You’re mine now!

As Mingwa and Taewoo continued down the red carpet, they encountered Seo Harin and Hyun Euihyun, standing side by side. Harin's sharp eyes quickly zeroed in on Mingwa, a smirk playing on her lips as if she had been waiting for this moment. Euihyun, with his usual calm demeanor, offered a small smile, but there was something unsettling in the way his gaze lingered on Mingwa.

"Mr. Hyun, Miss Seo," Moon Taewoo greeted them, his voice steady, but there was an underlying edge that only someone close to him could detect.

"Mr. Moon," Seo Harin replied, her tone laced with fake politeness. "And Mingwa. What a… surprising appearance. I didn't expect to see you here tonight."

Mingwa returned Harin's gaze with a calm smile, though she could feel the tension building between them. "Harin," she greeted coolly. "It's been a while."

Hyun Euihyun, who had been silent, finally spoke, his voice smooth and composed. "Mingwa," he said, his tone softer than before. "You look… stunning." His words were simple, but the familiarity in his voice sent a ripple of emotions through her.

Mingwa felt her chest tighten, her carefully maintained composure threatening to crack. She had convinced herself that she had moved on, that her feelings for Euihyun were a thing of the past. But now, standing in front of him, those old emotions resurfaced, confusing her more than she'd like to admit.

Taewoo, who's gaze had been on Mingwa the whole time, didn't miss the slight change in her demeanor. His grip on her waist tightened almost imperceptibly, his own emotions flaring. "It's been some time, Mr. Hyun," Taewoo said, his voice laced with a cold undertone. "I trust things have been going well for you."

Euihyun met Taewoo's gaze, the air between them thick with an unspoken tension. "Quite well, thank you, Mr. Moon. I see Miss Kim is doing well under your… care."

Taewoo's eyes narrowed slightly, catching the hidden meaning in Euihyun's words. "Indeed," Taewoo responded, his tone sharper now. "Mingwa is in good hands. I make sure of that."

Harin, sensing the growing tension, decided to add her own cutting remark. "It's good to see you, Mingwa," she said, her voice dripping with insincerity. "You always had a knack for finding the right people to align yourself with."

Mingwa felt the sting of Harin's words but refused to let it show. She lifted her chin slightly, a confident smile on her lips. "And you, Harin," she replied, her voice steady. "Always knowing how to make an entrance."

Taewoo's patience was wearing thin. He could feel the tension radiating off Mingwa, and the smug satisfaction in Euihyun's eyes only fueled his anger. "We should be moving along," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "There are others we need to see."

Before Harin or Euihyun could respond, Taewoo guided Mingwa away, his hand firmly on her back. As they walked, he leaned in slightly, his voice low and edged with concern. "Are you alright, Mingwa?"

Mingwa hesitated before nodding. "I'm fine," she said, though her voice was softer than usual. "Thank you for stepping in back there. I… didn't expect to run into them here."

Taewoo's eyes flickered with something unspoken as he looked at her. "You don't have to thank me," he said, his voice gentler now. "But don't let them get to you. Especially not him." There was a possessive edge to his words, one that surprised even him.

Mingwa met his gaze, searching for something in his expression. "Taewoo…" she began, but she trailed off, unsure of what she wanted to say.

Taewoo cut her off, his tone firm but not unkind. "Whatever happened between you and Euihyun, it's in the past. He doesn't get to affect you now. Not when I'm here."

Before Mingwa could respond, Taewoo leaned in, capturing her lips with his in a firm, almost desperate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away as their lips met, the intensity of the moment overshadowing everything else.

Mingwa's eyes fluttered shut as she responded to the kiss, her hands instinctively gripping the fabric of his suit jacket. The kiss was full of unspoken emotions—anger, protectiveness, and something she couldn't quite name. It was as if Taewoo was trying to claim her, to erase any lingering doubts she had about Euihyun and replace them with the certainty of his presence.

Taewoo's grip on her tightened, deepening the kiss as if he couldn't get enough. The flash of cameras went off around them, capturing the unexpected moment, but neither of them cared. All that mattered was the connection between them, the way their emotions collided in that single, heated kiss.

When they finally broke apart, both slightly breathless, Taewoo's eyes bore into Mingwa's, searching for something in her expression. "You're mine now, Mingwa," he said softly but with a conviction that left no room for doubt. "Don't forget that."

Mingwa stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, unable to form words. The intensity in his gaze, the sincerity in his voice—it was overwhelming. All she could do was nod, her thoughts still reeling from the kiss and the emotions it had stirred within her.

Taewoo didn't wait for her to respond further. He simply took her hand in his, holding it tightly as they continued down the red carpet.

By the time they had gotten away from the crowd, Mingwa had returned to her senses.

She suddenly stopped trying to break free from Taewoo's grip.

"Wait, you're hurting…Taewoo please let go of my hand.."

Taewoo sighed as he came to a halt, sighing softly as he turned to Mingwa.

"I've placed a mark, I'm sorry.."

Mingwa shook her head, thst wasn't the issue here, the issue was that why the he KISS her in front of everyone.

"Why? You didn't have to go that far to make our relationship look real. That kiss was uncalled for…"

Taewoo didn't say anything, he bit his lips angrily he didn't like the way Hyun Euihyun looked at Mingwa.

That kiss, that kiss…it was the beginning to the many ways he would make this woman his own.