Ready to make this look real, Miss Kim?

The next morning, Mingwa arrived at the studio alongside Jihoon, who had been giving her a rundown of the schedule on the drive over. Despite the tension simmering in her chest, she wore a calm expression, determined to get through the day without letting without a single slip up.

"Remember.." Jihoon said as they stepped out of the car, "this shoot is all about selling the relationship. You've done this before—act like you're head over heels. Smile, be natural, but make sure it looks convincing. After all you've faked being in love once for that movie and we all bought it."

Mingwa bit her lips slightly, she also thought it as really good at faking it until she realized after the shoot, she was truly in love with that man.

And now that she was fake dating Moon Taewoo, what if her heart got swayed? He wasn't the type to stick to just one woman.

Mingwa glanced at him and nodded, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, I got it."

They walked into the studio together, the bustling energy immediately washing over them. Stylists were running around, photographers were setting up their equipment, and assistants were arranging props. The scene felt chaotic, but for Mingwa, this was familiar territory.

As soon as they entered, a stylist rushed over. "Miss Kim, right this way. We need to start hair and makeup."

Mingwa followed the stylist, glancing back briefly at Jihoon, who gave her a reassuring nod. "Just remember—this is for the long game, okay?"

She sat in the chair, and within moments, the makeup artist and hairstylist began working on her. As they prepped her for the shoot, the energy around her shifted. Mingwa was a natural-born actress, after all. The nerves she'd felt earlier slowly dissipated, replaced by a calm determination.

"You're really pretty," one of the makeup artists said, smiling as she applied foundation. "I bet that CEO can't take his eyes off you."

Mingwa smirked, though she couldn't help the scoff lowly in annoyance. "Well, it's not like he's got a shortage of women looking his way."

The hairstylist snickered. "I've heard he's dated half the industry. You must be something special."

Mingwa's expression didn't waver, but her mind flashed back to the party—the slip, the scandal, the flash of the camera. This whole charade was an accident, but now she had to make it work.

"If only it were that simple," Mingwa said, keeping her tone light.

As the stylists finished up, she was ushered onto the set. It was designed to look like an intimate, cozy setting—a mock date in a private lounge. Everything was crafted to portray a dreamy romance between two people who were madly in love.

And standing by the director, looking as cool and untouchable as ever, was Moon Taewoo.

Their eyes met briefly, and though Mingwa kept her expression neutral, she couldnt hide the redness that appeared on her face when she saw the expression on Moon Taewoo's face. The lines between playing the role and reality were about to blur even further.

"Miss Kim, CEO. Moon, take your places," the director called, motioning toward the plush loveseat on the set. "We're going to start with a couple of casual shots—think laughter, closeness, like you're sharing an inside joke."

Mingwa took her place next to Taewoo, who slid into the seat beside her, his arm casually resting around her waist. For a moment, neither spoke, but then Taewoo leaned in slightly, lowering his voice so only she could hear.

"Ready to make this look real, Miss Kim?"

Mingwa didn't miss the glint of mischief in his eyes. She raised an eyebrow, keeping her tone equally low. "I've been acting all my life, Mr. Moon. Are you sure you can keep up?"

Taewoo's lips curved into a smirk. "Guess we'll see."

The camera flashed, capturing their fake moment of intimacy, and for everyone watching, it looked like nothing less than two people deeply in love.

Moon Taewoo eyes were inevitably drawn to Mingwa, this was the second time they had been this close but he felt he was seeing all over again for the first time.

He loved the way she fitted perfectly into his arms or how she smelled completely different from the other women he had been with.

Her scent was a like a cool aid, it calmed his nerves and made him feel lightweight.

The director called for them to change poses. "Now, let's get some more intimate shots—look into each other's eyes, like you're sharing a private moment."

Taewoo adjusted his position, his face inches from Mingwa's. He kept his voice low but teasing. "I suppose this is where we get to be 'in love' for the why don't we kiss?."

Mingwa froze as she stared into Moon Taewoo's eyes, his grin widening. Mingwa smiled,trying to maintain her composure. "Just as long as you don't expect me to fall for you in real life. Honey."

Taewoo chuckled softly. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it."

The camera flashed, capturing their posed moments of supposed affection. Mingwa and Taewoo played their parts flawlessly, exchanging smiles and laughter that looked all too real.

As the shoot continued, Mingwa couldn't help but notice the looks and whispers from the crew. Some were impressed, others curious, but all seemed to buy into the story they were selling.

One of the crew members leaned over to a colleague and said, "Did you see that? They look like a real couple."

Another nodded in agreement. "Definitely. They've got the chemistry down pat."

Mingwa, overhearing the comments, felt a twinge of satisfaction. Despite the awkwardness and the façade, it seemed they were managing to pull off the illusion.

When the shoot finally wrapped up, Mingwa and Taewoo exchanged a look of mutual understanding.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Taewoo said, his tone more relaxed now that the cameras were off.

Mingwa smiled. "Not at all. Just another day in the life of a fake relationship."

Taewoo grinned softly as he took a step closer to Mingwa. "Here's to making it look real."