We’re dating


"Whatever, you don't have to rub your riches in my face.."

Taewoo smiled and brought out a box from the backseat, he opened it and showed Mingwa the content.


"You're joking right? You already gave me a beautiful gown and shoes, you brought a luxurious car and now you're giving me this. Mr. Moon, you're investing way too much into this fake relationship.."

Moon Taewoo shrugged and leaned closer, he stared at Mingwa's face and laughed.

"My, my, what a silly girl you are Mingwa…you're so pretty, is this your first time dating a rich man?"


"For the record, we're not actually dating and my past relationships weren't this extravagant.."

Moon Taewoo smiled, wrapping his finger around her locks.

"You're dating me now, and these things are the bare minimum. It doesn't matter if it's fake or real. I always treat my women with care or are you saying you don't like it?"

Mingwa snorted how could she hate it, she just felt a bit uncomfortable after all the brainwashing Hyeri and Jihoon had given her.

She knew Moon Taewoo didn't like her that way, it was all part of his nice guy act.

"How could I hate it.." she finally smiled "I finally get to ride in a Rolls Royce LA Rose Noire Droptail, it's my dream car.."

Mingwa said with a bit of melancholy, she wanted it but this car was way out of her league.

A small-time actress like herself could never afford it.

"Hop it, this is just one of the many cars I own…its also my first time riding it.."

Mingwa looked at him, her heart skipping a beat. Despite knowing this was all part of the act, there was something disarming about his charm, something that made her momentarily forget the reality of their situation. She slid the necklace on, the cool weight of the diamonds resting against her skin, as Taewoo pulled the car smoothly onto the main road.

As the Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire Droptail approached the grand venue, the entrance was already buzzing with the who's who of the industry. The red carpet gleamed under the flash of cameras, and an air of opulence surrounded the entire event. Tall, majestic banners fluttered in the evening breeze, adorned with the names of the event's prestigious sponsors.

The valet opened the door for Mingwa, and she stepped out, the hem of her gown flowing elegantly around her legs. For a moment, she stood there, momentarily dazed by the sheer spectacle of the event. Her eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the celebrities dressed in couture, the photographers jostling for the best shot, and the faint murmur of conversations mixed with the clicking of camera shutters.

Moon Taewoo exited the car, drawing the attention of nearly every pair of eyes in the vicinity. He was the epitome of refined elegance, his black tuxedo perfectly tailored to accentuate his broad shoulders and lean frame. The light from the chandeliers overhead caught in his sun-kissed blonde hair, and his gaze, sharp and commanding, scanned the crowd with a confidence that bordered on regal.

A few whispers and excited murmurs rippled through the crowd as they recognized him, the notorious playboy CEO. Women's gazes lingered on him longer than necessary, some even openly admiring his chiseled features and the air of authority he carried. But it wasn't just his looks that captivated them; it was the aura of power, the subtle but unmistakable impression that he was a man who always got what he wanted.

As soon as Mingwa and Taewoo stepped out of the car, the flash of cameras nearly blinded her. The photographers, who had been waiting for the next big arrival, surged forward, shouting for their attention.

"Mr. Moon! Miss Kim! Over here, please!"

"Mingwa, who are you wearing tonight?"

"Can we get a shot of the two of you together?"

Taewoo remained composed, a slight smile playing on his lips as he wrapped a hand around her waist guiding Mingwa closer to his side, shielding her from the overwhelming crush of people. He paused briefly, allowing the photographers to capture a few shots of them together, his hand resting protectively on her lower back.

Mingwa, finally adjusting to the frenzy, smiled gracefully despite the nerves bubbling inside her. She wasn't used to this kind of attention, but with Taewoo by her side, she forced herself to stay calm.

One of the influencers, dressed in a daring, avant-garde ensemble, leaned forward with a microphone, her excitement barely contained. "Miss Kim, you look absolutely stunning! Can you tell us who you're wearing tonight?"

Mingwa smiled graciously, a hint of nerves behind her calm demeanor. "Thank you so much. My dress and shoes are custom-made. The necklace and the entire look are gifts from Taewoo, and my entire look tonight was styled by my incredible makeup team."

The influencer's eyes gleamed as she turned to Taewoo, clearly intrigued. "Mr. Moon, you've certainly outdone yourself! Is this part of the romance we keep hearing about?"

Taewoo merely smiled, a mysterious glint in his eyes, as he leaned giving Mingwa a kiss on the cheek. "What do you think?" he replied smoothly.

As they made their way further down the red carpet, the crowd buzzed with anticipation. The cameras flashed incessantly, and the energy was palpable. Mingwa felt a rush of adrenaline, fueled by the attention and the presence of Moon Taewoo beside her.

When they reached a section where the top influencers and reporters were gathered, the questions came fast and furious.

"Mingwa, how do you feel about all the attention you're getting tonight?"

"Mr. Moon, is this relationship the real deal, or just for show?"

"Can we expect more public appearances like this from the two of you?"

Mingwa looked up at Taewoo, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. But Taewoo, always composed, met her gaze with a calm, reassuring smile. He turned to the crowd, his voice steady and confident.

"Yes, we're dating," he declared, his tone leaving no room for doubt. The crowd erupted in excitement, with cameras flashing even more intensely as reporters tried to capture every word and expression.

Mingwa, taken aback by his straightforward confirmation, quickly masked her surprise with a composed smile. The reporters were relentless now, eager to get more details.

One of the influencers, a glamorous woman with a massive online following, stepped forward and asked Mingwa, "That necklace is absolutely stunning! Did Mr. Moon pick it out for you? How does it feel to be spoiled like this?"