
" I guess you believe me now, don't you? "

Ramiel wheezed and looked meaningfully at Harlequin. In his gaze, the double found extreme hatred and a desire to murder. But instead of being frightened, he felt amused. He is the lord and master in this space. Ramiel is a helpless toy in his hands. All the ex-hunter can afford is to throw those funny looks and bark like a dog as long as the double allows it.

" Be careful, or you'll be left like this forever. " - Harlequin laughed but received only a stifled sigh in response.

" I'll take that as a silent agreement. " - The double turned on his heel, looking at the bleak landscape below. " Where did we end up with this? "

A tense silence hung in the air. A few words crossed Ramiel's lips, but he kept them to himself.

More than insulting the harlequin, the former hunter was interested in the thing in the hands of the double.