Chapter 14: Achievement Unlocked


Fish-man island

The Beast Pirates had arrived at Fish-Man Island, their imposing presence felt throughout the underwater kingdom. With Kaido leading the way, flanked by Jack, the Fish-Man Island citizens and soldiers dared not cause a commotion. Their fear was palpable, and Kaido could sense the tension in the air as they walked through the coral streets.

Though the people of Fish-Man Island tried to continue their daily lives, Kaido's sharp eyes caught sight of a group of fish-Man and Mermen soldiers trailing them from a distance, clearly keeping a close watch on the Beast Pirates. Kaido didn't care. These soldiers were no threat to him or his crew, they were just doing there job,it's good that there wasn't must commotion like when luffy came, even king invite him to Castle.He paid them no mind as they continued on, the underwater lights of Fish-Man Island casting a dim glow around them.

During the party I got to know my bounty has increased from 102 million belly to 600 million belly for trying to kill Navy rear-admiral I mean how can world level organization lie so easily aren't they affarid of people protest , huh, I guess not, just like there master if some one try to raise there voice they will destroy whole nation,(._.) this world is really fucked up.

After party at resturant watching Alber , jack and queen fight and dance, Night soon fell, and while the Beast Pirates were fast asleep, resting after their long journey, Kaido remained awake. Quietly, he left the restaurant and ventured into the darkness, his footsteps echoing lightly through the empty streets. His destination was the Sea Forest, a place of ancient relics and forgotten history, where the legendary apology message from Joy Boy to mermaid queen was etched on the stones.

But Kaido wasn't interested in Joy Boy's apology. His true concern was the red Poneglyph hidden within the Sea Forest. The Poneglyphs were essential to finding the One Piece, and this particular one had been on his mind for a while. He knew it was valuable, and in his previous life rumors had been swirling about Hinokizu, the mysterious figure known as "Burn Scar," planning to steal it.

Kaido's mind raced as he walked towards the moonlit forest, his towering frame moving silently among buliding of fish man island. *Is it still there?* he wondered. *Or has it already been stolen?* If the Poneglyph was gone, it would complicate his plans significantly.

As Kaido neared the hidden location of the Poneglyph, he felt a presence approaching him. His instincts sharpened, and he stopped in his tracks, waiting for whoever dared to come near. Soon, a large figure emerged from the shadows—an imposing Fish-Man with salmon-pink skin, round eyes, and a flat nose. His broad and muscular physique was impressive, but in front of Kaido, even he appeared small.

The Fish-Man's voice was cautious but firm. "Mr. Kaido, it's an honor for Fish-Man Island to have you. But may I know why you're headed towards the restricted area at this time of night?"

Kaido looked at him with amusement, a smirk forming on his face. "Worororo! Fish-Man, what's your name?" he asked, his voice booming in the quiet night.

"My name is Tiger," the Fish-Man replied, standing tall despite the clear tension in the air.

Kaido's grin widened. "Let me tell you something, Tiger. Rules are for the weak to follow. Who has the power to restrict me from going anywhere I please?"

Tiger's expression tightened, but after taking a deep breath, he responded with determination. "I understand, Mr. Kaido. But still, can we follow you? To ensure that nothing is disturbed?"

Kaido's smile grew darker, amusement replaced by a dangerous edge. "Hahaha! And what would you do if I decided to destroy this place? Would you stop me?" Though his face remained smiling, the weight of Kaido's Conqueror's Haki suddenly pressed down on Tiger, making it hard to breathe.

Tiger felt his body tense under the overwhelming pressure, but his resolve held firm. He knew he was no match for Kaido, yet he couldn't afford to back down. His people were watching, and as a leader, he had to show strength. "I may not be able to stop you," Tiger admitted, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. "But I will fight to the last moment. And our king will flood this place if necessary. I'm sure you, a devil fruit user, wouldn't want that."

Kaido's eyes flashed with anger at the perceived threat. "Are you threatening me?" he growled, his face twisting into a look of fury. The air grew thick, and Tiger could feel the weight of death looming over him.

For a brief moment, Tiger thought his words had sealed his fate, that Kaido would kill him without a second thought. But he stood his ground, knowing that if he faltered, his people's pride would suffer. "I apologize if my words offended you, but I will defend this ancient castle with my life," Tiger said, his voice unwavering.

Then, without warning, Kaido's expression shifted. The anger melted away, replaced by laughter. "Worororo! You've got guts, Tiger! I like you! Why don't you join my pirate crew?"

Tiger blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden change in tone. Moments ago, he had been ready to face death, and now Kaido was laughing and offering him a place in his crew. "I… I'm grateful for the offer, Mr. Kaido," Tiger said, trying to regain his composure. "But I still wish to serve my people."

Kaido shrugged, still grinning. "As you wish. Your loss, anyway. But don't worry—I won't destroy anything. You can follow me if you want."

Without another word, Kaido turned and continued his walk towards the Sea Forest, his massive form disappearing into the shadows. Tiger, still trying to process what had just happened, looked around and saw that the soldiers who had accompanied him had all passed out from the pressure of Kaido's Haki. Knowing they would wake soon, Tiger gathered himself and followed after Kaido, determined to keep his promise to protect the ancient ruins.

Standing before the red stone, Kaido's eyes narrowed, he knew he is one step closer to his goal.

'Achievement unlocked: One Piece 1/4'
