Meeting the headlines

Mingwa hesitated, realizing how foolish she must sound. But before she could answer, she felt her heel catch on the hem of her dress. In her haste to move away, she lost her balance, a startled gasp escaping her lips as she began to fall.

But before she could hit the ground, Moon Taewoo moved with lightning speed, catching her in his arms. His grip was strong, steady, and for a moment, she found herself pressed against his chest, her face inches from his.

Time seemed to stand still as she stared up into his eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin, the firmness of his hold on her. There was something intoxicating about being this close to him, something that made her forget, if only for a second, all the warnings she had heard about him.

And then, out of nowhere, there was a sudden, blinding flash.

The unmistakable sound of a camera shutter echoed in the night air, and Mingwa's heart sank. She turned her head slightly, just in time to see the retreating figure of a paparazzo, camera in hand, darting back into the shadows.

"Damn it," she whispered, panic setting in. "This is bad… really bad."

Moon Taewoo's expression remained calm, though his eyes had narrowed slightly. "Looks like we've just given them something to talk about."

Mingwa's mind raced with the possible outcomes. That one photo, taken out of context, could ruin whatever was left of her career. She could already see the headlines:

D-List Actress Caught In CEO's Arms—Scandal or Staged?

Moon Taewoo steadied Mingwa as she regained her balance. The flash of the camera had left her disoriented, and the sound of the paparazzo's footsteps fading into the distance only heightened her anxiety.

"I should go," Mingwa said urgently, her voice trembling slightly. She pulled away from Moon Taewoo's grasp, trying to maintain her composure despite the panic rising within her.

"Are you sure? It's not safe to just rush off like this," Moon Taewoo said, his tone more concerned than before.

"I don't have a choice," Mingwa replied, her voice a mix of fear and annoyance. "Being seen with you could be the end of me."

Moon Taewoo nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "If you need any help—"

"No, no, thank you," Mingwa interrupted, shaking her head. "I just need to get out of here."

Without another word, Mingwa turned and hurried down the terrace steps. Her heels clicked rapidly against the marble floor as she made her way back into the party. The whispers she had overheard before now seemed even more insistent and more accusatory.

"Look at her, trying to slip out unnoticed," someone said, her voice loud enough for Mingwa to hear and the mockery was clear.

"I knew she was desperate, but this?" another voice chimed in. "Getting involved with the CEO? That's a new low."

Mingwa's face flushed with embarrassment, but she kept her head down and moved quickly. She felt every gaze on her as she reached the exit, the snickers and sidelong glances making her heart race with resentment.

"Did you see that?" a woman said to her companion, her voice dripping with disdain. "She's practically running out of here. How pathetic."

"Maybe she's afraid of the headlines," her friend replied with a laugh. "I heard Moon Taewoo can make or break careers with a single word."

Mingwa felt her cheeks burning as she finally reached the door to the outside. She managed to push it open and stepped into the cool night air, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The driver, noticing her distress, opened the door of the car for her.

"Are you alright, Miss?" the driver asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine," Mingwa said, trying to steady herself. "Just get me out of here!."

The driver nodded and helped her into the backseat. As the car pulled away from the venue, Mingwa slumped back against the seat, closing her eyes in frustration.

From the backseat, she pulled out her phone, and the screen was already filled with notifications. Headlines like "D-List Actress and Kwon-O CEO Caught in Scandalous Moment" and "Unexpected Encounter: Kim Mingwa and Moon Taewoo" flashed across the screen.

She let out a shaky breath, her fingers scrolling through the notifications as the weight of the situation sank in. "This is going to be a nightmare," she muttered to herself.

The driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "Do you need me to contact anyone for you, Miss Kim?"

"No, thank you," Mingwa said, her voice heavy with resignation. "Just… just keep driving."

Present time

She glanced at the framed photos on her coffee table, now a stark reminder of how drastically her life had changed in just one night. The scandal, the fake relationship with Moon Taewoo—it all felt like a surreal blur.

She remembered the night of the scandal vividly: the party where she had been subjected to harsh whispers and judgmental stares. Her heart ached as she recalled the moment she had slipped on her dress and Moon Taewoo had caught her, his arms was a temporary refuge amidst the chaos.

The flash of the camera had been like a cruel punch, capturing the intimate moment that would soon become fodder for the media.

Mingwa's eyes filled with tears as she thought about the whispers that followed her as she fled the party. The scornful comments and the intrusive stares had cut deep. She had tried to stay strong, to hide her distress, but the weight of it all had been too much to bear.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she buried her face in her hands and began to sob gently. The tears flowed freely, each one a release of the pent-up anxiety and fear she had been holding inside. Her shoulders shook with the force of her grief, her muffled cries echoing in the quiet apartment.

Her sobs grew softer as time went on, and she eventually managed to calm herself. With trembling hands, she wiped her tears away, but the emotional toll of the scandal was evident in her red, puffy eyes.

Mingwa took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to collect her thoughts. She knew she had to face the fallout of the scandal, but right now, the pain was overwhelming. The media scrutiny, the fake relationship—it all felt like a heavy burden she was struggling to carry.

"I'm a good actress, so why can't I get any roles…who did i offend in my past life that things just won't go right for me. I'm sick of this!"