Chapter Twenty-Three: Ryan

The tears in the universe that had started in London, above the Palace of Souls, had stretched all the way to Tyle Garw in Wales. When Ryan looked above him, his werewolf pupils dilating to let in more light and more color, he saw that the thunderous rain came from the rips in the universe.

It was supposed to be summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but the usual hot, sticky weather that plagued the United Kingdom and Ireland in July was nonexistent.

Instead, the air was frigidly cold, and frost had gathered quickly on the tree branches that surrounded Bethan’s home. White ice that was not quite snow, covered the tops of bushes, and every blade of grass was frozen.

The change had happened so quickly that Ryan was feeling whiplashed from it. But there was no time to dwell on the destructive weather. He had to defend his mates from the demons.