Chapter 12

Three days passed, one day before Nabila's registration day….

After finishing breakfast, Nabila and Izzati returned to their hotel room. As usual, Izzati lay down on her bed to rest, while Nabila sat on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Without forcing it, Izzati's eyes slowly closed, leading her into the world of dreams. The same happened to Nabila—her eyes gradually shut, and her body gently collapsed onto the bed.

As they drifted into their dreams, time passed without them realizing it. When the Zuhur call to prayer echoed, Izzati woke up, stretched a little, and then tried to wake Nabila. When Nabila finally woke up, she also stretched while Izzati headed to the bathroom to perform wudu'.

Nabila and Izzati prayed Zuhur together. After finishing their prayer, Izzati asked, "Have you finished packing your things?", while they tidied up their telekung and prayer mats.

Nabila replied, "Just roughly packed. I'll properly organize them later."

Izzati said, "Okay."

After tidying up their prayer items, Nabila started organizing her belongings for the dorm while Izzati lay back down, scrolling through her phone.

Once Nabila had finished packing, she sat on her bed and picked up her phone from the bedside table.

Izzati asked, "Is everything settled? Is there anything missing?"

Nabila replied, "Yeah, everything's done. Nothing else to buy."

Izzati said, "Okay, then. So, we're not going out today, right?"

Nabila replied, "Yeah, I guess."

Izzati asked, "'I guess'?"

Nabila replied,"I don't know. Do you want to go somewhere?"

Izzati answered, "Hmm... I don't have a specific place in mind, but I do feel like going out. What about you?"

Nabila said, "I don't have any plans. If you want to go out, I can accompany you. Let's go."

Izzati cheered, "Yay!!! Okay, let me get ready."

Nabila chuckled at Izzati's reaction and got ready as well.

Once they were prepared, Nabila asked, "Where are we going?"

Izzati replied, "I searched earlier while waiting for you to get ready. There's a shopping mall even bigger than The Spring. We should go there today. We haven't really explored anywhere other than The Spring and India Street."

Nabila asked, "So, what's the name of the mall?"

Izzati answered, "Vivacity Megamall."

Nabila said, "Wow, the name sounds fancy. Alright, let's go. I'm ready."

Izzati said, "Okay, let's go. I'll order a Grab."

Nabila replied, "Okay."

Nabila and Izzati left their hotel room and walked towards the elevator while Izzati booked a ride via the Grab app.



Upon arriving at Vivacity Megamall…

Both Nabila and Izzati were stunned and said in unison, "Wow!!! It's really bigger than The Spring."

Nabila asked, "Wait, hold on. Is Vivacity bigger, or is our local mall bigger?"

Izzati replied, "I have no idea. But it doesn't matter. A mall is a mall."

Nabila agreed, "True, true. So, what now? Do we eat first? Walk around and explore? Or do you already have a specific store in mind?"

Izzati said, "No specific store. Let's just walk around first."

Nabila said, "Okay, let's go."

While walking, Izzati noticed a store and said, "Oh, they have Bath & Body Works here too."

Nabila asked, "Where?"

Izzati pointed, "There."

Nabila said, "Oh yeah, I see it. Do you want to go in?"

Izzati replied, "No, I'm afraid I'll end up buying something. Hehe"

Nabila laughed and said, "Good point."

As they continued walking, Izzati noticed a car exhibition. "Oh, there's a car showcase here", she said.

Nabila looked and read the banner, "GWM."

Izzati said, "That looks like the Ora car that went viral recently. They also have Haval cars. Want to check them out?"

Nabila agreed, "Sure, why not?"

As they walked towards the Ora car, a sales representative greeted them warmly, "Hello", with a friendly smile.

Nabila and Izzati returned the greeting, "Hello."

The salesperson invited them to check out the interior, "You can look inside."

Nabila opened the driver's side door and sat inside the Ora car. The salesperson took the front passenger seat while Izzati sat in the back.

"Wow! This seat has a massage function.", Nabila said in surprise as she felt her back being gently massaged.

"Yes, the driver's seat has a massage function. The passenger seats don't.", the salesperson explained.

Then, the salesperson handed them a catalog, explaining the car's features and specifications.

"This model is the 500 Ultra 2024. It comes in a two-tone color option. The 400 Pro 2024 model, on the other hand, has only a one-tone color option. This is an electric vehicle, so it doesn't use petrol. Just letting you know in case you thought it was a regular car. The battery capacity for the 500 Ultra model is larger than the 400 Pro model—63.139 kWh compared to 47.788 kWh.", the salesperson explained.

Nabila asked, "So, the 500 Ultra model is more high-end?"

"Yes, exactly.", the salesperson confirmed.

Nabila and Izzati nodded in understanding, "Oh, okay."

The salesperson asked, "Are you both working already, or are you still studying?"

Izzati replied, "We're still studying."

The salesperson said, "Oh, then you won't be buying a car anytime soon. But feel free to take a look."

Nabila agreed, "True."

Izzati asked, "Can we check out the Haval car too?"

The salesperson said, "Of course, let's go."

Nabila and Izzati then explored the interior of the Haval car. Like before, they sat inside while the salesperson explained its features.

"This Haval model is the H6. It has a high-performance HEV battery, and its fuel tank capacity is 61 liters. It can go up to 1,000 km, making it ideal for long-distance travel.", the salesperson explained, handing them a brochure.

Nabila and Izzati thanked the salesperson and browsed through the brochure.

Nabila asked, "Can we check the trunk?"

The salesperson replied, "Sure."

Nabila and the salesperson stepped out to look at the trunk. Seeing them move, Izzati, who had been focused on the brochure, followed them.

Nabila called Izzati over, "Ti, check out this trunk. It's spacious."

Izzati examined it and agreed, "Yeah, it really is."

The salesperson commented, "Since you both are still studying, you won't be buying a car just yet. But maybe you can recommend it to family or friends who are working."

Izzati said, "Sure, no problem."

Nabila added, "Yeah, we can do that."

The salesperson smiled, "Thanks."

Nabila said, "Thank you as well for showing us around and explaining everything."

The salesperson responded, "You're welcome."

Izzati said, "We'll head off now. Thanks again."

The salesperson nodded and gave a polite bow, which Nabila and Izzati returned before leaving the exhibition.



The next day…

After Nabila and Izzati finished performing the Subuh prayer, Izzati received a message on WhatsApp. When she opened the app, she saw that the car rental owner she had been in contact with a few days prior had informed her that he was on his way to the hotel to deliver the car she had rented.

Izzati said, "The guy texted me just now. He said he's already on his way here with the car."

Nabila was surprised and said, "Wow, that's fast. He said before 6:30 AM, right?"

Izzati said, "Yeah, it's still before 6:30 AM."

Nabila asked, "Did he not pray Subuh?"

Izzati replied, "Oh my dear Nabila, we're in Kuching, Sarawak right now. The Subuh prayer time here isn't the same as in Semenanjung. We almost missed Subuh ourselves because of the different timing."

Nabila thought for a moment and then grinned when she realized Izzati was right. "Ahh, hehe sorry, I forgot.", Nabila said.

Once they were fully ready, Nabila and Izzati went down to the hotel lobby to meet the car rental owner.

"Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you).", Izzati greeted with a smile.

"Waalaikumussalam (and upon you be peace).", the rental owner responded, also smiling and giving them a respectful nod.

Nabila and Izzati were surprised by his polite gesture, so they quickly returned the nod out of respect.

The rental owner said, "I've refueled the car to full, so you two don't have to worry about that. The car keys are inside, and I've left the engine running slightly so the air conditioning can cool the car. But I only turned it on low because the morning air in Sarawak is already cool. If you find it too cold, you can turn off the aircon and roll down the windows—just use natural air conditioning."

Nabila asked, "Natural air conditioning?"

The rental owner smiled and replied, "Yes, natural air conditioning—the wind."

Nabila and Izzati both exclaimed, "Ahh!!"

Izzati laughed and said, "Haha oh, right! Sorry, my brain is still a little slow this early in the morning."

The rental owner chuckled and said, "It's fine. That's normal. Here, let me help load your things into the car."

Izzati asked, "Oh, are you sure? You really don't have to trouble yourself."

The rental owner smiled and replied, "No trouble at all."

Izzati thanked him, followed by Nabila, who had been listening quietly and smiling.

After they both expressed their gratitude, the rental owner returned their thanks with a smile and walked toward their belongings.

Izzati asked, "Sorry, but I just want to ask—how are you going to get back?"

The rental owner replied, "My friend is coming to pick me up later."

Izzati said, "Oh, okay then. That's good."

Meanwhile, Nabila continued helping load their luggage into the car alongside the rental owner.

Once everything was packed, Nabila and Izzati thanked him once again with a warm smile.

They then entered the car after exchanging salam (greeting) and giving him another respectful nod.

The rental owner replied to their salam (answer greeting) and nodded back before waving goodbye as Nabila and Izzati drove away.



On the way to Politeknik Kuching, Sarawak…

Nabila looked nervous and uneasy.

To ease her nerves, Izzati asked, "So, do you think that guy was handsome?"

Nabila, confused by the sudden question, asked back, "Which guy?"

Izzati sighed and said, "Come on, Nabila. The car rental guy! Who else? You're really out of it today."

Nabila said, "Oh, him. Hmmm.", as she thought about it.

Izzati waited for her answer and said, "I only asked a simple question: is he handsome or not? Why is it taking you so long to answer? Haih."

Nabila laughed and said, "Ahh, her accent is coming out."

Izzati said, "Yeah, because you're making me impatient. It's such a simple question, but you're taking forever to answer it."

Nabila grinned and said, "Fine, fine. I'll answer. For me, he's not as stunning as your K-pop idols, but he's decent-looking. Handsome in a local Malaysian way. So, does that answer satisfy you?"

Izzati said, "Yeah, that answer is acceptable."

Nabila asked, "But?"

Izzati continued, "But I don't think he fits your ideal type. Meaning, he's probably not your taste."

Nabila was curious and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Izzati answered, "Well, if we compare him to your ex, his looks don't come close."

Nabila replied, "Oh, I see your point. But honestly, I don't really care about looks. My ex was lucky to have those looks, but that's all he had going for him. When it came to his personality and what he did, that was far from lucky for me."

Izzati sighed, "Hmm, true. So, would you be okay with the car rental guy?"

Nabila replied, "If he's meant to be my mate, I'm okay with it. Because for me, looks don't mean much if the person has a bad character."

Izzati asked, "Alright, that's about looks. What about his birthplace?"

Nabila said, "Hmm, that doesn't matter to me either. Especially now that we've seen how Sarawakian people behave. So, I'm okay if my mate isn't from my state."

Izzati nodded, "Okay, got it."

Nabila asked, "What about you?"

Izzati asked back, "What about me?"

Nabila clarified, "Would you be okay if your mate isn't as handsome as your K-pop idols or if he's from a different state?"

Izzati replied, "Oh. For me, I don't mind where he's from. But when it comes to looks, I'm a bit picky. Hehe. I mean, I'll have to look at his face every day, so I want someone pleasant to look at. Not necessarily K-pop idol-level, but at least decent. The car rental guy was okay."

Nabila said, "Got it. But you already have someone."

Izzati grinned, "Hehe, I know. I was just answering your question. I have no other intentions. Haha."

Nabila laughed along and said, "Alright then."

Izzati commented, "Ever since our first day here, I still can't get over how different Sarawakians drive compared to us in Peninsula."

Nabila agreed, "I noticed that too. They drive more politely, and they rarely honk."

Izzati said, "Exactly. Back home, we always hear honking."

Nabila said, "Yeah, but for some reason, I feel more at ease like this. I mean, without all the honking."

Izzati said, "Oh, I see. Well, I'm okay with both."

Nabila added, "That's good. At least you can adapt to a place without constant honking. Since we're so used to it back home, it's nice that you can adjust. Haha. 'Blend' in, like blending food."

Izzati laughed and said, "Hahaha blend! You're hilarious."

Both of them laughed together, cherishing their moment of fun conversation.



Arriving at Politeknik Kuching, Sarawak…

Izzati searched for an empty parking spot around the dormitory area of Politeknik Kuching.

"Wow!! There are so many people! Oh no, looks like we'll have to walk far.", Izzati said while turning her head left and right, trying to find an available parking space.

"Yeah, it sure looks like it. But it's okay, as long as we find a spot.", Nabila said.

"Yeah, your dorm registration is the most important thing right now. Oh, found a parking spot! Alhamdulillah! Finally!", Izzati said.

"Alhamdulillah.", Nabila echoed.

After successfully parking the car, Nabila said, "Oh God! I'm so nervous."

Izzati asked, "What are you nervous about?"

Nabila answered, "I don't know. But I just feel nervous."

Izzati said, "Hmm, alright, let's go. Don't forget your documents. We don't want to end up walking all the way back to the car just to get them."

Nabila chuckled, "Hahaa, yeah, true."

Nabila and Izzati got out of the car and took the necessary documents for Nabila's dorm registration.

While walking towards the dorm registration area, Nabila said, "Oh God! I'm so nervous. What if something is incomplete?"

Izzati sighed, "Ya Allah! Nabila. Seriously, why are you getting so nervous? It's not like you're doing a presentation or something. You're just registering. All you have to do is hand over your documents and let the staff check them. You don't need to do anything else. And your documents are complete. You and I have checked them over and over again to make sure nothing is missing. Gosh, you've never been this nervous about something like this before. You're usually so chill."

Nabila replied, "I don't know, Izzati. I honestly have no idea why I'm feeling this nervous."

Izzati said, "Hmm, let's just go. I'm here with you. If anything happens, I'll help. Just stay calm, okay?"

Nabila took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go."

Nabila and Izzati continued walking towards the dorm registration area.

When they arrived at the section, Izzati and Nabila were surprised.

"Wow! The line is so long.", Izzati said.

"You should get in line now before it gets even longer.", Izzati suggested.

"Yeah. Okay.", Nabila said as she walked towards the queue, guided by the staff managing the registration line.

While Nabila stood in line and waited for her turn at the registration desk, Izzati secretly snapped a picture of Nabila while smiling mischievously.

After Nabila had completed her registration and was directed to her assigned dorm room, Izzati saw her walking out of the line and quickly approached her.

Once she reached Nabila, Izzati asked, "Any problems?"

"Nope.", Nabila replied while putting her documents back into her bag.

Izzati asked, "So, can we go check out your room now?"

Nabila nodded, "Yeah. Let's go."

Nabila and Izzati walked towards Nabila's dormitory with excitement.



Arriving at Nabila's dormitory room…

When they reached the room, they saw that Nabila's roommate had already arrived and was unpacking her belongings.

"Assalamualaikum (Peace be unto you).", Nabila greeted.

"Waalaikumussalam (and upon you be peace).", her roommate responded, followed by her parents.

"Nabila.", Nabila introduced herself while extending her hand to her roommate.

"Ani.", her roommate responded.

After shaking hands with Ani's mother, Nabila introduced Izzati to them.

"This is Izzati, my best friend.", Nabila said.

Izzati approached Ani's mother and shook her hand.

"Where are you girls from?", Ani's mother asked.

"We're from Selangor.", Nabila replied.

"Oh, Selangor.", Ani's father said.

"How about you, uncle, auntie? Where are you from?", Izzati asked.

"We're from Kuching.", Ani's father replied.

"Oh, in that case, Nabila can learn the Sarawakian dialect from Ani, right Nabila?" Izzati teased.

Nabila giggled and said, "Yeah."

Ani's mother asked, "Did Nabila's parents not come?"

Nabila calmly and gently replied, "Oh, no, they're busy back in the village."

Ani's father said, "Oh, sorry about that. So, you came with just your friend?"

Nabila replied, "It's okay. Yeah, I just came with Izzati. Coincidentally, she's also continuing her studies in Sarawak, but not at this Polytechnic. She's studying at UiTM."

Ani's father said, "Oh, so you'll be apart."

Izzati said, "Yeah, but what can we do.", with a smile.

Ani's mother said, "It's okay, you're still in Sarawak. When you have breaks or free days, you can meet up."

Nabila and Izzati grinned, "True. We can plan something later. Maybe we can bring Ani along too if she wants.", Nabila said, glancing at Izzati and Ani.

"Sure. We can plan later.", Ani agreed.

"Okay. Ani, is there anything else that's missing?", Ani's mother asked in Sarawakian.

"Just my pillow, I think.", Ani replied in Sarawakian.

"Okay. We'll buy it later then.", Ani's father said in Sarawakian.

"I'll go ask the staff if I can move the car closer to load your stuff. I'll text you.", Izzati told Nabila.

"Okay.", Nabila responded.

Izzati excused herself from Ani's parents and Ani to go check with the staff.

Ani's father said, "Come on, let's go home. We need to buy a pillow too."

Ani's mother and Ani both responded, "Okay."

Ani's father turned to Nabila and said, "We're heading back first, Nabila. We need to buy a pillow for Ani."

Nabila said, "Okay, uncle."

Ani's father gave his farewell, "Assalamualaikum (Peace be unto you)."

Nabila responded, "Waalaikumussalam (and upon you be peace)."

Ani's mother said, "We'll be leaving now, Nabila.", as she extended her hand to Nabila.

Nabila accepted the handshake and respectfully shook Ani's mother's hand.

"Assalamualaikum (Peace be unto you).", Ani's mother and Ani said in turns.

"Waalaikumussalam (and upon you be peace).", Nabila replied with a smile.