Signing the death sentence

" So... " - Nick grunted, drawing attention to himself. He pretended as if the previous exchange hadn't happened. It was the least he could do to salvage what was left of his dignity that had been tarnished by the thoughtless Caspian. "Why have you called us here? "

Ramiel looked deep into the space ring, searching for something. After a moment, five rolled parchments appeared in his hand, and he threw them on the table.

" Read these before we begin. " - He said no more. It became clear to those present that they would go no further unless they followed his instructions.

Like the others, Nick took one of the parchments, untied the string, and proceeded to read. The longer he delved into the text, the more somber the atmosphere around him became. By the end, his forehead was furrowed, and his lips were drawn together in a straight line.