Hello sleeping beauty (2)

I am a hopeless teacher. Instead of bringing answers to the intricate questions swirling in Ramiel's mind, I did the complete opposite. I created even more of them.

One only had to look at the dumbfounded expression painted on his face for everything to become clear. I screwed up the job completely.

Maybe it would have been better not to bring up some of the issues... Ehh... it's too late for that anyway. The milk has been spilled.

" From what I understand, I was born in one of these " squares, " and you in the other? This, strange ... "

I feared this, and I complicated everything even more. This has to be straightened out quickly. Otherwise, we will spend eternity here.

" No, I come from a place beyond this sphere. Don't bother, you'll never get there anyway. Even if by some miracle you succeeded, it would die within the first ten seconds. "

Mrrr... frosty

I threw him a brief but chilling look. Some might consider it full of contempt, and they would be right. I wanted to subtly let him know not to stick his nose in things that were not his own.

And it happened as I expected. Ramiel backed off, asking unnecessary questions that were blandly related to him. It's amazing how he is able to hide the emotions swirling inside him.

Learning to bend my neck and swallow my pride took me much longer. Although, looking back, maybe it's for the better…

Ugh... I'm getting off-topic again.

Since we've come this far in our " friendship, " it's worth touching on the more important issues on which Ramiel's fate will depend.

" Enlighten me, kid. I've been watching you since you were born, following your every move, but I can't find an answer to one question. What do you actually want from life? What are you striving for? What is your goal in all this? "

I think I hit a sensitive spot. Ramiel bit his lip, most likely pondering the answer.

It is essential in their lives, just like the author's clear statement in the novel, the main thread of the plot, and the leitmotif that will guide the main character... Someone forgot to explain it for 134 chapters, congratulations to the author.

Without a goal to guide them, people simply exist.

Ramiel was ready to give an answer, but it wouldn't be honest with his innermost desires. I could see it in his eyes. He could lie to everyone but not to me. Apparently, lying to yourself is the hardest part.

It wouldn't hurt to give him a little warning.

" Before you start, cut out the nonsense about saving people who are irrelevant to you or the nonsense about wanting to become a hero who will save the world. I would believe it if you were the hero of some novel. "

I paused for a moment to create the right mood and emphasize future words. It doesn't hurt, either, to smile subtly. I should get an Oscar for acting.

" But ... we both know very well how selfish we are and how indifferent we are to the fate of others. "

" Sigh... I... just want to live. I want the people who are important to me to be safe... I... I just want to be happy... Is it so much? "

Finally, someone is being honest about his feelings.

" Do you know why I became a hunter? Not to save the world or to become a hero loved by everyone but to gain strength. Without it, a person is nothing... without it, I can't keep anyone or anything safe...

Sigh... I expected this...

Ramiel tilted his head back while staring into the unfathomable void.

" Once upon a time, I wanted Lily to be safe... over time, the group of people precious to me increased. There weren't too many of them, and most could take care of themselves... but now? I can count them on the fingers of both hands, but I don't know if most of them are still alive. It's pathetic. I can't even take care of myself, let alone someone..."

" I forgot to add the most important thing. I won't let go until I personally skin Arthur and the rest... "

Ramiel's cold eyes exploded with an unbridled lust for blood, slaughter, and murder. I could see the raging flames of irrational hatred and desire for revenge in them.

Apparently, the betrayal hurt him more than I thought...

" Oh... where did this sudden confidence come from? How do you know that you will still have any chance? "

The corners of Ramiel's mouth lifted slightly, forming a roguish smile. His pupils narrowed, and a subtle glow shone in his irises. I liked this arrogant expression on his face. It resembled a man who was confident of victory. Unlike the previous one, he didn't irritate me.

I can even venture to say that the current Ramiel now resembles a bit of me from the past.

" Wasn't it you, by any chance, who said you were here for a purpose? I assume you need me, or rather my help."

The kid needed a bit of motivation to get on the right track. Finally, we could start talking about serious things.

" We are almost identical... I know you don't keep me here for no reason. I think we'll get along somehow... "

I straightened up, weaving my hands together at the same time. Finally, things were starting to get interesting.

" Are you sure? Think carefully. It will require you to make many sacrifices. Sometimes, you will have to do things contrary to your will and views. "

" And I have another choice? I guess not., If I want to live."

I like this. A short, concise, and quick answer. The boy is determined and will do anything to get home... no matter what it is. Maybe, I will finally be able to leave this fucking world.

" Do you realize that you are signing a chirograph with the devil? You are literally going into the unknown. "

" Don't waste our time and give me this contract to sign. "

Ramiel definitely allows himself too much, but I can turn a blind eye to minor inconveniences.

" Hahahahaha. "

It was clear that my sudden laughter had knocked him off his feet.

" Contract? Do you really think something as pathetic as a contract with you will be binding? You still have a lot to learn. "

I suddenly appeared in front of Ramiel. A minor teleportation, nothing complicated, at least for me.

" Listen, kid, there will be no contract. All I expect from you is to follow my instructions and orders. There won't be too many of them. You can do what you want, how you want, when you want, and where you want. This is your life, and I have no intention of taking it away from you. You have full autonomy. "

" Maybe, except for a few cases where you have to kill someone or do something for me... Unlike your predecessors, you seem to think rationally. I don't need to mention what happened to those who ignored my good advice and requests. "

" A small price to pay for life, correct? "

My right hand went to Ramiel's chin and lifted it. It's strange, his skin, it's terribly delicate and vulnerable... Never mind, I'll deal with it later.

When our gazes met, I was able to look into the depths of his amethyst eyes... The unfathomable abyss in them intrigued me. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Ramiel quickly fled with his eyes to the side. Apparently, withstanding my gaze was too much.

I was disappointed... especially since I had kept the environmental pressure to a minimum. Otherwise, Ramiel would have been squashed like an aluminum can in a hydraulic press.

" But, remember, there is nothing in the world for free. This will be the first and last time I help you. If you die, it will be your end. I will take over your body and annihilate your soul. Nothing more, nothing less."

" All you have to do is agree to the conditions I set. A single word or gesture is enough. "

Ramiel didn't hesitate even for a moment. He was determined to return to the dungeon.

I could see it in his eyes. He knew that the arrangement wasn't favorable to him, but he agreed without hesitation.

He perfectly seized the one and only opportunity in his life.

He surprised me with this. The ability to adapt quickly is something extremely rare and desirable. Many would kill for it without hesitation, but he... possessed it from birth. Maybe we are more alike than I thought...

" Good Boy... "

It may be derogatory to a man's dignity, but I patted Ramiel on the head. Hmm... his hair is definitely in worse condition than mine. There's no doubt about it... I didn't do it just to check it...

Who am I trying to fool...

" Now that we have the most important part behind us, there are a few points you need to know about. Listen carefully. I don't like to repeat myself twice. "

I returned to the throne, creating a simple chair for Ramiel in the process. I couldn't keep treating him like a worthless object. I still needed it.

" Sigh... I don't need to tell you this, but you shouldn't mention me to anyone. It doesn't matter if it's Asme, Avi, or Nenneke, especially the latter. "

" Secondly... "

The atmosphere has become heavy. Whenever I bring up this subject, I find it difficult to keep my nerves in check.

Ramiel sensed the sudden change, nervously looking around to the sides. He was looking for the danger his instincts had warned him about but couldn't find it.

" Second... don't trust a single word spoken by the gods. They are greedy, arrogant, deceitful, and false beings. Everything they do, every action they take, is designed to benefit them, not necessarily with good results for you. "

" This doesn't mean that you should be hostile to them. In your current condition, that would be sheer stupidity. They are bloody envious, and their egos know no bounds... Just don't get entangled in a web of lies, and get the most out of the proposals made. "

The heavy and invisible pressure was gone as if with the wave of a magic wand.

Ramiel breathed a sigh of relief. I saw him swallow his blood with difficulty.

I got a little carried away, but he won't get out of it. At least he will know what to expect in the future.

" Third. If you offer your body as a contract or part of a deal again, I will personally take care of your torture. You should know from whom you like them so much... and take my word for it... Next to mine, your methods can be compared to riding a bicycle versus instant teleportation. "

What Ramiel did with Azazel, it screwed me into a white fever. The demon knew what he was doing. If the boy dies, it will be on my head to free him...

A little persuasion always works... no matter in what form. At least now, I'm sure he won't do something so stupid a second time.

" Now it was time for less pleasant things. Don't be happy if you're doing too well in life or you've found a rare item. "

Okay, I got his attention.

" As I mentioned earlier, we are alien beings in this world. What does the body do when it detects unwanted bacteria? "

" It gets rid of them ... "

Ramiel turned dark, didn't like the last part, and wouldn't like the next part even more.

" You've probably already noticed this ... but we're not very spoiled by life. "

" The more you have, the more you accumulate ... the more you lose. This applies to everything. You can try to fight it, but it will only get worse. I'm sorry, kid, I really am... But for now, I can't do anything about it. "

" Take what I say now as a loose hint. Focus on learning more about the elements of darkness, space, and gravity. They are more interesting than you may think... Regarding the element of damnation... I have no idea what it is, and I will not help you with it in any way. This is the first time I've heard of such a thing... even though I use Leach on a daily basis... "

I wasn't lying. The element of condemnation is a mystery to me. I have lived a very long time, longer than you can imagine. I have learned many varieties of magic, spells, and sorcery. Sometimes, they take different forms, such as mana, Qi, aura, spiritual energy, and much more.

But this is the first time I have encountered something like this.

" While we're on the subject of fighting ... you deserve a solid backhand. Start respecting the weapons you have. I'm not talking about those sticks you pull out of the ring, but the swords you found in the Infirnyt mine... "

" You have no idea how rare a weapon with its personality is or how difficult it is to create one. If you don't fuck it up, it will become an irreplaceable lifelong companion that will grow in strength with you. Sigh... maybe you can still convince her to come along. And stop making up silly names. When she wants, she will reveal her name to you herself, but you have to earn it. "