Not so fake now is?

Mingwa, smiled and wrapped her hand around Taewoo's. "Yes, the necklace is a gift from Taewoo, and it's truly beautiful. I'm incredibly grateful. It's certainly a new experience, but I'm enjoying it."

Taewoo's smirk grew wider, clearly pleased with the situation and the fact that she had held his hands. "Mingwa deserves the best. I'm just making sure she gets it."

The crowd around them buzzed with admiration and envy. Mingwa could feel the eyes of countless people on her, each assessing, judging, or simply admiring her. The attention was overwhelming, but she held her ground, drawing strength from Taewoo's steady presence beside her.

As they continued to walk down the red carpet, Mingwa leaned in and whispered to him, "That was a bold move, confirming it like that."

Taewoo chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and confidence. "I told you, silly girl. You're dating me now. Whether it's real or fake, we have to make it believable. And this? This is exactly what everyone wanted to hear."

Mingwa couldn't help but smile at his words. His confidence was infectious, and even though she knew it was all part of the act, a part of her couldn't help but enjoy the moment.

She knew she would regret it later on but for now, she wanted to enjoy it.

Finally, they reached the entrance to the gala. The grand doors opened, revealing an opulent ballroom filled with the elite of the industry. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the elegantly dressed attendees. The atmosphere inside was more refined, a stark contrast to the frenzy of the red carpet.

Taewoo leaned in close again, his voice soft and intimate. "Let's give them a night to remember."

Mingwa nodded, her earlier nerves replaced by a renewed sense of confidence. "Absolutely."

All eyes were on Mingwa and Taewoo as they made their entrance, the room seeming to hush for a moment as the power couple glided through. Mingwa's heart raced, but she kept her expression composed, aware that every glance, every smile, and every whisper was now a part of their public image.

Taewoo guided her through the crowd with effortless grace, introducing her to key figures in the industry—producers, directors, and other influential personalities. Mingwa played her part perfectly, engaging in light conversation, her smile never wavering. The entire time, Taewoo kept her close, his hand lingering on her waist, his presence reassuring.

At one point, they were approached by a distinguished older man, dressed in a classic tuxedo, his eyes sharp and assessing. He was someone important, that much was clear from the way others deferred to him.

"Taewoo," the man greeted, his tone warm but with an underlying curiosity. "I see you've brought a date tonight. Quite a statement, considering your usual solo appearances."

Taewoo smiled, his charm on full display. "Mr. Han, allow me to introduce Miss Kim Mingwa. She's the brightest star tonight, wouldn't you agree?"

Mr. Han's gaze shifted to Mingwa, his eyes appraising her with interest. "Indeed. Miss Kim, it's a pleasure to meet you. You're causing quite a stir this evening."

Mingwa gave a polite nod, her smile gracious. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Han. I'm honored to be here."

After a few more pleasantries, Mr. Han moved on, but not without giving Taewoo a knowing look, as if to say he'd be watching closely.

As the evening progressed, Mingwa found herself growing more comfortable, the initial anxiety gradually fading away. She began to relax into her role, the feeling of being at the center of attention no longer as daunting as it once was.

Taewoo noticed her shift in demeanor and leaned in, his voice low and teasing. "See? You're a natural. Maybe I should hire you as my permanent date."

Mingwa chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Careful, Mr. Moon. You might just find yourself stuck with me."

He grinned, that mischievous glint back in his eyes. "There are worse fates."

The evening continued with more introductions, a few dances, and even more eyes following their every move. The entire event was like a well-rehearsed play, with Taewoo and Mingwa in the leading roles, perfectly synchronized in their act.

But as the night wore on, there were moments—fleeting and subtle—when the lines between act and reality blurred, where the warmth in Taewoo's gaze seemed a little too genuine, and where Mingwa's laughter felt a little too natural.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the formalities began to wind down, and Taewoo led Mingwa to a quieter corner of the ballroom. The noise of the event faded slightly, allowing them a moment of reprieve.

Taewoo offered her a glass of champagne, which she accepted gratefully. As she sipped, he watched her with an intensity that made her pulse quicken, despite herself.

"Thank you," Mingwa said, breaking the silence. "For everything tonight."

Taewoo raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "Why are you thanking me?"

"For making me feel… safe," she admitted, her voice soft. "This is all new to me, and you made it easier."

Taewoo's gaze softened, and for a brief moment, the playful mask he usually wore slipped. "You're welcome, Mingwa. But you should give yourself more credit. You handled everything beautifully tonight."

Mingwa smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the champagne. "Maybe. But I couldn't have done it without you."

Taewoo didn't reply immediately. Instead, he leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Maybe this fake relationship isn't so fake after all."

Mingwa's breath hitched at his words, her mind racing with the implications. But before she could respond, Taewoo straightened up, his usual smirk back in place.