Return from the gates of hell

Ramiel woke up in a strange place. A cascade of colors surrounded him on all sides. It looked as if he was moving through space at the speed of light. Nebulae and galaxies blurred, creating a blurred and stretched color palette.

The former hunter found it a beautiful and captivating experience. Slowly, he began to feel alive again. Some of the elements tentatively emerged from the apparent void, and the ability to control mana returned with them.

It was getting better by the second. Ramiel was finally able to experience the world the way he knew it. The difference was visible to the naked eye. Before, everything seemed pale, bland, and lacking in depth to him, but now? Even the air tasted different.

The former hunter took a deep breath and almost immediately felt a mishmash of different elements. Most prominent were the elements of darkness and space. These two shone on a pedestal above the rest.