Unexpected Help

Ramiel had been sitting on his bed for a good hour, listening to meaningless conversations. During this time, he learned everyone's name and found out that a certain Sisyphus had fallen asleep in a brothel last night and been robbed. After that, he drunkenly started a brawl and was beaten up by the mercenaries hired to protect him. It was an endearing and interesting story, but it apparently amused the men...

Ramiel had been sitting on his bed for a good hour, listening to meaningless conversations. During this time, he learned everyone's name and found out that a certain Sisyphus fell asleep in a brothel last night and was robbed.

For a moment, Ramiel began to regret having come up with the brilliant idea of testing the perception skills of the candidates for his new companions. More specifically, he wanted to find out how much he could afford in the company of people of his strength.