$30 million is nothing when you play by my rules

As the team worked on her hair, Jihoon leaned against the counter, arms crossed, watching with an amused expression. "You know, Mingwa," he began, his tone light, "for someone who claims not to care about Moon Taewoo, you sure seem to be thinking about him a lot."

Mingwa shot him a look in the mirror. "I'm not thinking about him, just trying to figure out what he's up to."

Jihoon chuckled, shaking his head. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mingwa."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the small smile tugging at her lips. The truth was, Jihoon was right. Despite her best efforts to keep things strictly business, there was something about Moon Taewoo that kept her on edge, making her second-guess her every move.

Seojin, a petite woman with sharp eyes and a dramatic flair, clapped her hands together. "Oh, honey, this dress is divine! Moon Taewoo has exquisite taste. You're going to be the belle of the ball!"

Another stylist, Hyeri, nodded eagerly as she began working on Mingwa's long locks. "Absolutely. That emerald green is going to make your eyes pop. We need to do something elegant but soft with your hair, maybe some waves to keep it classy."

The makeup artist, Sohee, studied Mingwa's face for a while and smiled. "Your skin is already glowing, but let's enhance that with a dewy finish and some contouring to emphasize those cheekbones. We'll go for a subtle smoky eye—nothing too heavy—and a nude lip to keep the focus on your natural beauty."

Mingwa smiled at their enthusiasm, feeling the energy in the room which lifted her spirits. "You're all too kind. I'm just hoping not to trip over this dress in front of everyone and maybe another scandal might erupt."

Seojin chuckled as she adjusted the gown around Mingwa's waist. "Don't worry, darling, we'll make sure you glide like a queen. Besides, with Moon Taewoo by your side, no one's going to notice anything but how stunning you look."

Jihoon, who had been observing from the side, chimed in with a teasing grin. "You hear that, Mingwa? You're going to be the talk of the town. And if you do trip, just say it was all part of the show. Own it! You used to love doing that"

Mingwa laughed, feeling the tension ease out of her shoulders. "I'll keep that in mind, Jihoon. And I'll make sure to give you credit for the idea if it happens."

As the team worked, Seojin kept the atmosphere light with her banter. "So, Jihoon, what's the story with Moon Taewoo sending this dress? Is he trying to make a statement or what?"

Jihoon leaned against the counter, crossing his arms with a smirk. "Who knows with that guy? But I'd say he's definitely making a statement. It's not every day the CEO sends a custom gown, right?"

Hyeri chimed in, her hands deftly curling sections of Mingwa's hair. "I'd say it's more than a statement. This is like a declaration. If he wasn't interested before, he sure is now."

Mingwa felt her cheeks flush at their comments. "You guys are reading too much into this. It's just for the sake of appearances, remember?"

Sohee smiled knowingly as she applied the final touches of makeup. "Sure, honey, whatever you say. But it's not just the dress. You should see how he looks at you."

Jihoon chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, Mingwa, looks like you've got a fan club here. But they're right—you should see the way Moon Taewoo looks at you. I'm starting to think this fake relationship isn't so fake after all."


"Yall taking shit, Moon Taewoo's a devil in disguise I tell you, don't be fooled by his handsome face and gestures…."


"That's the point," the Hyeri said with a wink. "You're going to knock them dead tonight. Mingwa!."

Just as Mingwa stood to admire the final result, the door of the salon swung open. Moon Taewoo stepping inside, his presence commanding immediate attention. His tall, lean frame was impeccably dressed in a black tailored suit that fit him like a glove. The crisp white shirt beneath contrasted sharply against the dark fabric, and his tie—a deep shade of blue—matched the color of Mingwa's dress.

There was an undeniable aura about him that drew the gaze of every woman in the room. His sharp jawline, intense eyes, and the cool confidence with which he carried himself made it hard not to stare.

Even Mingwa found herself momentarily captivated, her breath catching in her throat.

The stylist beside her whispered, "Now, that's a man who knows how to make an entrance."

Jihoon straightened up, giving Taewoo a quick once-over. "You two are going to look like the ultimate power couple tonight," he said, a hint of teasing in his voice.

Taewoo's eyes flickered over to Jihoon before settling on Mingwa. His gaze softened slightly with a hint of a sexy grin as he took in her appearance. "You look perfect, Miss Kim," he said, his voice low and sincere.

Mingwa felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, but she quickly composed herself. "Thank you, Mr. Moon," she replied, meeting his gaze. "You don't look too bad yourself."

He offered her a rare, almost imperceptible smile. "Shall we?"

Jihoon clapped his hands together, breaking the moment. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. I'll meet you both later at the event. And please whatever you do don't start another scandal, we barely managed to contain this one."

Mingwa turned to Jihoon, smiling warmly. "Thanks, Jihoonn. I'll see you there."

Moon Taewoo glanced at Jihoon, his eyes darkening since when did the artist and their managers become this close?

"Follow me, I have something else for you.."

Mingwa raised a brow as Taewoo dragged her out of the salon, her eyes widened when she saw the car they were taking.

"Rolls-Royce LA Rose Noire Droptail?!!!"

Mingwa felt her ears ring when she saw the car, she looked at the car and then at Moon Taewoo.

"How did you get it, this car is worth 30 million dollars!"


Moon Taewoo's gaze met Mingwa's with a smirk. "This is just a taste of what I have to offer. $30 million is nothing when you play by my rules."