Falling Off hands

"Wow, that is shocking." Doctor Paige exclaimed when she was informed of the situation. 

And for a moment, she hung her head low as she thought of the next step to take. 

"Nurse, this woman is dying. She needs blood as soon as possible. Contact the nearby hospital and ask if they have her blood type available." Doctor Paige instructed a nurse. 

"Alright, Doctor. On it." The nurse replied to her and sprung into action, quickly. 

"Check the drip, is it flowing as it should?" Doctor Paige asked another nurse who was standing beside Evelyn's bed. 

"Yes, Doctor." The nurse replied after checking the drip. 

"Good. Let's do our best to keep her and the baby safe." Doctor Paige said to the nurses in the room, with her eyes trained on Evelyn. 

Evelyn's chest was heaving up and down weakly and slowly, and her lips were slightly parted. 

"Mom, it hurts so much." Evelyn mumbled under her breath, weakly. 

"Hang in there, ma'am. You can do it. You have to be strong for the sake of your baby." Doctor Paige said to an unconscious Evelyn. 



"How is that even possible? How is the child that I have been taking care of since birth, turned out to not be mine overnight?" Robert asked rhetorically. He was clenching his fists tightly and his eyes darted around the area in shock. 

He was outside the laboratory where he had gone for the blood test. Victoria was standing beside him, trying to placate him. But he was inconsolable. 

"What happened? How did that happen?" Robert spoke up again, his eyes were full of questions but the only one who could provide answers to them, was no more. That was Evelyn's mother. 

"So, I have been deceived all my life?" He added and let out a dry chuckle. Victoria heaved a deep sigh. 

"I am afraid you have been brutally deceived. Your wife deceived you." Victoria said, shaking her head. 

"No wonder Evelyn doesn't look like you at all. So, she isn't even your child. Wow, what a shock!" She stated more to herself. Her voice sounded as if she was enjoying the whole revelation but she looked bothered. So, it was hard to assess her stance. 

"Why? Why did she have to do this to me?" Robert gritted his teeth and couldn't stop shaking his head in disappointment. 

"Where do I start from now? Where do I turn to?" He asked himself, solemnly. His eyes were getting red and it seemed like he would break down at any moment. 

"You have me, Robert. You should know you can rely on me. I am going to help you make everything right." Victoria said to him, placing her hands on his shoulders, placatingly. 

"No, Victoria. It can never be right." Robert maintained, blinking his eyes. He was trying to trap in the tears that were stinging his eyes. He knew he shouldn't be seen crying in public like that. But he was failing to keep his tears in. 

"How do I handle this betrayal?" He muttered to himself and then walked out of the hospital. 

"Robert!" Victoria called out to him but he didn't stop. He just kept walking away. 

As Victoria wanted to go after him, a nurse stopped her. 

"What now?" Victoria yelled at the nurse. The nurse was taken aback but she recovered and pulled a straight face, trying to remain professional. 

"Are you not the guardian of one Evelyn Evan in the labor room?" The nurse inquired as polite as she could. 

"Not anymore." Victoria replied to her sharply. The nurse furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 

"Excuse me, what does that mean?" The nurse inquired. 

"Exactly what you think I meant." Victoria maintained sharply. 

"I really don't understand what you meant, ma'am. By the way, the doctor in charge of your daughter wants to see you." The nurse Informed her, feigning ignorance to what Victoria meant. 

"It's like this nurse's ears are not working well." Victoria mumbled to herself. Then she heaved a sigh and faced the nurse squarely. 

"Okay, what is wrong with her now? Did she give birth to a stillbirth or what?" Victoria asked. The insensitive question threw the nurse off balance and she gasped in utter shock. 

"This is definitely not her mother." The nurse noted inwardly while staring at Victoria in shock. 

"No. Actually, she has given birth to a bouncing baby girl." The nurse informed Victoria after recovering from the shock. She had managed to plaster on her face, a small smile. 

"How?" Victoria blurted out. 

"Let's say a miracle happened. God came through for her. Somehow, we were able to get a bag of blood from another blood bank and the doctor quickly performed a CS so the mother and her baby could be saved." The nurse explained to her. Victoria narrowed her eyes at the nurse in disbelief. 

"It is a good news." The nurse added, her smile growing bigger but she was seething inwardly. 

Victoria's face fell and she looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed by the announcement and the nurse's smile. 

"If you don't mind, please come with me." The nurse said to her. 


After meeting with the doctor, Victoria walked into the ward where Evelyn was. 

"She is still weak. She can't be disturbed." A nurse who was in the ward with Evelyn told Victoria. 

"I can see that. I just want to tell her something urgent." Victoria replied to the nurse, while her eyes were trained on Evelyn who was on the bed. 

"Okay. Please be quick about it. I will back in a jiffy. I want to go and check on her baby. " The nurse informed Victoria before leaving the ward. 

Victoria walked closer to Evelyn's bed and cleared her throat loudly. That got Evelyn to open her eyes slowly and look at her. 

"Evelyn, you know, there's nothing I can do, I am sorry to be the bearer of a bad news but you really need to know this." Victoria began with a sinister smirk.