Chapter 16: Raijin island Chaos


Raijin Island, Second Half of the Grand line

As the stormy skies of Raijin Island raged, Kaido created clouds beneath his feet and divided the battlefield into three distinct areas. Near the shore, the regular crew of the Beast Pirates clashed with the Navy soldiers. In the second area, King, Queen, and Akainu were locked in a fiery battle. Meanwhile, atop a large plateau, Kaido and Zephyr prepared for their own intense confrontation.

Kaido and Zephyr faced each other, their imposing figures towering over the battlefield. Zephyr, the Black Arm Admiral, assumed his boxing stance, showing no gaps in his defense. His muscles tightened, and the sound of his hardened body echoed through the air, "BwoooomGonggg!"

Bright black Haki covered his arms, demonstrating the mastery that earned him his fearsome reputation.

Kaido, on the other hand, gripped his new weapon—the mighty naginata. As he took his stance, the metallic hum of his weapon resonated, "BwoooomKiiiinn!" His Haki enveloped the blade, radiating the results of his relentless training.

Without hesitation, they charged at each other, the ground shaking under their immense power. The battle commenced with a ferocious intensity, both sides fighting to annihilate the other.

Kaido's attacks were brutal and swift, his cuts and swings slicing through the air with lethal precision. Meanwhile, Zephyr's deadly punches demonstrated his mastery of Rokushiki, the six martial arts techniques. His refined fighting style showcased why he had earned his position as one of the Navy's most respected instructors.

The clash of these two titans was relentless, each blow resonating like thunder as the plateau trembled beneath their feet. Both warriors were determined to destroy their opponent, leaving no room for mercy on the battlefield.

Half an Hour Later

Area-1* Kaido crew v/s Navy group

As the Navy forces surrounded the Beast Pirates near the shore, they were met with an intimidating sight—Jack had transformed into his massive, towering mammoth form, while beside him, a hulking silverback gorilla pounded its fists on the ground, shaking the earth.

"Open fire!" shouted one of the Navy commanders. A barrage of bullets and cannonballs flew through the air, but it was like pebbles against a mountain. The projectiles bounced off Jack's thick hide and the gorilla's muscular body, leaving only small dents and scratches, which didn't slow them down in the least.

With a thunderous roar, the silverback gorilla slammed its fists into the ground, sending cracks through the earth. It charged forward like a wild bull, sweeping through the Navy soldiers like a force of nature. Soldiers swung their swords and aimed their rifles, but the beast tore through their ranks, knocking them aside like ragdolls.

Meanwhile, Jack's mammoth form let out a deafening bellow. His enormous tusks swept through the battlefield, sending dozens of Navy soldiers flying through the air. The sheer size of Jack made him unstoppable, and with each charge, the ground quaked beneath his feet. Navy soldiers scrambled, trying to dodge his massive feet as he trampled everything in his path.

A group of Marines tried to corner the mammoth, their swords raised high. "Take him down!" one officer shouted. But as they rushed in, Jack swung his head, and his tusks smashed through their formation, sending them flying like leaves in a storm.

The gorilla, not to be outdone, grabbed two Marines by their torsos, tossing them into a nearby tree like they weighed nothing. The Navy's desperate attempts to stop them were futile—bullets and blades were nothing more than a nuisance to these ancient beasts. Each attack only seemed to make them angrier, as they charged again, crushing the remaining soldiers like a stampede of bulls.

Amid the chaos, the Navy's morale began to waver. The sheer strength of Jack and the silverback was too much to withstand, and soon enough, they found themselves retreating, scattered by the unstoppable onslaught of Kaido's fearsome warriors.

The clash between Kaido's crew and the Navy was proving one-sided. The outcome became clear as there were no masters among the marines. Though a few decent fighters stood their ground, they were vastly outmatched by the barrage of attacks from the Beast Pirates. Ancient Zoans like Jack the Mammoth and predictor zoan like Wali the Silverback Gorilla overwhelmed the navy forces. Despite their numbers, the marines could only withstand so much, their lines holding simply due to Jack's youth and inexperience

Section 2:

On the other side of the battlefield, the situation was reversed. Despite their efforts, King and Queen were taking a beating from Akainu. The relentless onslaught of magma attacks forced them on the defensive, but their Zoan Devil Fruits and their incredible vitality allowed them to hang on.

"Captain, please save me! I'm going to die!" Queen screamed, his body ablaze as he flailed his tail, trying to extinguish the flames.

Section 3:

Kaido grinned, watching his subordinates struggle. "Hey, Zephyr, looks like my boys can't handle the heat from your magma boy. Let's wrap this up," he said, his tone mocking.

Although Kaido had taken more hits during the fight, he appeared calm, while Zephyr looked like he was fighting a nightmare. Zephyr had landed numerous blows, but all he managed to do was bruise Kaido. Every hit Kaido landed on Zephyr, however, felt like his muscles were being torn apart.

"What kind of Haki is this?" Zephyr growled, his fists trembling.

"Worororo! Go ask Garp, he'll tell you," Kaido taunted.

Zephyr gritted his teeth. "I don't need advice from a pirate like you! And while my fists may not be enough to break your thick hide, I'll throw you into the sea and drag you to Impel Down."

Kaido's grin widened. "Old man, there are thousands who've wanted to catch me, but here I am, standing in front of you. If you survive, maybe we'll meet again in these waters."

"Worororo, BwoooomZzzzzhhh!" Kaido's Conqueror's Haki exploded across the island, shaking the ground and intensifying the storm. Zephyr's expression turned grim as he realized just how dangerous Kaido was approaching on the level of Whitebeard. 'I have to put him down before he becomes an even bigger threat,' Zephyr thought.

"For justice!" Zephyr roared, determination flooding his voice as he rushed toward Kaido. The Beast Pirates' captain mirrored the move, charging forward like an unstoppable force.
