the tormented soul, intervening in the tangled threads of fate. Under the influence of an unexpected surge of power, the woman transformed into an undead Deuce at the last moment. "

" However, this had some side effects. In order to maintain balance, along with great power, she received an uncontrollable bloodlust. In a fit of rage, she killed all the people present in the castle. When she regained her senses, she was greeted by a gruesome sight. The person she loved more than anything was dying with a smile on his lips in her arms. From the beginning, the woman knew that she was responsible for the massacre. Before her eyes, she still had fresh scenes of the murders committed. Her fragile mind couldn't bear it. She fell into madness, and her soul was condemned for eternity. "

" Azahiel couldn't believe until the last second that the fairy tale his mother once told him at bedtime turned out to be true. Having no other choice, he fought a fierce battle with the immortal necromancer. Their battle lasted for years, taking millions of lives with it. Unbeknownst to them, the brave adventurer had been transported deep into the wild and unexplored wilderness. "

" Finally, after many years, with a bit of luck, Azahiel managed to defeat the fallen queen. As a reward for freeing her from the shackles of eternal and unfathomable despair, he received a fragment of her memories, revealing a slice of her mysterious past. "

" However, all good things must come to an end someday. Azahiel's victory came at a great cost. During a breathtaking battle, he received a fatal wound. With the remnants of his remaining strength, with grief painted in his eyes, he leaned against the trunk of an old ash tree. "

" The man lost all hope of finding the coveted paradise. During the battle, the map was destroyed. As if all this weren't enough, he lost his bearings completely. As his eyelids began to grow heavy and his vision blurred, he saw a slender figure approaching in his direction out of the corner of his eye. Azahiel wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him or if someone had actually found him in the heart of the wilderness. In fact, everything was already indifferent to him."

" Ironically, when Azahiel gave up the idea of searching for paradise, it was paradise that found him. "

Ramiel, with an unbridled thirst for knowledge, couldn't take his eyes off the shape-shifting dark purple figures.

" Mom ? "

" Yes? "

" Can people really live as long as Azasiel? "

Smiling broadly, Ceti just shook her head.

" That is something no one knows, Ramiel. Your great-grandmother always said: " When a man becomes strong enough, time will stop for him. You can consider the words of your sainted grandmother as foolishness spoken by old people ... "

" But remember one thing, there is a grain of truth in every legend... and now, if you don't mind, I will finish the story. "

Ramiel eagerly nodded. He was looking forward to the further fate of Azahiel, especially he was interested in whether the main character would manage to survive. As a naive child, he didn't know that the main character couldn't die. Otherwise, the whole story would lose its meaning.

" Days, months, and years passed before Azahiel awoke from an eternity-long dream. At the first second, he thought he was in the mythical land of death of Hades, but a burning pain in the stomach area made him realize how wrong he was. The first thing our brave adventurer did was to make sure he was definitely not trapped in a bizarre illusion. "

" When everything seemed fine, he couldn't get out of his awe. The injuries he sustained during the battle with the condemned necromancer should directly lead him to the banks of the River Styx, where Charon would be waiting patiently for him. "

" However, life had a different plan for him. Instead of the gloomy scenery of the land of the dead, he was greeted by a cozy room in a cottage that in no way resembled the luxurious castle he was used to. Richly decorated furniture and exquisite paintings replaced simple pieces of wood and handicrafts of all kinds. Despite the simplicity of their workmanship, they drew the eye in a unique way. "

" Azahiel wasn't one of those people who like to lie idle and laze around. If that were the case, he would never have achieved world-class fame. Unable to sit still, like a certain small and naughty nemesis, he went in search of the benefactor who saved his life. He set as his goal to repay the kindness he had received. On this, his honor depended. "

" In life, he was guided by one principle: Repay good with good, and evil with evil. "

" Smelling the scent of a new adventure in the air, Azahiel crossed the house's threshold. Together with the first rays of the sun in the morning, he received quite a shock. Waiting for him at the door was the most beautiful feline he had ever seen. Her exotic and unprecedented beauty made quite an impression on him. Her subtly tanned complexion created the perfect contrast with her sky-blue irises and shoulder-length ashen hair. A pale blue tattoo resembling a sea serpent wrapped around her neck, going lower and lower until it disappeared behind her collarbone. Despite her unfathomable reserves of willpower, Azahiel's lips wavered slightly, and her eyes traveled lower and stopped on her... "

Just when things were getting really interesting, Ceti broke off in mid-sentence. At the last moment, she remembered to whom she was telling the legend. After a brief moment of reflection, she decided to leave out " the wrong things. " After all, she can't demoralize the little demon. It is enough that his father does it effectively.

" They stopped at? "

" They stopped at her ethereal dress, which emphasized the woman's incredible charm ... "

Somehow, Ceti got out of her predicament... Who knows, maybe she got a little help from Uncle Lucifer in the form of a faint whisper in Ramiel's mind.

" The two strangers stared at each other, intimidated. It may have seemed as if an ethereal bubble had formed around them, enclosing them in a vibrant moment for eternity. "

" Like Azahiel, the mysterious stranger received quite a shock. Despite her daily care for the unconscious man, she only now appreciated his handsome facial features. "

" It was no lie to say that Azahiel fell in love at first sight. With a scarlet blush flooding his face, the unprecedented beauty fled into the village before Azahiel could get any words out. On impulse, he wanted to run after her. Saying more, he prepared to cast a teleportation spell, but the soul-shattering pain effectively prevented him from doing so. "

" Unfortunately, the fierce battle with the necromancer left a significant mark on him. The greatest damage was done to his soul, which barely held together under the influence of Deuce's insidious spell. It would be many years before he recovered fully. "

" In search of the mysterious figure, Azahiel went deep into the village. Simple huts surrounded him on all sides. It was nothing special. Small wooden houses that, at best, would accommodate two families. Similar marvels of architecture could be found in the Middle Ages. Despite their simplicity, they spread a special Aura around them. "

" On his way, Azahiel met a mass of people similar to the mysterious stranger. Their exotic beauty caught his eye. Everyone in the village seemed extremely kind and friendly. Every person he met offered him help and wished him a speedy recovery. Although it was against Azahiel's principles, he lowered his guard. Not even for a second did the thought cross his mind that he might be in a long-sought paradise. "

" After a walk that seemed to take ages, he came across a hut that stood out from the rest. It was larger than the others and was surrounded by a modest wooden fence. Azahiel crossed the threshold of the homestead without a second thought. Inside, he was greeted by a kindly old man. Although our brazen and ill-mannered adventurer couldn't know it, he was standing before a true treasure trove of knowledge who had seen the creation of the universe with his own eyes. "

" The old man's kindness struck Azahiel with indomitable force. He spent the entire day in trivial conversations accompanied by tart tea. It perfectly suited the man's picky taste. "

" Thanks to the interesting chat, he learned a few useful things. First and foremost, and most important, Azahiel had found his long-awaited destination. Secondly, it was the mysterious beauty he met in the morning that saved his life. During a routine expedition for forest fruits, she met the half-lived Azahiel. Her good nature and pure heart didn't allow her to leave a stranger in need. "

" According to the ancient tradition of the village, the burden of caring for the wounded newcomer fell on her shoulders. Over the years, she tirelessly cared for and nurtured Azahiel. She healed not only his body but, more importantly, the wounds inflicted on his soul. "

" Azahiel's days in the village passed at a dizzying pace. Before he knew it, the warm and pleasant spring had turned into a bleak and harsh winter. Azahiel didn't sit idly by. All the while, he was making small approaches, shortening the distance between him and the mysterious stranger. Or at least he tried to do so... Despite the fact that they lived together under the same roof, every time he was in her company, he stuttered like a small child. It was as if a malicious goblin had messed with his head. "

" Lushia didn't behave any better. As soon as her gaze fell on the man's amethyst eyes, as deep as the darkest abyss, the words caught in her throat, and a vicious blush crept across her face. "

" Everyone in the village was very well aware of what was going on, but no one interfered. It was quite the opposite. They subtly tried to help the couple but didn't overdo it. They believed that there was a right time and place for everything. "