Rumors can be exhausting especially when it's about you

"I know," she murmured, trying to steady herself. "I'll be ready."

"Good. I'll be in touch with more details. Hang in there, Mingwa. This is your chance to turn things around," Jihoon said before hanging up.

One Day Earlier

The lavish ballroom was a sea of glittering gowns and tailored suits, but despite the elegance, Mingwa felt an undercurrent of hostility directed toward her.

She had managed to weave her way through the crowd, but it was impossible to avoid the sharp gazes and low murmurs that followed her every step.

"Isn't that Kim Mingwa? I thought she had disappeared," a woman in an emerald green dress whispered, not bothering to hide her disdain.

"Apparently not," her companion replied, eyeing Mingwa with barely concealed contempt. "I heard she's been begging for roles. Pathetic, really."

Mingwa kept her expression neutral, though the words stung. She had worked hard for every opportunity, but the industry's unforgiving nature didn't allow for second chances.

"She doesn't even belong here," another woman chimed in, her voice dripping with condescension. "This is an event for people who are actually relevant. Did she think she'd get a free pass, just because she's beautiful?"

"Honestly, she's just here to try and network. It's sad," a man added, sipping his champagne with a smirk. "I give her another few months before she's completely forgotten."

Mingwa's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to let their words show on her face. She needed to get out of there, to escape the suffocating atmosphere of judgment and jealousy.

As she made her way toward the terrace, she overheard another conversation, this time about someone she didn't expect to be the topic of gossip.

"Did you hear who's supposed to show up tonight?" a young man asked, his tone filled with excitement.

"Who? Don't tell me it's that sleazeball Moon Taewoo," a woman replied, rolling her eyes.

"That's the one," the man confirmed. "He's the talk of the town—again."

"Honestly, why does everyone fawn over him?" another woman asked, her voice tinged with bitterness. "He's nothing but a womanizer with too much money and power."

"And yet, people can't stop talking about him," the first woman said with a sigh. "It's like he's untouchable. No matter what he does, everyone still wants a piece of him."

"Well, he's not getting a piece of me," the bitter woman replied. "I've heard enough stories about his conquests to know he's bad news."


Kim Mingwa's eyes rolled, unless the man was blind, he'd never want a piece of that egg roll body.

"But you have to admit, he's got that charm," the young man said, chuckling. "He could probably convince anyone to do anything."

"Charm? More like arrogance," the first woman retorted. "He walks into a room and expects everyone to fall at his feet. It's disgusting."

"Yet here we are, talking about him," the bitter woman said, shaking her head. "I bet if he showed up right now, half the people in this room would be tripping over themselves to get his attention."

"I just hope I'm not in his line of sight," the first woman muttered. "Being associated with him is a career death sentence."

Mingwa felt a shiver run down her spine. The way they spoke about Moon Taewoo made her even more uneasy. She pushed open the glass doors and stepped out onto the terrace, letting the cool night air wash over her.

She leaned against the railing, trying to shake off the toxic words she had just heard.

But her moment of solitude was short-lived. The sound of footsteps echoed behind her, and she turned to see a tall, impeccably dressed man approaching. His presence was commanding, and there was an air of familiarity about him.

"You looked like you needed a break from all that," the man said, his voice smooth and low.

Mingwa nodded, still trying to place him. "It gets a bit overwhelming in there."

The man stepped closer, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I'm not surprised. Parties like this are more about who you know than what you know. But then, you already know that."

Mingwa shrugged, glancing away. "I guess. I try not to get caught up in all the gossip."

"Smart," he said, leaning casually against the railing beside her. "But you must have heard the rumors about me."

Mingwa frowned, finally looking at him more closely. "And you are…?"

"Moon Taewoo," he said, the name dropping like a bomb between them.

Mingwa's breath caught in her throat as the name registered in her mind. Moon Taewoo—the very man they had been gossiping about inside, the CEO with a reputation as ruthless as it was alluring.

She hadn't expected to meet him here, let alone be standing so close to him.

She straightened herself, her mind racing with the implications. Being seen with him, especially alone, could spell disaster. Yet, she found herself unable to move, caught between the urge to flee and the curiosity that kept her rooted to the spot.

"You look surprised, Miss Kim," Moon Taewoo said, his voice tinged with amusement as he leaned slightly closer, his slender eyes narrowing as a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"I—" Mingwa began, then stopped, her thoughts still in a jumble. "I didn't know who you were. I was just… I came out here to clear my head."

Moon Taewoo's gaze softened slightly, though there was still a glimmer of something unreadable in his eyes. "A wise choice. The chatter inside can be exhausting, especially when it's about you."

Mingwa felt a pang in her chest. He knew. Of course, he knew what they were saying about him. But there was no trace of anger or resentment in his expression, only a calm acceptance, as if he had heard it all before and had long since stopped caring.

She nodded, unsure of what else to say. "It's just… I wasn't expecting to meet you tonight."

Moon Taewoo chuckled softly, a sound that sent a shiver down her spine. "Life is full of unexpected encounters, Miss Kim. And some of them can change everything."

His words hung in the air between them, and Mingwa felt a sudden urge to put distance between herself and this man who seemed to effortlessly control the atmosphere around him.

"I should go," she said, trying to mask her nervousness. "Being seen with you… it's not exactly good for my reputation."

Moon Taewoo raised an eyebrow, his expression turning slightly more serious. "And what exactly do you think will happen if you are seen with me.."