The next day...
At work, Raihan stared blankly at the aquarium after finishing cleaning it. His thoughts drifted to the moment when Nabila and Izzati told him they would be continuing their studies in Sarawak.
Unbeknownst to Raihan, he was startled by a colleague who shouted, "Hey! What are you daydreaming about?"
Raihan clutched his chest in shock and replied, "Geez, what's wrong with you?"
His colleague laughed at Raihan's reaction and said, "Who told you to daydream while working? Serves you right."
Raihan merely glanced at his colleague without answering, making his colleague laugh even more at Raihan's inability to respond to the teasing.
His colleague asked, "So, what were you thinking about? Is it the fish?"
Raihan answered, "What? No, it's not about the fish. Come on."
His colleague then asked, "Then what is it about?"
Raihan replied, "Nabila."
His colleague asked, "Nabila? Who? Nabila Razali? Are you thinking about her? Get real, man, she's already married."
Raihan slapped his colleague's forehead playfully and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Not Nabila Razali. Why would I think about her? She doesn't even know me."
His colleague chuckled and asked, "Then which Nabila are you thinking about that's making you so lost in thought?"
Raihan replied, "The girl we talked about the other day."
His colleague pondered for a moment, trying to recall their previous conversation, and then exclaimed, "Ah! Her. Her name's Nabila?"
Raihan nodded, "Yeah."
His colleague asked, "So, what about her?"
Raihan responded, "Well, she and her friend said they're continuing their studies in Sarawak."
His colleague asked, "What about that?"
Raihan explained, "It means I won't be seeing her for a long time. If she hadn't gone to study, at least I'd see her once every few months, maybe even more often, depending on the situation. Who knows, we might even bump into each other around here. She knows I work here, so anything's possible."
His colleague asked, "Hmmm, so, you're not happy she's continuing her studies?"
Raihan replied, "No, I'm happy for her. But when I think about not being able to see her while she's studying, especially since she's studying far away, it's tough. She's on the next island."
His colleague suggested, "Why don't you just go study at the same place as her?"
Raihan was taken aback by the suggestion and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? Wait, let me check Google."
His colleague asked, "What are you going to check on Google?"
Raihan replied, "I want to see what courses they offer at her place, and if I find one that I like, I'll check the enrollment date for the next intake. I think I've already missed the current intake that would match hers," as he started typing on his phone.
While Raihan searched on his phone, his colleague watched the fish and other aquatic creatures near them.
Raihan then exclaimed, "Okay, I found a course I'm interested in."
His colleague asked, "Is it an aquatic course?"
Raihan replied, "No, it's a Diploma in Business Studies (DPM)."
His colleague questioned, "Aren't you into aquatic stuff? Don't they offer anything like that?"
Raihan explained, "Yeah, I am, but they don't offer that course here. From what's available, this is the one I interestied in. Who knows, maybe I can use what I learn to start my own aquatic-related business."
His colleague pointed out, "But if you want to start a business, you could just get a loan for the capital if you don't have the money, and open the business straight away. No need to study for it, right?"
Raihan replied, "True, but I feel like it's better if I take this course. There might be something more advanced I can learn compared to just opening a business without studying or taking a business course anywhere."
His colleague shrugged, "It's up to you. So, when's the next intake?"
Raihan answered, "March next year. So, I think the application form will be due before that. Logically."
His colleague responded, "Hmm, so for now, you'll just keep working as usual to save up for your studies."
Raihan nodded, "Yeah, that's all I can do, along with being patient since I won't be seeing her for a few months."
His colleague laughed and teased, "You're really smitten with her, aren't you? It's pretty bad."
Raihan grinned sheepishly and said, "What can I do? I can't control my feelings."
His colleague chuckled, "Yeah, clearly you can't. I'm not saying it's wrong to have feelings for her. I'm just saying you're totally lovestruck," while laughing softly.
Raihan smiled, "I didn't say you were wrong either. I'm just saying I can't control how I feel."
The two exchanged glances and laughed at their banter.
Raihan said, "We could go on like this all day."
His colleague agreed, "Yeah, true. Alright, I'll get back to work."
Raihan waved him off, "Go ahead. You're just being a nuisance here."
His colleague shot back, "I may be a nuisance, but I have my reason and at least I got something out of it, right?"
Raihan asked, "What's the reason?"
His colleague replied, "You were daydreaming, and your hands, body, and feet weren't moving at all. I was worried something might happen while you were staring at the fish," with a teasing look.
Raihan laughed, "You're an idiot. That's not going to happen."
His colleague laughed heartily and said, "You never know, right? Haha. Alright, I'm off," giving Raihan a light punch on the arm as a sign of support.
Raihan smiled and said, "Okay. Thanks, bro," as his colleague walked away.
His colleague called back, "You're welcome."
Raihan smiled again, even though his friend's voice was already fading in the distance. With renewed focus, Raihan continued his work, determined to save up for his studies.
From a distance, Raihan's colleague watched him and thought to himself, 'I'll try to help you, Raihan. You poor guy. I hope you'll end up with her.' Then, he too returned to his work, with the same goal of saving money to help Raihan.
At the same time...
Irman was deeply absorbed in reading and memorizing his script on set, unaware of his surroundings. His personal makeup artist quietly watched as Rias approached Irman, who was engrossed in his script.
Rias greeted Irman, "Ahem."
Startled, Irman asked, "Rias. What are you doing here?"
Rias replied, "I just came to hang out with you."
Irman responded, "Hang out? Hey, I'm working. I can't just hang out," while his personal makeup artist shook her head slightly, agreeing with Irman's words.
Rias said, "I won't bother you. I'll just sit here and keep you company."
Hearing this, Irman thought to himself, 'Not bother me? You coming here is already a distraction. If it were Nabila, that would be different', while looking at Rias with disbelief.
Rias continued, "You don't believe me, right? Really, I won't disturb you. I'll just sit here. Come on, let me stay?" she said in a sweet tone.
Hearing this, Irman's makeup artist shook her head and sighed quietly, making sure Rias didn't notice. Meanwhile, Irman thought, 'Oh God, you're so clingy'. However, aloud he simply said, "Okay."
While Irman continued reading his script, Rias played on her phone, glancing at him every few minutes.
After 20 minutes, Irman began feeling uncomfortable with Rias's constant gaze and said, "I'm going over there for a bit," taking his script with him.
Rias replied, "Okay," while Irman's makeup artist followed him closely.
As the makeup artist passed Rias, Rias suddenly stopped her.
Rias said, "Are you upset with me? Or are you jealous? I mean, I'm Irman's girlfriend, the most handsome actor in Malaysia. So, let me remind you, even though you're his personal makeup artist, don't even think about seducing my boyfriend, okay? If I find out you're trying to make a move on him, you'll be sorry," she said, giving a look that clearly signaled Irman was hers.
The makeup artist nodded and replied, "Yes, miss."
At that moment, Irman turned around and was surprised to see Rias talking to his makeup artist, who appeared to be intimidated.
Satisfied with the makeup artist's response, Rias said, "Good. Remember," in a stern tone.
The makeup artist nodded again, and Rias gave her a look indicating she could leave. As the makeup artist walked away, Rias spotted Irman watching them. Without any guilt, she smiled happily at him.
Seeing her smile, Irman could only mutter quietly to himself, "What did you do, Rias?" in a voice no one could hear.
When the makeup artist reached Irman, he asked, "Are you okay?"
The makeup artist smiled and replied, "I'm okay."
Seeing her smile, Irman knew it was just a mask to hide what really happened, but he didn't push further and said, "Let's go."
The makeup artist sighed quietly and thought to herself, 'Thank goodness Irman doesn't suspect anything. But is that girl really Irman's girlfriend? From the way he treated her earlier, it didn't seem like it. Hmmm', while showing a thoughtful expression.
Irman glanced at his makeup artist from the corner of his eye and could tell from her expression that his guess was correct. He chose to act as if he didn't know anything and headed toward the other actors.
One of the actors greeted Irman, "Have you memorized the script?"
Irman replied, "Yeah, but I'm not sure if the lines will come out right during recording," laughing as the other actors joined in.
The other actor said, "Yeah, that's normal. I'm not sure if I'll get my lines right later either."
While Irman and the other actors chatted and laughed, his makeup artist was playing on her phone. Meanwhile, Rias discreetly took pictures of the makeup artist, making sure only the makeup artist was in the frame, with Irman and the other actors excluded.
Unbeknownst to Irman and the other actors, Rias continued taking pictures of the makeup artist. Once satisfied with her secret photoshoot, she walked away and headed to her car.
After the recording session ended, Irman sat down while his makeup artist handed him a small portable charged fan. As Irman fanned himself, the makeup artist wiped the sweat off his face and fixed his makeup. Once she was done, she packed her makeup tools and sat down, playing on her phone.
Once he had cooled down, Irman looked at his makeup artist, then got up and walked toward her.
Taking a seat beside her, he asked, "Are you okay?"
Surprised that Irman was talking to her, she replied, "I'm okay."
Irman asked, "Are you really okay?"
She replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. Why?"
Irman asked, "Rias didn't bother you?"
The makeup artist asked, "Rias?"
Irman explained, "Oh, umm, the girl who came before shooting started."
The makeup artist asked, "Oh, your girlfriend, right?"
Irman was shocked by her question and asked, "My girlfriend? No, she's not my girlfriend."
The makeup artist looked confused and asked, "Not your girlfriend? Then why did she say she was?"
Irman, still shocked, asked, "She said that?"
The makeup artist replied, "Yeah," with an innocent expression, unaware of what had really happened.
Knowing his makeup artist's honest nature and professionalism, Irman believed her and asked, "What else did she say?"
The makeup artist answered, "She just told me not to seduce you because you're her boyfriend. That's all."
Irman was stunned by her answer and said, "If anything like this happens again, let me know."
The makeup artist responded, "Okay, will do."
Irman said, "Thanks," and walked back to his chair.
The makeup artist replied, "You're welcome," while looking at him with curiosity. She chose not to overthink and went back to playing on her phone.
Back at his chair, Irman picked up his phone and opened the message thread between him and Rias on WhatsApp.
Irman: What do you think you are doing, Rias?
Rias: What do you mean?
Irman: Don't play dumb. I know you threatened my personal makeup artist, and you even told her that we are a couple. Are you crazy?
Rias: Heyyy, I'm not playing dumb. I really don't know what you're talking about.
Rias: And about that, isn't it true? We are a couple, right?
Irman: Since when?
Rias: Since I came to see you today.
Irman: What the heck?! I didn't propose, and neither did you. So how in the world are we a couple?
Rias: Heyyy... relax, okay? I'm just kidding.
Rias: Taktau pulak yang your personal makeup artist tu, kaki mengadu.
Irman: Heyyy… watch it! I don't like you talking about her like that. FYI, she didn't tattle. I asked her, and MY PERSONAL MAKEUP ARTIST is an honest and innocent person. I just asked, and she answered truthfully, no lies. So stop insulting her.
Rias: Why are you defending her so much? Do you have feelings for her?
Irman: And if I do, so what?
Rias: Irman!! You're psycho.
Irman: I'm not. Whether I have feelings for her or not isn't the point, and it's none of your business. It has nothing to do with you. I just don't like seeing someone insult a good person who's been taking care of me sincerely.
Rias: Taking care of you? How exactly?
Irman: Making sure I'm comfortable on set.
Rias: Making sure you're comfortable? How bold of her. Sure, let's see how she's been "taking care" of you. I've got proof she hasn't been doing her job properly.
Rias: (Sends photos as "proof")
Rias: Is 'this' what you call taking care of you? All I see is her glued to her phone. What kind of "care" is that?
Irman: You took pictures of her secretly? How dare you?
Irman: FYI, at that time, I was chatting with a friend. She had no work to do, so let her use her phone. When she has work, she does her job. She's been taking care of me properly.
Rias: You're always defending her.
Irman: Talking to you is exhausting. After this, don't come looking for me again, and stop insulting my personal makeup artist. You don't even know her.
Rias: Irman...
A few minutes passed.
Rias: Irman...
Rias: Irman...
Rias kept sending messages in their WhatsApp chat, but Irman refused to reply.
Irman placed his phone into his bag and leaned his head back against the chair's head to relax with his eyes closed. Meanwhile, Rias threw her phone onto the bed and flopped down, and screaming into her bed in frustration.
Irman opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, trying to calm his thoughts. Without realizing it, his mind wandered to Nabila, and he thought to himself, 'If only you were here, Nabila. It's a good thing you're nothing like Rias.'
At the same time…..
Nabila and Izzati were strolling through shopping mall, The Spring, Kuching, both mesmerized by the interior design of the mall.
Izzati remarked, "The interior design of this mall is really beautiful. I don't know why, but it makes me feel calm."
Nabila agreed, "Yeah, I feel the same way. There's no specific reason, but that's just how it makes me feel. It's not even about the size of the mall; I think the malls back home are bigger, but this one gives me a peaceful vibe."
Izzati nodded, "Exactly, I agree."
Nabila then asked, "So, do you want to eat first or walk around?"
Izzati replied, "Let's walk around first."
Nabila smiled, "Okay."
The two of them wandered into Bath & Body Works, a popular body care store.
Izzati exclaimed, "Whoa, there's a sale! And this is a proper sale!"
Nabila laughed, "Yeah, you planning to buy something?"
Izzati answered, "I think so. I mean, it's not like this kind of sale happens all the time. Imagine if we really need these soaps later, and there's no sale anymore."
Nabila nodded, "Hmm, true. Alright then, I think I'll grab two bottles to stock up."
Izzati grinned, "Haha, now that's what I call stocking up! But yeah, two bottles make sense. I'm getting some too."
Nabila said, "I already have the Japanese Cherry Blossoms and Pure Wonder in stock, so I'll get Saltwater Breeze this time. Lucky for me they're having a sale during the season for this one," she added with a grin.
Izzati chuckled, "Yeah, lucky you! Now you've got enough stock for the whole semester," she teased with a smile.
Nabila laughed, "Hehe, exactly!"
Izzati added, "I think I'll do the same and stock up for the entire semester too."
The two girls laughed together. After paying for their items, Izzati suggested, "Let's grab something to eat before we continue walking around."
Nabila asked, "Sure. Where do you want to eat?"
Izzati thought for a moment, "Hmm, how about we try the food court here?"
Nabila replied, "I'm fine with that. Plenty of food choices there."
Izzati smiled, "Alright, let's go."
At Foodcourt, The Spring….
Izzati asked, "What are you eating?"
Nabila replied, "I feel like trying the original Sarawak Laksa. You?"
Izzati responded, "Hmmm, I think I'll try the Hot Plate. Keep me company for a bit."
Nabila said, "Okay."
After browsing the food options, Izzati ordered Butter Milk Chicken from the shop.
Izzati said, "Okay, I'm done. Your turn, let's go."
Nabila said, "Okay."
Once Nabila finished ordering, they headed to the drink stall nearby.
Izzati asked, "What drink do you want?"
Nabila replied, "I feel like getting Teh C Special. I don't know why, but I feel like I should try it to understand the taste of most of their drinks."
Izzati chuckled and asked, "What theory are you using?"
Nabila grinned and answered, "It's my own instinct theory," then laughed.
Izzati said, "Okay," and went to the counter to order drinks.
While Izzati was ordering, Nabila headed to the Laksa stall to pick up her meal and brought it to an empty table. Izzati walked over to Nabila, while carrying their drinks.
Nabila asked, "Hey, did you order the same drink?"
Izzati replied, "Yeah, when I was picking my drink, I suddenly craved the same one as you. So I just ordered it."
Nabila said, "Alright. Go check if your food is ready."
Izzati replied, "Yeah, okay. Wait a moment."
Izzati returned with her food and said, "Our food looks appetizing. Hope it tastes as good as it looks."
Nabila said, "True. Let's say our prayers first."
After they finished their prayers, they began tasting their food and drinks in silence.
Izzati chuckled and said, "Now this is what you call enjoying a meal."
Nabila nodded and chuckled in response to Izzati's words. Nabila said, "Especially since we're used to eating without talking."
Izzati said, "Exactly. This Butter Chicken is delicious."
Nabila replied, "My Laksa is really good too."
Izzati said, "Now we know what to eat next time we come here."
Nabila said, "True. So, where to next?"
Izzati answered, "Not sure. Let's just walk around. If we see a shop we want to enter, we'll go in."
Nabila said, "Okay."
After finishing their meal, Nabila and Izzati continued walking around the mall. When they saw the H&M store, Nabila invited Izzati to go in.
They walked around the store, but Nabila stopped when they reached the men's clothing section. She saw an item on the rack and suddenly thought of Irman. Her mind could vividly picture Irman wearing that outfit, and she felt a strange sensation in her heart mixed with longing.
As Nabila gazed at the clothes, Izzati nudged her, "Hey, why are you staring at that shirt?"
Nabila was startled and answered, "Oh, I don't know. I looked at this shirt, and for some reason, I can picture Irman wearing it. And my heart... feels strange."
Izzati was surprised and said, "I don't know how you can imagine that part. But what does the feeling... feel like?"
Nabila replied, "I know for sure that I miss him. But within that longing, there's something more. I'm not sure what it is," she said, while holding her chest.
Izzati said, "Hmm, I honestly don't know what to say. Yeah, because I don't know what that feeling is. But what I can say right now is, be patient and pray for the best."
Nabila said, "Okay."
Izzati said, "Come on, I've got something to show you."
Nabila followed Izzati, and in her heart, she silently prayed, 'Allahuakhbar. Oh Allah, grant me guidance. Why am I feeling this way in my heart? What am I experiencing right now? Why can I picture him wearing that shirt? If there's an answer to my questions, let it come at the right time for me to understand.'