Keep yourself busy by staring at my middle finger

Kim Mingwa had just exited a demanding meeting, she didn't think even the CEO would take her and Moon Taewoo fake dating so seriously.

She guessed maybe because he was a CEO and not some celebrity.

She sighed angrily when she bumped into Seo Harin. TKO's leading A-list artist.

Harin, surrounded by her entourage, turned with a look of disdain that was anything but casual.

"Mingwa," Harin said, her voice dripping with venom. "What a surprise to see you here."

Mingwa's gaze was icy as she met Harin's. "Harin. Fancy running into you. What's the occasion? More of your usual posturing?"

Harin's smile was on a thin line. "Oh, don't be coy. We both know you're a hot topic to discuss right now. The scandal with Moon Taewoo hasn't exactly done wonders for your reputation."

Mingwa's eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "And I suppose you're here to gloat?"

"Not gloat," Harin replied, her tone sharp. "Just observing. It's amusing to watch you desperately scramble to maintain your career while clinging to whatever scraps you can find."

Mingwa's voice was tight with anger. "Yeah it's called hard work, not that you'd understand the concept of hard work. All you seem to do is sit atop your high horse, looking down on everyone."

Harin chuckled, her gaze icy. "See, this is why you're still a D-list artist at your age. I don't need to work hard, just to work smart. You should try that sometime."

Nearby bystanders exchanged hushed whispers as the confrontation unfolded.

"Did you hear that?" one of them murmured. "Seo Harin's really laying into her."

"I never liked Mingwa, but Harin's being pretty harsh," another said. "Do you think Mingwa will snap?"

Harin raised an eyebrow, unfazed but she wasn't done with Mingwa yet. She had seen many of her types, thinking they could go far by just working hard.

Tsk! So fucking naive.

"High horse? I'd say it's more about maintaining standards. And frankly, you've proven time and again that you don't meet them. Naive little Mingwa, who will forever remain a bottom barrel artist."

Mingwa took a step closer, her voice steely and the look in her eyes making Harin shiver. "You think you're so superior, but all I see is a bitter woman trying to drag others down to feel better about herself. If you think belittling me will make you look any better, you're sadly mistaken. I'm not as stupid as the douchebags behind you, thinking they can grab whatever little fame they can get from you but you'll always make sure they're behind you because you only feel better about yourself if you're on top."

Harin's smirk widened. "You're in no position to lecture me. This industry is ruthless, and you're just another player trying to keep up. If you can't handle the pressure, maybe you should reconsider your place in it."

The bystanders' whispers grew louder, their curiosity piqued by the heated exchange.

"Looks like Harin's really got it out for Mingwa," one onlooker commented. "She's not holding back at all."

"Do you think this will hurt Mingwa's career?" another asked. "She's already had a rough time with that scandal."

Mingwa's face flushed with determination. "For a A-list artist you seem to have a lot of free time in your hands, so why don't you keep yourself busy by staring at my middle finger."

Mingwa raised her middle finger as she turned to walk away, she had spent more than enough time with Seo Harin.

Harin's gaze was cold. "I'm just saying, watch your step. The higher you climb, the more people want to see you fall. And I have a front-row seat."

With a final, disdainful glance, Harin turned and walked away, her entourage following in giving Mingwa equal disdainful glances.

Mingwa paused as she clenched her fist, she bit her lips tightly as a chuckle escaped her lips.

Everyone was just getting on her fucking nerves.

"Wow, that was intense," one bystander said. "Mingwa's got guts, I'll give her that."

"Let's see how she handles this, I'm sure Harin's not going to back off now," another replied. "She's certainly got a fight on her hands."

Entering Jihoon's office, Mingwa was still reeling from her confrontation with Harin. Jihoon looked up from his desk, his expression serious.

"Mingwa you look pissed but never mind that now, we need to discuss something important," Jihoon said, motioning for her to sit.

Mingwa took a seat, her curiosity piqued. "What's going on?"

Jihoon cleared his throat. "There's a photoshoot scheduled for tomorrow, and it's with Moon Taewoo."

Mingwa's eyes widened. "What's the shoot about? Is it to portray our relationship to the public?"

Jihoon's tone was measured. "Yes, the shoot will solidify the public's perception of your relationship with him. It's a key part of maintaining the facade that you two are actually dating."

Mingwa's face tightened. "So this is really about keeping up the pretense?"

"Exactly," Jihoon said. "The goal is to reinforce the narrative that you're a couple. It's important for keeping the scandal's momentum and benefiting both your career and safeguard Kwon-0's image."

Mingwa sighed, her expression light. "At least we don't have to showcasing real chemistry, just about making it look convincing?"

Jihoon nodded. "Correct. The photoshoot will be staged to highlight the relationship we're portraying."

Mingwa glanced at the schedule Jihoon handed her. "What's the plan for the shoot?"

"It's at a studio downtown," Jihoon said. "We'll need to be there by 10 AM so be ready by 9, I'll pick you up. The styling and wardrobe will be arranged to fit the 'couple' theme we're aiming for."

Mingwa took a deep breath, combing through her red locks, she nodded. "Alright. I better practice my smile for tomorrow."

Jihoon gave her a reassuring smile. "I know this isn't ideal, but just focus on making it work. Now tell me why you were so pissed earlier?"


Mingwa's expression darkened instantly and then she sighed, heading to the fridge and taking a soda.

Turning to Jihoon, she asked "Do you think I'm naive?"