He looked gentle?

The next morning, the headlines exploded across every major entertainment outlet. Mingwa's phone buzzed non-stop with notifications, and every article seemed to feature the same image—her and Moon Taewoo locked in that fiery kiss on the red carpet. The media frenzy had begun, and their moment had made them the most talked-about couple overnight.

*"Moon Taewoo and Kim Mingwa: The Kiss That Stole the Night!"*

*"Power Play or Real Romance? Inside the Kiss That Has Everyone Talking!"*

*"Moon Taewoo Claims Kim Mingwa With a Public Kiss: What Does It Mean?"*

Mingwa laid in bed, staring at her phone in disbelief. She had expected some attention, maybe a few rumors, but the kiss had sent everything spiraling out of control. Every outlet speculated about the nature of their relationship, dissecting every look, every touch, every word from the gala.

Her mind replayed the moment over and over—the way Taewoo had pulled her close, the intensity in his eyes before his lips crashed into hers. She could still feel the heat of the kiss, the possessiveness in his touch, and how she had instinctively responded without hesitation.

Her phone buzzed again—this time, it was Jihoon calling.

"Have you seen the news?" Jihoon's voice rang through the phone the moment she answered.

"How could I not? It's everywhere," she replied, her tone tired.

Jihoon chuckled, but there was a hint of disbelief in his voice. "I knew you'd be the talk of the night, but damn, Mingwa. That kiss was something else. It's all anyone's talking about."

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. Taewoo just… did it."

"Well, whatever it was, it worked. Everyone's convinced you two are the real deal."

"That's the problem," she muttered. "It's starting to feel too real."

Before Jihoon could respond, her phone lit up with another call—this time from Hyeri. She let it ring for a moment before answering.

"Mingwa!" Hyeri's voice was laced with excitement. "You and Taewoo are everywhere! That kiss was perfect—it looked so real! I knew this plan would work."

Mingwa forced a smile, even though Hyeri couldn't see it. "Yeah, real," she echoed. "It's all going according to plan."

But the truth was, Mingwa wasn't sure if it was all an act anymore. The way Taewoo had kissed her, the intensity of his words afterward—it didn't feel fake. And that scared her.

Hyeri kept talking, but Mingwa's thoughts were elsewhere, drifting back to the night before, to Taewoo's possessive grip on her, his lips on hers. What had started as a business arrangement was turning into something far more complicated, and she wasn't sure how to handle it.

After hanging up with Hyeri, Mingwa scrolled through more of the headlines, her stomach twisting. Every article dissected their relationship, analyzing every photo from the gala, from the moment they stepped out of the car to the kiss. The media had officially labeled them the "it" couple, and there was no going back now.

She stared at the ceiling, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion. She wasn't even sure how she felt about Taewoo anymore. She had gone along with this for the sake of her career, but now her emotions were tangled up in something she hadn't anticipated.

As if on cue, her phone buzzed again—this time, a message from Taewoo:

*"We need to talk."*

Mingwa's heart skipped a beat. She knew this conversation was inevitable. What had happened last night had changed everything?

Mingwa sat by the window, looking out at the city to think after receiving Taewoo's text. His message had been brief, but direct: *"I'll send my driver to pick you up. Be ready in 20 minutes."*

True to his word, a sleek black car pulled up outside her building, and she quickly made her way downstairs, her mind spinning. What could Taewoo want now? After the drama of the night before, she wasn't sure what to expect.

The drive to his mansion was smooth, but felt oddly quiet. Mingwa's thoughts kept drifting back to the kiss—the way Taewoo had pulled her into him in front of everyone. She still wasn't sure what had driven him to do it. He had been possessive and protective in ways that confused her. She reminded herself that this was all supposed to be fake, yet everything felt more real with each passing moment.

When the car stopped at the grand gates of his mansion, her breath caught in her throat. The house was even more impressive than she had imagined—an architectural masterpiece nestled in the hills, surrounded by lush gardens.

As she stepped out of the car, she was greeted by a butler, who bowed slightly. "Good afternoon, Miss Kim. Master Moon is waiting for you in the garden. He has requested tea."

Mingwa nodded, feeling a little out of place. "The garden?"

"Yes, Miss. Just walk down the corridor, and at the next left, you will see the garden."

She thanked him and followed his directions, walking through the mansion's elegant halls. The soft sounds of her footsteps echoed against the polished marble floors. Everything about this place screamed luxury, from the crystal chandeliers to the immaculate décor. It was surreal to think that she was here, in Moon Taewoo's home, after everything that had happened.

Finally, she turned the corner and reached the garden. What she saw stopped her in her tracks.

Moon Taewoo was seated at a small, intricately carved wooden table, a book in his hands. The sun bathed him in a warm glow, illuminating his sharp features and making his blonde hair shimmer in the light. He looked utterly relaxed, his eyes moving slowly across the pages. It was a rare sight—one she had never imagined seeing. Taewoo, the powerful, commanding CEO, completely at ease, lost in the world of his book.

Mingwa stood there, frozen, captivated by the peaceful image before her. She had seen him in many lights—confident, fierce, protective—but never like this. It was almost… gentle.

After a moment, Taewoo's voice broke through the silence, low and teasing. "How long are you going to keep staring?" He didn't look up from his book, but a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Mingwa blinked, startled. She hadn't realized she had been standing there, openly gawking. "I—I wasn't staring," she stammered, quickly regaining her composure. "Just… surprised."

Taewoo finally looked up, his gaze meeting hers, the smirk still on his lips. "Surprised by what? That I read books, or that you've never seen me like this?"