
Ramiel's hand, with alarming speed, sank into the throat of the dazed Night Ripper.

The monster had no chance of survival. All it could afford was a soft whimper before saying goodbye to the Adam's apple forever.

Streaks of blood traveled along Ramiel's outstretched arm, ending their trip on the damaged hilt of the sword. The weapon's appetite was unfathomable. It had already consumed hundreds, if not thousands, of creatures living in the abyss... Yet, still, it hadn't returned to its previous state.

" Khwr... "

Night Ripper threw himself in a desperate attempt to escape the iron grip of the apostle of death.

" It's pointless... The more you resist, the more it hurts. "

Ramiel threw the monster a cold stare from which its hair stood up on end. The wild beast's will to fight immediately died.

Slowly, the monster's large and yellow eyes became cloudy, and the intervals between heart contractions lengthened dramatically.

The man watched with an indifferent face as the life escaped from the Night Ripper.

In his hair lay Avi, hidden and relaxed. There was a wide smile on her lips, and her sharp eyes carefully followed the environment. She was indifferent to the carnage unfolding before her. If Ramiel was happy, she was happy too.

Since he returned, Avi spent every possible moment with him. She didn't leave him an inch, which spawned some discomfort during Ramiel's joint sessions with Caera and Asme... At least now she felt alive again.

The world took a colorful turn back when the unbearable feeling of emptiness was filled by the presence of an arrogant man.

" Seraphine. "

One word was enough for the figure of a dignified and graceful necromancer to appear in the place of the soul hiding in the shadows.

Seraphine immediately dropped to one knee and paid her respects to Ramiel. Some time ago, they decided that as long as they were "subjects," they would play cribbage for the common good.

" Master, did you call on me? "

Ramiel looked carefully at the necromancer before him. Her rotten blue bones were covered with even more unspecified symbols, with one small difference. This time, inside them, he could see any souls flowing with the current of the rushing river.

Seraphine, like every living creature in the Dungeon of Damnation, over the course of six months, had received the grace of Nenneke.

" We are back. Pass it on to everyone. "

The necromancer nodded subtly, in the meantime sending a mental message to the Undead Rippers scattered in the Forest of Night. It was a simple way to stay connected during complex, large-scale operations.

It cost her a lot of pride and dignity. Especially when she still couldn't get over the lost chance for freedom... Apparently, the goddess of fate wanted to make it clear to her to abandon her ambitions to rebuild the empire.

Now, she has another role to fulfill. To serve Faithful Ramiel and become the embodiment of his will. Perhaps then, he will listen to her selfish request... but we will find out later.

" Done Master. I ordered everyone to gather at the exit. In case of unforeseen accidents, you will be the first to know. "


A pile of desiccated corpses was dragged inside Ramiel's space ring. Even devoid of blood, they were the main food source for The Condemned Sloth.

" You did a good job, Seraphine. Report back later for additional funds for " research. " I'm beginning to see more and more advantages in your pets. Who knows, I might even be tempted to create a separate legion. "

" Thank you, Master, I will be honored. "

The cool tone of Ramiel's voice softened. Seraphine might have been tempted to say that she heard a hint of warm feelings in his words...

Tsk... of course he did. He always softens when he mentions them...

" Perhaps one of your creatures ran into Caera? "

" No... "

Ramiel suddenly felt slender hands tenderly embrace him from behind. The pleasant scent of forest flowers, combined with a sweet voice caressed his senses simultaneously.

" You are looking for me? ~ "

A few simple words were enough to quicken the action of his heart. After all, a woman is the worst curse of men.

The creature who brazenly sneaked up on Ramiel and came out unscathed was none other than Caera. The elfess hasn't been idle for the past six months.

She has been training hard to hone her skills as both a scout and a warrior.

Her love of learning, combined with the elements of darkness and space, resulted in the birth of a terrifying skill that every assassin had wet dreams about.

Of course, Nenneke's grace played a big role here. She helped the elven beauty blur the line in two key elements of her development.

With the help of her new ability, Caera could erase all traces of her presence.

Until the last moment, Ramiel was unaware of his woman's presence. On Earth, this could have bode big trouble... but here? He didn't have to worry about it.

Ramiel did his homework perfectly, " bringing up Caera and Asme, " Women would do literally anything for him if he only asked.

Gr... Still, it's a scary skill... " - The man thought.

" Have you been watching me from hiding all this time? "

Ramiel's hand intertwined with that of the elven princess. Of course, he couldn't let his fingers get lazy. His thumb subtly brushed Caera's skin, which had been damaged by hours of training.

" What if it did? "

A sly smile crept across Caera's lips. Unfortunately, along with her confidence, the elven woman had lost much of the innocent and sweet side that Ramiel loved and adored so much.

This had its advantages. The elfess on the battlefield became a flesh and blood monster. Even the most dangerous monsters trembled in fear of her...

It wasn't that her shy personality had completely died. Ramiel simply had to go to a lot of trouble to bring her out into the light. One could say that she was reserved only for their moments together.

Besides, Ramiel enjoyed watching Caera develop. It planted the seed of a certain feeling that nestled permanently in his heart.

" Let's think ... I will take Sarron from you, and you will never get him back again.

As if he still wants to come with me..."- Ramiel added in his mind.

Relations between the two were not the best. Sarron was still Ramiel's bond, but that was all it was. The snake felt betrayed and wanted nothing more to do with the man.

He spent every possible moment hiding in Caera's tattered clothes. He found solace and medicine in her arms for his wounded soul.

At first, Ramiel tries to bury the hatchet of war, but it's hard to do anything when the other side won't even listen. After several failed attempts, he stopped pushing.

He understood Sarron's decision and respected it. Just because he fucked up all over doesn't mean he has to run after someone like a dog... especially when he expressed a sincere desire to repent several times.

He knew that the word "sorry" means nothing and that one should take responsibility for one's own actions. And that's what he intended to do.

Ramiel must be the one to earn Sarron's forgiveness and not the other way around.

Back to more important things...

Caera found herself on the losing end in advance. All she could afford was a small grimace of displeasure on her face.

Ramiel was ruthless, and his methods even worse... A true monster among monsters...

" Sigh... You are cruel... ".

Ramiel smiled softly under his breath, feeling someone's chin on his shoulder.

" I Am ? "

" Yes, you are! "

Caera tried to pretend to be offended, but let's not kid ourselves. Her acting needs solid revision and tutoring. Even a five-year-old can cheat better.

" So, how long have you been hunting for me? "

Caera's ears fluttered in embarrassment. Maybe it doesn't take much to bring out her shy personality after all... or maybe it's Ramiel's unique abilities that he doesn't know about.

" Well... Not so long... I just got back from scouting... " Caera whispered awkwardly. She thanked Nenneke from the bottom of her heart for standing behind Ramiel and not the other way around. Otherwise, she would have been burning with shame.

Ramiel let the air out more slowly, freeing himself from Caera's tight grip.

" Let's go. I don't feel like staying here any longer... Seraphine will take care of the rest. "

Ramiel looked deep into the smoldering, rotten blue flames. He saw in them a hint of anger and deadly intentions... but that's what subjects are for, to command them.

" Will you do it for me? "

Well... ask.

Hiding the deep, growing anger in her heart, Seraphine obediently accepted the Master's command.

" Your wish is my command, Ramiel ... "

I don't think she's satisfied... - A brief thought crossed Ramiel's mind.


" Pat "

A giant wolf figure jumped out of a tree branch, surrounded by several smaller Condemned Wolves. It is safe to say that it outgrew Ramiel.

Her black fur, mixed with ashen highlights. Not even the tail of the Night Terror could break through them.

One glance at eyes bathed in scarlet was enough to bring to light the demons of the past plaguing the potential victim.

Like a docile puppy, the terrifying monster rubbed up against Ramiel, purring quietly. The deadly gleam dwelling in the bloodthirsty blinds immediately transformed into a gentle but stern gaze.

Ramiel patted Pat's muzzle while scratching at his chin area.

In response, he received a wet mark on his cheek, left by a long and rough tongue. Their petty caresses would have lasted longer had it not been for the intervention of a certain jealous elfess.

" He is mine! "

Caera stood between Pat and Ramiel, so she, too, ended up with a wet cheek. It was a minor punishment for interrupting an intimate moment. This battle, she lost with a thud.

" How much longer do I have to wait for you, Sir Caera? "

Ramiel extended his hand toward the confused elfess. The pupils in her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

" What!!!! When... How did you get there!!!?!?!!

The corners of Ramiel's mouth lifted up. The sight of the stunned elfess, gave him wild and indescribable satisfaction.

" A magician never tells his secrets."

' Hmpf, also a magician to me... Anyone could jump out of the shadows... '

Ramiel ignored the pinched remark and helped Caera climb onto the back of the Paw.

The elfess sat down, leaning her back against Ramiel's half-naked torso.

" Khm... Sir Caera, I don't want to detract from Your Majesty, but you should sit behind me for your safety."

Caera snuggled tighter into the man's hot body, purring quietly meantime.

As you might guess, the elfess didn't listen to Ramiel.

" You are terrible ... I hate you ... ".

" And this is said by a person who was literally glued to me for a week? "

Caera's ears drooped, taking on a beautiful pink hue.

" I - I hate you - you even more... ".

Ramiel didn't answer, just hugged the elfess so that it wouldn't fall during the return trip...

Pat, read the mood perfectly. She adjusted the pace so that the pair of lovers could savor each other's presence.

After receiving Nenneke's favor, Ramiel's favorite companion not only became bigger, stronger, and faster but also her intelligence doubled.

To say more, she rose to the pack's alpha position. All the Condemned Wolves had to swallow their pride and acknowledge her superiority.

Pat ruled with an iron hand. She didn't accept opposition or hostility toward Ramiel.

In short, the new litter of Condemned Wolves required hours of hard and painstaking work to instill a modicum of discipline and respect in their heads.