He's always been this untouchable figure

Mingwa's face flushed at Jihoon's teasing, a part of her wanted to believe that Moon Taewoo was lying but the sincerity in his eyes was inescapable.

"It can't be helped then.."

Jihoon chuckled as he gathered there things, the gala had been postponed to later tonight so they had to grab lunch and prepare Mingwa for the event.

Jihoon couldn't resist a teasing grin as they left the studio together. "So, Miss Kim," he began, glancing sideways at her, "how does it feel to be the first woman in ten years to kiss Moon Taewoo?"

Mingwa rolled her eyes, trying to suppress the warmth rising to her cheeks. "Oh, please. You know it was just part of the deal."

"Sure, sure," Jihoon chuckled, his tone light. "But you have to admit, it's not every day you get to make history like that."

"History? You're exaggerating," Mingwa replied, though the thought of it made her feel oddly flustered.

Jihoon smirked, clearly enjoying himself. "Hey, if the tabloids ever find out, they'll have a field day. 'Kim Mingwa, the woman who thawed the Ice CEO's lips after a decade.'"

Mingwa groaned, playfully swatting him. "You're impossible."

As they walked down the quiet streets, Jihoon led them to a small, tucked-away restaurant.

After settling into their seats by the window, the server approached with a warm smile, handing them menus. Jihoon glanced over the options, his eyes lighting up at the sight of familiar dishes.

"I'm thinking we should go all out," he said, scanning the menu. "What do you think about ordering some bulgogi[1], kimchi jjigae[2], and maybe a few banchan[3] to share?"

Mingwa nodded, her appetite slowly returning. "Sounds perfect. And maybe some japchae[4] too? I'm craving something a bit sweet and savory."

Jihoon grinned. "Good choice. Let's throw in a seafood pancake[5] as well. We need to fuel up after that exhausting shoot."

Once they placed their order, they waited as the soft murmur of the restaurant provided a soothing background. Before long, the table was filled with a vibrant spread of dishes. The rich aroma of the bulgogi's marinated beef, the tangy scent of the kimchi stew, and the sight of the glossy japchae noodles all made Mingwa's mouth water.

Jihoon wasted no time, picking up a piece of bulgogi with his chopsticks. "This looks amazing," he said before popping it into his mouth.

Mingwa followed suit, savoring the sweet and savory flavors of the japchae. "It really does. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now."

They continued eating, sharing bites of the seafood pancake, its crispy edges giving way to the tender filling inside, and spoonfuls of the spicy kimchi jjigae that warmed them from the inside out. The banchan, a variety of small side dishes like seasoned spinach, pickled radishes, and spicy cucumbers, added different textures and flavors to each bite, making the meal both satisfying and comforting.

Mingwa couldn't help but feel a bit lighter. "This was a good idea," she said, her voice soft.

Jihoon smiled, nodding in agreement. "Good food has a way of making everything seem a little better, doesn't it?"

Mingwa smiled back, taking another bite. "Yeah, it really does."

Jihoon set down his chopsticks, a playful gleam in his eyes. "You know, Mingwa, you're going to have to face him again tonight at the gala. Think you'll be able to keep your cool?"

Mingwa took a sip of her water, contemplating his question. "I don't know. It's weird, isn't it? I mean, he's always been this untouchable figure, and now… I've kissed him. It doesn't feel real."

Jihoon leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Well, it's real now. But look at it this way—tonight's another chance to see how he really is. Maybe you'll start to figure him out."

Mingwa sighed, setting her chopsticks down as well. "Maybe. Or maybe I'll just keep getting more confused. I don't know what to make of him."

"That's part of the fun, isn't it?" Jihoon teased, though there was a hint of seriousness in his tone. "People like Moon Taewoo aren't easy to figure out. But maybe that's why he's so intriguing."

Mingwa gave a small nod, her thoughts drifting. "Intriguing, maybe. But also exhausting. I just want to get through tonight without any more surprises."

Jihoon chuckled. "Well, good luck with that. But no matter what happens, just remember you're doing great."

Mingwa smiled at him, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Jihoon. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Hey, that's what friends are for," he replied with a wink. "Now, let's finish up and get you ready for tonight. We've got a gala to conquer."

After finishing their lunch, Mingwa and Jihoon headed to the salon owned by Mingwa's makeup team. The team greeted her warmly and immediately began preparing her for the evening gala.

As Mingwa settled into the stylist's chair, one of the salon assistants brought out a neatly wrapped box. Mingwa raised a brow, did Jihoon arrange this? If so why didn't he tell her.

Just then she felt a buzz in her pocket and tok out her phone noticing a new message from Moon Taewoo. The message included a photo of the exact same box, with a note from him.

Mingwa read the message with a stunned expression "I've sent you something special for tonight. I hope you like it. Wear it to the gala."

She looked up at the salon staff, who were already beginning to unwrap the box. Inside was a stunning dress, elegant and perfect for the gala. Mingwa's eyes widened in surprise and admiration.

Jihoon, noticing her reaction, came over. "What's up?"

Mingwa showed him the dress and the message. "Moon Taewoo sent this for me to wear tonight."

Jihoon examined the dress and whistled softly. "Impressive. He clearly put a lot of thought into this."

Mingwa nodded, still processing the unexpected gesture. "Yeah, it's really beautiful. I didn't expect him to go this far."

Jihoon grinned, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Looks like he's invested more in this fake relationship than we thought."

Mingwa laughed softly, her nerves settling a bit. "Maybe. But it's a lovely gesture."