Immediate Punishment

" While we're on the subject of fighting... you deserve a solid reprieve. Start respecting the weapons you have. I'm not talking about the sticks you pull out of the ring, but the swords you found in the Infirnyt Mine... "

" You have no idea how rare a weapon with its own personality is or how difficult it is to create one. If you don't fuck it up, it will become an irreplaceable lifelong companion that will grow in strength with you. Sigh... maybe you can still convince her to come along. And stop making up silly names. She will reveal her name to you when she wants, but you have to earn it. "

With a hand gesture, I motioned for Ramiel to come closer. My hand found its way to his head. I enclosed us in a tight cocoon of mana before Ramiel had time to react.

" There are still two things I need to fix. The first is your fencing. "

At the word fencing, Ramiel's attitude changed 180 degrees. Z

" What is wrong with her? "

Ramiel objected for the first time. And I'm not surprised at all. If I were him, I would have done the same.

For a warrior, fencing is both his pride and the most valuable thing he has. It is her that defines who he is.

" Trust me, we have the same fighting style. I just want you not to waste your time on my mistakes because fixing them is costly and time-consuming. "

" The concept of focusing on agility and speed isn't the worst... However, over time, you will notice more downsides than upsides. Especially when you won't be able to break through a spell or a monster's natural armor. "

" Speed is worthless if it isn't followed by adequate strength. You will notice an imbalance between the two at a certain level of power, but by then, it will be too late."

Ramiel sighed heavily. Accepting the bitter truth was painful.

" I know it's painful, but it's better to correct mistakes while you still have a chance to do so. Regarding the process... you can leave it to me. "

" Secondly... The disintegration of the soul wasn't entirely due to internal dilemmas nor to the shock of numerous deaths. Although, the one and the other are connected. "

" After you let yourself be killed like an idiot, some differences arose between us, which led to a contradictory resonance. In a nutshell, my soul stopped accepting yours, which made it try to get rid of it."

" ... "

" Really, no apologies or anything? Do you know how many problems this caused me? "

" It's not my fault that you let yourself be killed. "

Ramiel remained silent and didn't speak again. He had made a wise decision.

" Sigh... How can this be fixed? "

" You won't like it. I have to fuse most of my soul with yours... As you can guess, it will affect your personality and character to a greater or lesser extent. You will be more like me.

" You will not hesitate if it comes to killing an innocent person for your benefit. Slowly, you will lose what you call your conscience. But this has its advantages. You will try to protect Asme and Caera at all costs. Beings that get in your way can be sure to die a painful death. "

" You will become more brutal, ruthless, and a tad arrogant, but above all and most importantly, you will gain qualities that will define you as a true dungeon master. "


" Don't make such a face. We both know you didn't find yourself at your best in this role. Even Seraphine saw that. "

" ... "

" You don't have to worry about losing your gentle side. She will remain unmoved ... it will be harder for you to show it to strangers. "

Ramiel made a face that was hard to read. It could literally mean anything: disappointment, happiness, sadness. It is hard to understand...

Although we are so alike in many ways, we are also so different in others.

In the future, this can cause a lot of problems... but there are no unfixable things.

" Can't it be avoided? I would prefer to stay as much as possible myself... "

It was possible but at the same time, pointless. Matters related to the existence of souls aren't simple or easy. Any thoughtless interference will be tragic in its consequences.

This is due to a simple reason. The soul is the most delicate and vulnerable element inside a living creature.

Imagine a cracked coffee mug. If you remove just one element or pour in too much water, the whole thing will fall apart like a house of cards.

" Of course, it is possible. Nothing is impossible. The question is whether there is a point. If you are satisfied with six months of life, I see nothing that could stand in the way. Way to go. I'll even help you with it."

Dark clouds appeared on Ramiel's face... The enthusiasm with which his eyes shone a moment ago was gone forever.

" Listen, kid, I am not satisfied with the current state of affairs either. With great pleasure, I would go home and take care of more important things... but we're stuck here in this shit together. If we work together, you will lead a quiet and long life, and I will return from where I came. "

" It will not be an easy or pleasant crossing. I will say more, it will be difficult, and sometimes you will feel like giving up and committing suicide. But the game is worth the candle. If you manage to survive, at the end of the road you will find the happiness you desire. I promise you that, and I always keep my promises. "

Motivational speeches are always good. Scientists have long proven its positive effect in manipulating the human mind.

Is it a good thing? No. Is it moral? Even less so...

Difficult times require difficult solutions, and my methods seem to be slowly making their way to Ramiel.

I extended my hand toward the boy. It was an extremely important gesture, our future cooperation depended on it.

 I saw hesitation and uncertainty in his amethyst eyes, but soon, after weighing the pros and cons, Ramiel returned the gesture.

" So, how do you want to send me home? "

" Just go to bed. You'll be back in the Dungeon of Condemnation when you wake up. And remember what we talked about. "

Along with a snap of his fingers, Ramiel's eyelids became sleepy.

" Wh - What... "

 Maybe a few seconds passed, and Ramiel collapsed to the ground with a bang.

" Don't disappoint me, kid... "

I walked past Ramiel's body as if he had never been there. If anyone was expecting a description of complicated magic formulas and interactions between individual circles and mana particles, I must disappoint you.

I prepared everything before Ramiel's arrival. I only needed permission from him. Without it, the whole plan would have hit a snag.

And now...

" @%!@#$!@ you can go out now. "

Suddenly, behind my back, dozens of snow-white flames rose from the ground. In their embrace appeared a truly celestial being. Her beauty eclipsed Lilith and Aphrodite, shrouded in legend. Both of these women would wither with envy if they saw the rose flower that had accompanied me for a long time.

Her three snow-white fox tails wrapped around me, allowing me to feel the soft and incredibly pleasant fur... For days, I could do nothing but snuggle up to her... The combination of warmth and subtle softness knocked me off my feet.

A pleasant warmth spread over my shoulder, and a moment later, I felt a pair of pointed and shaggy fox ears tickle my cheek.

If I turned around now, I would most likely see a woman with long thick ash hair and foxy sharp gray eyes, a fair complexion, and a charming smile that proudly displayed pointed fangs.

The deadly figure of the mysterious beauty was hidden behind a light dress laced with a sky-blue string with a minimal slit on the side, revealing long and tempting legs. The dress was a combination of traditional Asian attire and modern European fashion. It was unique in its own way.

A shiver ran along my spine as I felt something firm, yet hot, push against my scarred back.

I didn't have to wait long for a pair of slender hands to lock me in a tender embrace.

" Yes? "

The celestial voice turned into a soft and pleasant cat purr. Barely perceptible vibrations took a trip down my neck, ending the journey at my earlobe.

This is ... an unforgettable experience. Every time, it feels like heaven. The little cleverness knows perfectly how to warm a petrified heart.

I feel sorry for people who have never had the opportunity to experience something similar.

" We need to visit one place @%!@#$!@ "

" Mrrr... So soon ...? I thought... we would spend a little more time together... "

It's hard to resist temptation when that temptation is at hand.

" Sigh... @%!@#$!@ we still spend time together... "

The woman gave me a penetrating look, biting the lobe of my ear in the meantime. Her knob subtly brushed my skin, leaving a red mark on it.

" Promise... "

The answer was immediate. In case anyone was wondering, I have a weakness for women with fox ears and tails.

" I promise. "

The tempting vixen's gaze shifted to Ramiel, who was plunged into dreamland. For a moment, her catlike eyes mirrored him closely.

" The kid has potential. "

Of course, he does. So far, he is the closest to the original. Unfortunately, it comes with some inconveniences. I'm not perfect.

" Sigh... I feel sorry for him. He inherited the worst possible traits from me... "

The vixen tilted her head subtly, resting it on my shoulder.

" Do you think he will forgive her betrayal? "

A metallic taste of blood spread through my mouth. Reflexively, I bit my lower lip. My bad habit resurfaced.

" He will not forgive ... but he will never stop loving her ... It will hurt, but when the time is right, he will do what it takes ... "

@%!@#$!@ sensed the sudden change in mood and pulled me closer to her. Her fluffy ears were drooping, reflecting her despondency.

I let out a heavy sigh. Painful memories resurfaced in my mind.

" Sigh... forget about it. Let's go. "


Suddenly, the pleasant warmth associated with the small caresses was replaced by two heavy objects lying perfectly in my hands.


A quick and precise cut with a squeak ripped through the space around me. The world spun around in front of my eyes, giving me a strange feeling of pressure in my stomach.

Before I had time to blink my eyes, I was already standing in another place.

The environment didn't look very friendly. A nasty, red, and biting mist floated everywhere. A hurricane was coming from the west, carrying away scarlet sand and time-damaged pulverized bones.

The sky was shrouded in scarlet, covered with monstrous and gigantic chains. Between them, the vague rays of the scarlet sun, hidden behind a black moon, poked through in places.

It had its own charm, some might even have liked it, but not me.

With a confident step, I moved along the blood-colored river. If I'm not mistaken, I should soon meet the creature trapped here.

I need to have a serious conversation with her and outline clear rules. I don't like some of the things she is trying to do. It would be better for her if she could listen. Otherwise, Ramiel may look for a new weapon.

Reaching the sea took me longer than I anticipated. I could have gotten there right away, but that would have required me to destroy a dozen chains.

My mana-enhanced voice reverberated throughout the land. I made sure everyone heard me. I don't like repeating myself, and I like being ignored even less.

" Has anyone ever told you it's rude to hide when guests knock on your door? "

The scarlet liquid on which I was standing agitated. Vomit-inducing clouds of steam, or fumes, were released from the bubbling blood.

Before my eyes, an undefined gas took the form of a short woman with a relatively alluring figure.

" Has anyone told you that no one likes unannounced guests? "

The woman's melodious voice was sweet and pleasant to the ear.

A subtle smile appeared on my lips. At the same time, with eyes as black as night, I looked at the floating creature with contempt and coldness.

I like a little provocation, especially when I am sure of winning.

" It is not nice to answer a question with a question... "


I snapped my fingers, and half of the blood sea was a thing of the past.

My heart pounded with joy at the sight of the woman's lips twisted in surprise and anger.

" You're lucky I'm in a good mood. You should be happy. "

A cloud of gas attacked me with pretentious words.

" Oh, thank you, great and mighty one, for sparing my life. Maybe I should lick your shoes some more? "

The woman bowed mockingly. I don't know if this is pure stupidity or dangerous courage.

" If you want it so badly, I don't mind. The question is whether you deserve it.

" Tsk..."

A short hiss escaped her lips.

" Why are you here? You didn't come just to bully me, did you? "

Oh... how unfortunate. I was hoping to tease her some more.

" I came to give you a warning ... "

" And if I don't listen? "

The punch landed where the face should have been.

A surprised moan escaped from the creature's mouth.

I didn't want to do it, but muscle memory kicked in before I could stop my hand.

" H-How..."

" Sigh... Remember once and for all. I don't like it when someone interrupts me. "

In response, I received something that looked like a nod. I wasn't sure about that.

" You are lucky that I liked you. Just let's keep your head close to your body. "

" ... "

" Khm... I don't like to repeat myself, so listen carefully. You can do whatever you want, break Ramiel's mind, play with his emotions, hurt loved ones, change species, and make friends, but stop trying to take over his body. "


" You've lived some years and should sense the gulf separating us. If you want to live, I advise you to adapt and not be picky. "

" ... "

My words didn't please the woman. I recognized it from the bitter aftertaste floating in the air.

" I'm sorry that you have been enslaved to the level of a soul living inside swords... Maybe you used to be someone important... but now... You should accept the fate that has befallen you.

" ... "

" You may not get your old life back, but if you get along with it, you will gain a substitute for freedom. "

" Remember, in your hands lies your fate. "

I felt like an imbecile talking to a cloud of smoke.

" Sigh... What guarantee do I have that you won't annihilate me if I hurt him? "

I heard desperation, suppressed anger, and aggression in her voice. Nothing gives such satisfaction as subduing another person by force.

" It's simple, if he dies, I'll need a weapon, and you... you seem like the perfect candidate. "

" Tsk... do you think I will serve you like a dog? "

I shrugged my shoulders.

" That depends only on you. We may not have gotten off to the best start, but I can return the favor. "

One of the chains adorning the sky joined the grains of sand rushing by at dizzying speed.

It caused an earthquake, but that wasn't my problem.

" Think of it as compensation for the previous incident. Then, I reacted reflexively. "

I turned around, opening a new gap in space.

" Wait! "

A desperate shout stopped me just as I was about to leave the prison.

" Wh- Who are you? "

" Sigh... Does the name - Death Dealers - tell you anything? "